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H. Hadj-Abdelkader, Y. Mezouar, P. Martinet, F. Chaumette. Catadioptric visual servoing from 3D straight lines. IEEE Trans. on Robotics, 24(3):652-665, Juin 2008.

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In this paper, we consider the problem of controlling a 6 DOF holonomic robot and a nonholonomic mobile robot from the projection of 3-D straight lines in the image plane of central catadioptric systems. A generic central catadioptric interaction matrix for the projection of 3-D straight lines is derived using an unifying imaging model valid for an entire class of cameras. This result is exploited to design an image-based control law that allows us to control the 6 DOF of a robotic arm. Then, the projected lines are exploited to control a nonholonomic robot. We show that as when considering a robotic arm, the control objectives are mainly based on catadioptric image feature and that local asymptotic con- vergence is guaranteed. Simulation results and real experiments with a 6 DOF eye-to-hand system and a mobile robot illustrate the control strategy


François Chaumette

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   Author = {Hadj-Abdelkader, H. and Mezouar, Y. and Martinet, P. and Chaumette, F.},
   Title = {Catadioptric visual servoing from 3D straight lines},
   Journal = {IEEE Trans. on Robotics},
   Volume = {    24},
   Number = {3},
   Pages = {652--665},
   Month = {June},
   Year = {2008}

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