N. Alt, P. Rives, E. Steinbach. Reconstruction of transparent objects in unstructured scenes with a depth camera. In IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing, ICIP'13, Melbourne, Australia, Septembre 2013.
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The visual 3D reconstruction of transparent objects in unstructured scenes is challenging due to the complex image formation principles underlying their visual appearance. Most state-of-the-art reconstruc- tion methods ignore this problem and assume Lambertian reflection. Yet, transparent objects are relevant scene information for applica- tions in intelligent robotics (such as grasping) or virtual reality. In this work, we present an approach to detect non-planar transparent objects, like bottles or glasses, by specifically searching for geom- etry inconsistencies caused by refraction or reflection. Depth infor- mation is acquired using a Kinect sensor, which is moved within the scene in order to acquire multiple views. The individual measure- ments are combined into a 3D volume, yielding the objects' loca- tion and a rough shape estimate. Results are presented using various household objects made of glass or plastic
Author = {Alt, N. and Rives, P. and Steinbach, E.},
Title = {Reconstruction of transparent objects in unstructured scenes with a depth camera},
BookTitle = {IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing, ICIP'13},
Publisher = {IEEE},
Address = {Melbourne, Australia},
Month = {September},
Year = {2013}
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