A.I. Comport, E. Marchand, F. Chaumette. Object-based visual 3D tracking of articulated objects via kinematic sets. In IEEE Workshop on Articulated and Non-Rigid Motion, Washington DC, Juin 2004.
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A theoretical framework based on robotics techniques is introduced for visual tracking of parametric non-rigid multi-body objects. It is based on an a-priori model of the object including a general mechanical link description. The objective equation is defined in the object-based coordinate system and non-linear minimization relates to the movement of the object and not the camera. This results in simultaneously estimating all degrees of freedom between the object s last known position relative to its previous position as well as internal articulated parameters. A new kinematic-set formulation takes into account that articulated degrees of freedom are directly observable from the camera and therefore their estimation does not need to pass via a kinematicchain back to the root. By doing this the tracking techniques are efficient and precise leading to real-time performance and accurate measurements. The system is locally based upon an accurate modeling of a distance criteria. A general method is derived for defining any type of mechanical link and experimental results show prismatic, rotational and helicoidal type links. A statistical M-estimation technique is applied to improve robustness. A monocular camera system was used as a real-time sensor to verify the theory
Éric Marchand
François Chaumette
Author = {Comport, A.I. and Marchand, E. and Chaumette, F.},
Title = {Object-based visual 3D tracking of articulated objects via kinematic sets},
BookTitle = {IEEE Workshop on Articulated and Non-Rigid Motion},
Address = {Washington DC},
Month = {June},
Year = {2004}
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