G. Caron, E. Marchand, E. Mouaddib. Model Based Pose Estimation For Omnidirectional Stereovision. In IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS'09, Pages 5228-5233, St Louis, USA, Octobre 2009.
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Robot vision has a lot to win as well with wide field of view induced by catadioptric cameras as with redundancy brought by stereovision. Merging these two characteristics in a single sensor has been obtained by combining a single camera and multiple mirrors. This paper proposes a 3D model tracking algorithm that allows a robust tracking of 3D objects using stereo catadioptric images given by this sensor. The presented work relies on an adapted virtual visual servoing approach, a non-linear pose computation technique. The model take into account central projection and multiple mirrors. Results show robustness in illumination changes, mistracking and even higher robustness with four mirrors than with two
Author = {Caron, G. and Marchand, E. and Mouaddib, E.},
Title = {Model Based Pose Estimation For Omnidirectional Stereovision},
BookTitle = {IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS'09},
Pages = {5228--5233},
Address = {St Louis, USA},
Month = {October},
Year = {2009}
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