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H. Uchiyama, E. Marchand. Toward Augmenting Everything: Detecting and Tracking Geometrical Features on Planar Objects. In IEEE Int. Symp. on Mixed and Augmented Reality, ISMAR'11, Pages 17-25, Basel, Switzeland, Octobre 2011.

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This paper presents an approach for detecting and tracking various types of planar objects with geometrical features. We combine tra- ditional keypoint detectors with Locally Likely Arrangement Hash- ing (LLAH) [21] for geometrical feature based keypoint matching. Because the stability of keypoint extraction affects the accuracy of the keypoint matching, we set the criteria of keypoint selection on keypoint response and the distance between keypoints. In order to produce robustness to scale changes, we build a non-uniform im- age pyramid according to keypoint distribution at each scale. In the experiments, we evaluate the applicability of traditional keypoint detectors with LLAH for the detection. We also compare our ap- proach with SURF and finally demonstrate that it is possible to de- tect and track different types of textures including colorful pictures, binary fiducial markers and handwritings


Éric Marchand

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   Author = {Uchiyama, H. and Marchand, E.},
   Title = {Toward Augmenting Everything: Detecting and Tracking Geometrical Features on Planar Objects},
   BookTitle = {IEEE Int. Symp. on Mixed and Augmented Reality, ISMAR'11},
   Pages = {17--25},
   Address = {Basel, Switzeland},
   Month = {October},
   Year = {2011}

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