E. Marchand, N. Courty. Visual servoing in computer Animation. What you want to see is really what you get !. Rapport de recherche IRISA, No 1310, Mars 2000.
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This paper presents an original solution to the camera control problem in a virtual environment. Our objective is to present a general framework that allows the automatic control of a camera in a dynamic environment. The proposed method is based on the image-based control or visual servoing approach. It consists in positioning a camera according to the information perceived in the image. This is thus a very intuitive approach of animation. To be able to react automatically to modifications of the environment, we also considered the introduction of constraints into the control. This approach is thus adapted to highly reactive contexts (virtual reality, video games). Numerous examples dealing with classic problems in animation are considered within this framework and presented in this paper
Author = {Marchand, E. and Courty, N.},
Title = {Visual servoing in computer Animation. What you want to see is really what you get !},
Number = {1310},
Institution = {IRISA},
Month = {March},
Year = {2000}
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