open BinNums open Coqlib open Datatypes open Iteration open Kildall open List0 open ListSet open Maps open SSA (* We follow AC implemention as proposed by Zhao and Zdancewic in [CPP12]. *) (** val incl_dec : ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 list -> 'a1 list -> bool **) let rec incl_dec hdec l1 l2 = match l1 with | [] -> true | a :: l3 -> if in_dec hdec a l2 then incl_dec hdec l3 l2 else false module AtomSet = struct (** val set_eq_dec : ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 set -> 'a1 set -> bool **) let set_eq_dec hdec l1 l2 = let s = incl_dec hdec l1 l2 in if s then incl_dec hdec l2 l1 else false end module Dominators = struct type t = node set option (** val eq_dec : t -> t -> bool **) let eq_dec x y = match x with | Some s -> (match y with | Some s0 -> AtomSet.set_eq_dec peq s s0 | None -> false) | None -> (match y with | Some s -> false | None -> true) (** val beq : t -> t -> bool **) let beq x y = if eq_dec x y then true else false (** val top : t **) let top = Some empty_set (** val bot : t **) let bot = None (** val lub : t -> t -> t **) let lub x y = match x with | Some cx -> (match y with | Some cy -> Some (set_inter peq cx cy) | None -> x) | None -> y (** val add : t -> node -> t **) let add x a = match x with | Some cx -> Some (a :: cx) | None -> None (** val lubs : t list -> t **) let lubs pds = fold_left (fun acc p -> lub acc p) pds bot end module type NODE_SET = sig type t val add : node -> t -> t val pick : t -> (node * t) option val initial : node list PTree.t -> t end module Dataflow_Solver_Var_Top = functor (NS:NODE_SET) -> struct module L = Dominators type state = { st_in : L.t PMap.t; st_wrk : NS.t } (** val state_rect : (L.t PMap.t -> NS.t -> 'a1) -> state -> 'a1 **) let state_rect f s = let { st_in = x; st_wrk = x0 } = s in f x x0 (** val state_rec : (L.t PMap.t -> NS.t -> 'a1) -> state -> 'a1 **) let state_rec f s = let { st_in = x; st_wrk = x0 } = s in f x x0 (** val st_in : state -> L.t PMap.t **) let st_in s = s.st_in (** val st_wrk : state -> NS.t **) let st_wrk s = s.st_wrk (** val start_state_in : (node * L.t) list -> L.t PMap.t **) let rec start_state_in = function | [] -> PMap.init | p :: rem -> let (n, v) = p in let m = start_state_in rem in PMap.set n (L.lub (PMap.get n m) v) m (** val start_state : node list PTree.t -> (node * L.t) list -> state **) let start_state successors entrypoints = { st_in = (start_state_in entrypoints); st_wrk = (NS.initial successors) } (** val propagate_succ : state -> L.t -> node -> state **) let propagate_succ s out n = let oldl = PMap.get n (st_in s) in let newl = L.lub oldl out in if L.beq oldl newl then s else { st_in = (PMap.set n newl (st_in s)); st_wrk = (NS.add n (st_wrk s)) } (** val propagate_succ_list : state -> L.t -> node set -> state **) let rec propagate_succ_list s out = function | [] -> s | n :: rem -> propagate_succ_list (propagate_succ s out n) out rem (** val step : node list PTree.t -> (node -> L.t -> L.t) -> state -> (L.t PMap.t, state) sum **) let step successors transf s = match NS.pick (st_wrk s) with | Some p -> let (n, rem) = p in Coq_inr (propagate_succ_list { st_in = (st_in s); st_wrk = rem } (transf n (PMap.get n (st_in s))) (successors_list successors n)) | None -> Coq_inl (st_in s) (** val fixpoint : node list PTree.t -> (node -> L.t -> L.t) -> (node * L.t) list -> L.t PMap.t option **) let fixpoint successors transf entrypoints = PrimIter.iterate (step successors transf) (start_state successors entrypoints) end module AtomNodeSet = struct type t = node set (** val add : node -> t -> t **) let add n s = set_add peq n s (** val pick : t -> (node * positive set) option **) let pick = function | [] -> None | n :: s' -> Some (n, (set_remove peq n s')) (** val initial : node list PTree.t -> t **) let initial successors = PTree.fold (fun s pc scs -> add pc s) successors empty_set end module DomDS = Dataflow_Solver_Var_Top(AtomNodeSet) (** val transfer : node -> Dominators.t -> Dominators.t **) let transfer lbl before = Dominators.add before lbl (** val dom_compute : coq_function -> Dominators.t PMap.t **) let dom_compute f = match DomDS.fixpoint (successors_map f) transfer ((f.fn_entrypoint, :: []) with | Some res -> res | None -> PMap.init (** val test_dom : Dominators.t PMap.t -> node -> node -> bool **) let test_dom m d n = match PMap.get n m with | Some l -> proj_sumbool (in_dec peq d l) | None -> true