A. Dame, E. Marchand. A new information theoretic approach for appearance-based visual path following. In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, ICRA'11, Pages 2459-2464, Shanghai, China, Mai 2011.
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In this paper we propose a new way to achieve a navigation task (visual path following) for a non-holonomic vehicle. We consider an image-based navigation process. We show that it is possible to navigate along a visual path without relying on the extraction, matching and tracking of geometric visual features such as keypoint. The new proposed approach relies directly on the information (entropy) contained in the image signal. We show that it is possible to build a control law directly from the maximisation of the shared information between the current image and the next key image in the visual path. The shared information between those two images is obtained using mutual information that is known to be robust to illumination variations and occlusions. Moreover the generally complex task of features extraction and matching is avoided. Both simulations and experiments on a real vehicle are presented and show the possibilities and advantages offered by the proposed method
Author = {Dame, A. and Marchand, E.},
Title = {A new information theoretic approach for appearance-based visual path following},
BookTitle = {IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, ICRA'11},
Pages = {2459--2464},
Address = {Shanghai, China},
Month = {May},
Year = {2011}
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