D. Lee, A. Krupa. Intensity-based visual servoing for non-rigid motion compensation of soft tissue structures due to physiological motion using 4D ultrasound. In IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS'11, Pages 2831-2836, San Francisco, USA, Septembre 2011.
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This paper presents a visual-servoing method for compensating motion of soft tissue structures using 4D ultra- sound. The motion of soft tissue structures caused by physiologi- cal and external motion makes it difficult to investigate them for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. The main goal is to track non-rigidly moving soft tissue structures and compensate the motion in order to keep a lesion on its target position during a treatment. We define a 3D non-rigid motion model by extending the Thin-Plate Spline (TPS) algorithm. The motion parameters are estimated with intensity-value changes of a points set in a tracking soft tissue structure. Finally, the global rigid motion is compensated with a 6-DOF robot according to the motion parameters of the tracking structure. Simulation experiments are performed with recorded 3D US images of in-vivo soft tissue structures and validate the effectiveness of the non-rigid motion tracking method. Robotic experiments demonstrated the success of our method with a deformable phantom
Author = {Lee, D. and Krupa, A.},
Title = {Intensity-based visual servoing for non-rigid motion compensation of soft tissue structures due to physiological motion using 4D ultrasound},
BookTitle = {IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS'11},
Pages = {2831--2836},
Address = {San Francisco, USA},
Month = {September},
Year = {2011}
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