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F. Pasteau, V. Karakkat-Narayanan, M. Babel, F. Chaumette. A visual servoing approach for autonomous corridor following and doorway passing in a wheelchair. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, SI on Assistive Robotics, 75, part A:28-40, Janvier 2016.

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Navigating within an unknown indoor environment using an electric wheelchair is a challenging task, especially if the user suffers from severe disabilities. In order to reduce fatigability and increase autonomy, control architectures have to be designed that would assist users in wheelchair navigation. We present a framework for vision-based autonomous indoor navigation in an electric wheelchair capable of following corridors, and passing through open doorways using a single doorpost. Visual features extracted from cameras on board the wheelchair are used as inputs for image based controllers built-in the wheelchair. It has to be noted that no a-priori information is utilized except for the assumption that the wheelchair moves in a typical indoor environment while the system is coarsely calibrated. The designed control schemes have been implemented onto a robotized wheelchair and experimental results show the robust behaviour of the designed system


Vishnu Karakkat-Narayanan
Marie Babel
François Chaumette

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   Author = {Pasteau, F. and Karakkat-Narayanan, V. and Babel, M. and Chaumette, F.},
   Title = {A visual servoing approach for autonomous corridor following and doorway passing in a wheelchair},
   Journal = {Robotics and Autonomous Systems, SI on Assistive Robotics},
   Volume = {75, part A},
   Pages = {28--40},
   Month = {January},
   Year = {2016}

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