F. Chaumette, E. Marchand. A new redundancy-based iterative scheme for avoiding joint limits: application to visual servoing. In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, ICRA'00, Volume 2, Pages 1720-1725, San Francisco, USA, Avril 2000.
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We propose in this paper new redundancy-based solutions to avoid robot joint limits of a manipulator. We use a control scheme based on the task function approach. We first recall the classical gradient projection approach and we then present a far more efficient method that relies on the computation of motion that does not affect the task achievement and ensures the avoidance problem. We apply this new approach in a visual servoing application and we demonstrate on various real experiments the validity of the approach
[ Robotics ]
François Chaumette
Éric Marchand
Author = {Chaumette, F. and Marchand, E.},
Title = {A new redundancy-based iterative scheme for avoiding joint limits: application to visual servoing},
BookTitle = {IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, ICRA'00},
Volume = { 2},
Pages = {1720--1725},
Address = {San Francisco, USA},
Month = {April},
Year = {2000}
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