Module WCETSlice

Correctness proof for the program slicing.

Require Import Bool.
Require Import BinPos.
Require Import List.
Require Import TheoryList.
Require Import Arith.
Require Import FSetProperties.
Require Import Program.

Require Import Coqlib.
Require Import Integers.
Require Import Errors.
Require Import Globalenvs.
Require Import AST.
Require Import RTL.
Require Import Maps.
Require Import Registers.
Require Import Values.
Require Import Memory.
Require Import Events.
Require Import Op.
Module RegsetF := FSetFacts.Facts(Regset).

Require Import Utils.
Require Import ValueAnalysis.
Require Import UtilTacs.
Require Import UtilLemmas.
Require Import UtilBase.
Require Import RTLWfFunction.
Require Import RTLPaths.
Require Import VarsUseDef.
Require Import SliceObs.
Require Import SliceRelVar.
Require Import SliceGen.
Require Import SliceObs_proof.
Require Import SliceRelVar_proof.
Require Import SliceScopeExits_proof.
Require Import Scope.
Require Import Sliceproof.
Require Import SliceRegVint.
Require Import SliceAgree.
Require Import Counter.
Require Import WeakSimulation.
Require Import CountingSem.
Require Import SliceCFG.
Require Import HeaderBounds.

Notation all_counters := (counter * counter)%type.

Definition counter_eq (nc : t_criterion) (cs cs' : counter) :=
  cs # nc = cs' # nc.

Lemma counter_eq_refl:
  forall nc cs,
    counter_eq nc cs cs.
  unfold counter_eq; auto.

Lemma counter_eq_sym:
  forall nc cs cs',
    counter_eq nc cs cs' -> counter_eq nc cs' cs.
  unfold counter_eq; auto.

Lemma counter_eq_trans:
  forall nc cs cs' cs'',
    counter_eq nc cs cs' -> counter_eq nc cs' cs'' -> counter_eq nc cs cs''.
  unfold counter_eq; intros.
  rewrite H; auto.

Inductive initial_state rs m (f : function) (nc : t_criterion) : cstate -> Prop :=
| i_init:
      initial_state rs m f nc (init_st f rs m).

Inductive final_state (f : function) (crit : t_criterion) : cstate -> all_counters -> Prop :=
| i_final:
      pc cs cs' rcs rcs' rs m
      (COUNTERS: counter_eq crit cs cs')
      (RCOUNTERS: counter_eq crit rcs rcs'),
      final_state f crit (CST (State pc rs m) cs rcs) (cs', rcs').

Definition i_semantics rs m (f : function) (crit : t_criterion) (fsc : f) (sp : val) (ge : Genv.t fundef unit) : T_semantics (all_counters) :=
  Semantics (fun ge => cstep ge f fsc sp) (initial_state rs m f crit) (final_state f crit) ge.


  Variable f : function.
  Variable exit_n : node.
  Variable reg_vint : reg.
  Hypothesis WFF: check_wf f = OK (exit_n, reg_vint).
  Variable live : PMap.t Regset.t.
  Variable fsc : f.
  Variable nc : t_criterion.
  Variable tf : function.
  Variable of : obs_function.
  Hypothesis FOK: slice_function f nc fsc exit_n reg_vint = OK (tf, of).
  Let TFOK: transf_function nc exit_n reg_vint f fsc = OK tf.
    unfolds; unfolds; rw; auto.

  Notation counter_eq' := (counter_eq nc).
  Notation rvs of := (_rvs of).
  Notation s_obs of n := (obs (_s_dobs of) n).
  Notation entry f := f.(fn_entrypoint).
  Notation nobs' of := (nobs (_s_dobs of)).
  Notation nexit' of := (nexit (_dexit of)).
  Notation succ_node' := (succ_node f).
  Notation exit_n' := (_exit of).

  Notation reg_vint' := (_reg_vint of).
  Notation icond_true' := (icond_true reg_vint').
  Notation icond_false' := (icond_false reg_vint').

  Notation valid_rs' := (valid_rs f reg_vint').
  Notation valid_rs_t' := (valid_rs tf reg_vint').

  Let EXIT_NO_SUCC : forall s : RTL.node, ~ succ_node' exit_n' s.
    eapply exit_no_succ; eauto.

  Lemma exit_no_entry:
    entry f <> exit_n'.
    intro CONTRA.
    exploit entry_inst; eauto.
    intros EINST.
    destruct EINST as (s & EINST).
    rewrite CONTRA in EINST.
    exploit exit_no_succ; eauto.
    eexists; eauto.

  Notation in_slice_dec pc of := (List.In_dec positive_eq_dec pc of.(_slice_nodes)).

  Definition tfsc : tf := (transf_family FOK).

  Lemma transf_exited_scopes: exited_scopes tfsc = exited_scopes fsc.
    unfold tfsc.
    apply transf_exited_scopes.
  Notation inc_r_counter' := (inc_r_counter f fsc).
  Notation inc_r_counter_t' := (inc_r_counter tf tfsc).

  Notation inc_r'_counter' := (inc_r'_counter f fsc).
  Notation inc_r'_counter_t' := (inc_r'_counter tf tfsc).

  Definition update_state_counters (f : function) (fsc : f) (pc : node) (s : cstate) : cstate :=
    match s with
      | CST (State pc' rs m) cs rcs =>
        let cs' := inc_counter pc cs in
        let rcs' := inc_r_counter f fsc pc pc' rcs in
        (CST (State pc' rs m) cs' rcs')

  Notation update_state_counters' := (update_state_counters f fsc).
  Notation update_state_counters_t' := (update_state_counters tf tfsc).

  Variable ge : genv.
  Variable sp : val.

  Notation cstep' := (fun ge => cstep ge f fsc sp).
  Notation cstep_t' := (fun ge => cstep ge tf tfsc sp).

Hint Immediate counter_eq_refl.
Hint Immediate counter_eq_sym.
Hint Immediate counter_eq_trans.
  Notation rvs_agree' := (rvs_agree f of).

  Inductive match_states : cstate -> cstate -> Prop :=
  | ms1:
    forall pc cs rcs cs' rcs' rs rs' o m m'
      (COUNTERS: counter_eq' cs cs')
      (RCOUNTERS: counter_eq' rcs rcs')
      (PC_IN: In pc of.(_slice_nodes))
      (OBSPC: s_obs of pc = Some o)
      (VRS: pc = (fn_entrypoint f) -> rs = rs')
      (AGREE: rvs_agree' pc (rvs of pc) rs rs' m m'),
      match_states (CST (State pc rs m) cs rcs) (CST (State pc rs' m') cs' rcs')
  | ms2:
    forall pc pc' cs rcs cs' rcs' rs rs' o m m'
      (COUNTERS: counter_eq' cs cs')
      (RCOUNTERS: counter_eq' rcs rcs')
      (PC_OUT: ~ In pc of.(_slice_nodes))
      (PC'_OUT: ~ In pc' of.(_slice_nodes))
      (OBSPC: s_obs of pc = Some o)
      (OBSPC': s_obs of pc' = Some o)
      (AGREE: rvs_agree' pc' (rvs of pc) rs rs' m m')
      (VRS: rs # reg_vint' = Vint
      (VRS': rs' # reg_vint' = Vint,
      match_states (CST (State pc rs m) cs rcs) (CST (State pc' rs' m') cs' rcs')
  | ms3:
    forall pc rs rs' m m' cs rcs cs' rcs'
      (COUNTERS: counter_eq' cs cs')
      (RCOUNTERS: counter_eq' rcs rcs')
      (VRS: rs # reg_vint' = Vint
      (VRS': rs' # reg_vint' = Vint
      (OBS: s_obs of pc = None),
      match_states (CST (State pc rs m) cs rcs) (CST (State exit_n' rs' m') cs' rcs').


  Lemma f_unique_return:
    forall n n' o1 o2,
      f.(fn_code) ! n = Some (Ireturn o1) ->
      f.(fn_code) ! n' = Some (Ireturn o2) ->
      n = n'.
    assert (FIN: f_In n f).
      unfolds; intro; trim.
    assert (FIN': f_In n' f).
      unfolds; intro; trim.
    gen (return_no_succ _ _ _ H).
    gen (return_no_succ _ _ _ H0).
    dup FOK UNIQ.
    apply exit_unique with (n := n) in UNIQ; auto.
    apply exit_unique with (n := n') in FOK; auto.
    subst; auto.

  Lemma transf_entry:
    tf.(fn_entrypoint) = f.(fn_entrypoint).
    eapply slice_preserves_entry; eauto.

  Lemma match_states_init_st: forall rs m,
    match_states (init_st f rs m) (init_st tf rs m).
    unfold init_st; intros.
    rewrite transf_entry; auto.
    apply ms1 with (o := entry f); auto.
    eapply entry_in_slice; eauto.
    eapply in_slice_s_obs_refl; eauto.
    eapply entry_in_slice; eauto.
    apply rvs_agree_refl.
    intro; trim.

  Lemma transf_initial_states:
    forall rs m st1, initial_state rs m f nc st1 ->
      exists st2, initial_state rs m tf nc st2 /\ match_states st1 st2.
    introsv INIT.
    inv INIT.
    exists (init_st tf rs m).
    apply i_init.
    apply match_states_init_st.

  Lemma transf_init_st:
    forall rs m, init_st tf rs m = init_st f rs m.
    unfold init_st.
    erewrite slice_preserves_entry; eauto.

  Lemma transf_valid_rs:
    forall pc rs,
      valid_rs' pc rs ->
      valid_rs_t' pc rs.
    unfold valid_rs.
    rewrite transf_entry; auto.

  Lemma transf_valid_rs':
    forall pc rs,
      valid_rs_t' pc rs ->
      valid_rs' pc rs.
    unfold valid_rs in H.
    rewrite transf_entry in H; auto.

  Let s_dobs_checker_ok:
    checked_nobs f nc exit_n' (_slice_nodes of) (nobs' of) (nexit' of).
    apply checked_nobs_wf; auto.
    eapply slice_ok_dobs_checker_true; eauto.

  Lemma transf_final_states:
    forall st1 st2 cs1 cs2 rcs1 rcs2
      (MS: match_states st1 st2)
      (CSEQ: counter_eq' cs1 cs2)
      (RCSEQ: counter_eq' rcs1 rcs2)
      (FINAL: final_state f nc st1 (cs1, rcs1)),
      final_state tf nc st2 (cs2, rcs2).
    inv FINAL.
    inv MS.
    Case "ms1".
      constructor; trim.
    Case "ms2".
      apply i_final.
      apply counter_eq_trans with (cs' := cs1); auto.
      apply counter_eq_trans with (cs' := cs); auto.
      apply counter_eq_trans with (cs' := rcs1); auto.
      apply counter_eq_trans with (cs' := rcs); auto.
    Case "ms3".
      apply i_final.
      apply counter_eq_trans with (cs' := cs1); auto.
      apply counter_eq_trans with (cs' := cs); auto.
      apply counter_eq_trans with (cs' := rcs1); auto.
      apply counter_eq_trans with (cs' := rcs); auto.

  Lemma transf_wf_cond_acc:
    wf_cond_acc f = true ->
    wf_cond_acc tf = true.
    unfold wf_cond_acc.
    apply ptree_forall_true; intros.
    assert (FIN: f_In i tf).
      unfolds; intro; trim.
    rewrite forallb_forall; intros n INS.
    unfold Pmem in *.
    optDecGN INST; trim.
    assert (SUCC: succ_node tf i n).
      unfold succ_node. eexists; eauto.
    eapply transf_succ' in SUCC; eauto.
    eapply succ_f_In' in SUCC; eauto.
    eapply transf_f_In' in SUCC; eauto.

  Lemma transf_wf_cond_entry:
    wf_cond_entry f = true ->
    wf_cond_entry tf = true.
    unfold wf_cond_entry.
    apply ptree_forall_true; intros.
    assert (FIN: f_In i tf).
      unfolds; intro; trim.
    rewrite forallb_forall; intros n INS.
    rewrite negb_true_iff.
    optDecG; trim.
    subst n.
    assert (SUCC: succ_node tf i (entry tf)).
      unfolds. eexists; eauto.
    eapply transf_succ' in SUCC; eauto.
    rewrite transf_entry in SUCC.
    destruct SUCC as [i'' [INST' INS']].
    eapply forall_ptree_true with (i := i) (x := i'') in H; eauto.
    rewrite forallb_forall in H.
    apply H in INS'.
    rewrite negb_true_iff in INS'.
    projInv INS'.

  Definition transf_instr (p : node) (i : instruction) : instruction :=
    if TheoryList.mem positive_eq_dec p (_slice_nodes of) then i else
      match i with
        | Icond cond args ifso ifnot => update_succs_icond reg_vint' p ifso ifnot (_s_dobs of) (_dexit of)
        | Ireturn o => Ireturn o
        | Itailcall sg fn args => Ireturn None
        | Ijumptable arg tbl => i
        | _ => match successor_instr i with
                 | Some s => Inop s
                 | None => i

  Lemma transf_f_instr:
    forall p i,
      (fn_code f) ! p = Some i ->
      (fn_code tf) ! p = Some (transf_instr p i).
    monadInv FOK.
    unfold transf_instr.
    unfold compute_bs_code; rewrite PTree.gmap; unfold option_map; rewrite H; auto.

  Notation in_slice_dec pc of := (List.In_dec positive_eq_dec pc of.(_slice_nodes)).

  Lemma transf_inc_r_counter:
    inc_r_counter_t' = inc_r_counter'.
    unfold inc_r_counter.
    rewrite transf_exited_scopes; auto.

  Lemma inc_r_counter_no_reset_in_slice_eq:
    forall pc pc' cs,
      (forall n, In n (exited_scopes fsc pc pc') -> n <> nc) ->
      pc <> nc ->
      counter_eq' (inc_r_counter' pc pc' cs) cs.
    unfold inc_r_counter.
    unfold counter_eq.
    rewrite reset_counters_inv_out; auto.
    rewrite inc_counter_old; trim.
    intro; trim.
    apply H in H1.

  Lemma inc_r_counter_no_reset_in_slice_eq':
    forall pc pc' cs,
      (forall n, In n (exited_scopes fsc pc pc') -> n <> nc) ->
      pc <> nc ->
      counter_eq' (inc_r_counter_t' pc pc' cs) cs.
    unfold inc_r_counter.
    unfold counter_eq.
    rewrite reset_counters_inv_out; auto.
    rewrite inc_counter_old; trim.
    intro; trim.
    rewrite transf_exited_scopes in H1.
    apply H in H1.

  Lemma silent_step_reset_none_in_slice:
    forall pc pc'
      (SUCC: succ_node f pc pc')
      (PC_OUT : ~ In pc (_slice_nodes of)),
      forall n,
        In n (exited_scopes fsc pc pc') -> n <> nc.
    intro. subst n.
    eapply scopes_wf_nc with (f := f) (fsc := fsc) (nc := nc) (pc' := pc') in PC_OUT; auto.
    unfolds in FOK.
    monadInv FOK; auto.
    apply EQ.
    unfolds in FOK.
    monadInv FOK; auto.
    unfolds in EQ.
    monadInv EQ.
    optDecN EQ1 DOBS; trim.
    optDecN EQ1 RVS; trim.
    optDecN EQ1 SCEX; trim.
    inv EQ1; auto.

  Lemma silent_step_reset_none_in_slice':
    forall pc pc'
      (SUCC: succ_node f pc pc')
      (PC_OUT : ~ In pc (_slice_nodes of)),
      forall n,
        In n (exited_scopes tfsc pc pc') -> n <> nc.
    intro. subst n.
    eapply scopes_wf_nc with (f := f) (fsc := fsc) (nc := nc) (pc' := pc') in PC_OUT; auto.
    rewrite transf_exited_scopes in H; trim.
    unfolds in FOK.
    monadInv FOK. apply EQ.
    generalize FOK; intros FOK'.
    monadInv FOK'.
    unfolds in EQ.
    monadInv EQ.
    optDecN EQ1 DOBS; trim.
    optDecN EQ1 RVS; trim.
    optDecN EQ1 SCEX; trim.
    subst x.
    injection EQ1.
    intros E; rewrite <- E; simpl.

  Lemma inc_counter_silent_step_eq:
    forall pc pc' cs
      (SUCC: succ_node f pc pc')
      (PC_OUT : ~ In pc (_slice_nodes of)),
      counter_eq nc (inc_counter pc cs) cs.
    unfold inc_counter.
    apply inc_counter_old.
    intro; subst.
    apply PC_OUT.
    eapply crit_in_slice with (f := f); eauto.

  Lemma inc_r_counter_silent_step_eq:
    forall pc pc' cs
      (SUCC: succ_node f pc pc')
      (PC_OUT : ~ In pc (_slice_nodes of)),
      counter_eq nc (inc_r_counter' pc pc' cs) cs.
    apply inc_r_counter_no_reset_in_slice_eq; auto.
    eapply silent_step_reset_none_in_slice; eauto.
    apply PC_OUT.
    eapply crit_in_slice with (f := f); eauto.

  Lemma inc_r_counter_silent_step_eq':
    forall pc pc' cs
      (SUCC: succ_node f pc pc')
      (PC_OUT : ~ In pc (_slice_nodes of)),
      counter_eq nc (inc_r_counter_t' pc pc' cs) cs.
    apply inc_r_counter_no_reset_in_slice_eq'; auto.
    eapply silent_step_reset_none_in_slice; eauto.
    apply PC_OUT.
    eapply crit_in_slice with (f := f); eauto.

  Lemma inc_r_counter_silent_step_eq_inv:
    forall pc pc' cs cs'
      (SUCC: succ_node f pc pc')
      (PC_OUT : ~ In pc (_slice_nodes of))
      (CEQ: counter_eq' (inc_r_counter' pc pc' cs) cs'),
      counter_eq' cs cs'.
    apply counter_eq_trans with (cs' := (inc_r_counter' pc pc' cs)); auto.
    apply counter_eq_sym.
    eapply inc_r_counter_silent_step_eq; eauto.

  Ltac MakeUse H :=
    match type of H with
      | (fn_code _) ! _ = Some (Inop _) => exploit use_Inop; exploit def_Inop; eauto; intros DEF USE
      | (fn_code _) ! _ = Some (Iop _ _ _ _) => exploit def_Iop; eauto; intros DEF
      | (fn_code _) ! _ = Some (Iload _ _ _ _ _) => exploit use_Iload; exploit def_Iload; eauto; intros DEF USE
      | (fn_code _) ! _ = Some (Istore _ _ _ _ _) => exploit use_Istore; exploit def_Istore; eauto; intros DEF USE
      | (fn_code _) ! _ = Some (Icall _ _ _ _ _) => exploit use_Icall; exploit def_Icall; eauto; intros DEF USE
      | (fn_code _) ! _ = Some (Itailcall _ _ _) => exploit use_Itailcall; exploit def_Itailcall; eauto; intros DEF USE
      | (fn_code _) ! _ = Some (Ibuiltin _ _ _ _) => exploit use_Ibuiltin; exploit def_Ibuiltin; eauto; intros DEF USE
      | (fn_code _) ! _ = Some (Icond _ _ _ _) => exploit def_Icond; eauto; intros DEF
      | (fn_code _) ! _ = Some (Ijumptable _ _) => exploit use_Ijumptable; exploit def_Ijumptable; eauto; intros DEF USE
      | (fn_code _) ! _ = Some (Ireturn _ ) => exploit use_Ireturn; exploit def_Ireturn; eauto; intros DEF USE

  Ltac renInst :=
    match goal with
      | [ H: (fn_code _) ! _ = Some _ |- _ ] => let N := fresh "INST" in rename H into N

  Lemma transf_icond_true_not_in_slice:
    forall pc cond args ifso ifnot d dc dc' o
      (PC_OUT : ~ In pc (_slice_nodes of))
      (INST' : (fn_code f) ! pc = Some (Icond cond args ifso ifnot))
      (NOBS : (nobs' of) ! pc = Some (S d, dc, o))
      (NOBS' : (nobs' of) ! ifso = Some (d, dc', o)),
      (fn_code tf) ! pc = Some (icond_true' ifso ifnot).
    eapply slice_transforms_Icond_true; eauto.

  Local Open Scope nat_scope.

  Lemma transf_icond_false_not_in_slice:
    forall pc cond args ifso ifnot d dc dc'' o
      (PC_OUT : ~ In pc (_slice_nodes of))
      (INST' : (fn_code f) ! pc = Some (Icond cond args ifso ifnot))
      (NOBS : (nobs' of) ! pc = Some (S d, dc, o))
      (NOBcstate : exists d', exists dc', (nobs' of) ! ifso = Some (d', dc', o) /\ (d' > d) \/ (nobs' of) ! ifso = None)
      (NOBS' : (nobs' of) ! ifnot = Some (d, dc'', o)),
      (fn_code tf) ! pc = Some (icond_false' ifso ifnot).
    decs NOBcstate.
    eapply slice_transforms_Icond_false; eauto.
    eapply slice_transforms_Icond_false with (d' := x) (dc'' := dc''); eauto.

  Ltac SlicePreserves H :=
    match type of H with
      | (fn_code _) ! _ = Some (Inop _) => eapply slice_preserves_Inop; eauto
      | (fn_code _) ! _ = Some (Iop _ _ _ _) => eapply slice_transforms_Iop; eauto
      | (fn_code _) ! _ = Some (Iload _ _ _ _ _) => eapply slice_transforms_Iload; eauto
      | (fn_code _) ! _ = Some (Istore _ _ _ _ _) => eapply slice_transforms_Istore; eauto
      | (fn_code _) ! _ = Some (Icall _ _ _ _ _) => eapply slice_transforms_Icall; eauto
      | (fn_code _) ! _ = Some (Itailcall _ _ _) => eapply slice_transforms_Itailcall; eauto
      | (fn_code _) ! _ = Some (Ibuiltin _ _ _ _) => eapply slice_transforms_Ibuiltin; eauto
      | (fn_code _) ! _ = Some (Icond _ _ _ _) => solve [eapply slice_transforms_Icond_true; eauto | eapply slice_transforms_Icond_false; eauto]

  Ltac FinishCsEq :=
    apply counter_eq_sym; eapply inc_counter_silent_step_eq; eauto; unfolds; eexists; split; eauto; simpl; auto.

  Ltac FinishRcsEq :=
    apply counter_eq_sym; eapply inc_r_counter_silent_step_eq'; eauto; unfolds; eexists; split; eauto; simpl; auto.

  Ltac FinishCountersEq :=
    split; [FinishCsEq | FinishRcsEq].
  Lemma silent_step_succ_in_slice:
      i m pc pc' cs rcs rs o dc dc'
      (PC_OUT : ~ In pc (_slice_nodes of))
      (SUCC'' : In pc' (successors_instr i))
      (INST : (fn_code f) ! pc = Some i)
      (IN' : In pc' (_slice_nodes of))
      (VRS: valid_rs' pc rs)
      (NOBS : (nobs' of) ! pc = Some (1, dc, o))
      (NOBSPC' : (nobs' of) ! pc' = Some (0, dc', o)),
    exists cs' : counter,
      exists rcs' : counter,
        plus cstep_t' ge (CST (State pc rs m) cs rcs) (CST (State o rs m) cs' rcs') /\
        counter_eq' cs cs' /\
        counter_eq' rcs rcs'.
    assert (pc' = o) by (symmetry; eapply nobs_zero_refl; eauto); subst o.
    destruct i; simpl in SUCC''; try (destruct SUCC''; trim; subst n);
    try (eexists; eexists; split; [apply plus_one; eapply cstep_def; eauto; apply exec_Inop; SlicePreserves INST |]);
    try FinishCountersEq.
    Case "Icond".
      destruct SUCC''.
      SCase "Icond_true (trivial)".
        subst n.
        eexists; eexists; split.
        apply plus_one.
        eapply cstep_def; eauto.
        eapply exec_Icond; eauto.
        eapply slice_transforms_Icond_true in INST; eauto.
        eapply eval_icond_true; eauto.
        eapply out_no_entry; eauto.
      SCase "Icond_false".
        destruct H; trim. subst n0.
        rename c into cond, l into args, n into ifso, pc' into ifnot.
        case_eq ((nobs' of) ! ifso); introsv NOBS'.
        SSCase "obs(ifso) = Some => 2 cas".
          destruct p as [[d dc''] o].
            assert (o = ifnot).
              eapply nobs_some_succ_eq; eauto.
              eexists; split; simpl; eauto; simpl; auto.
            subst o.
            destruct d.
            SSSCase "nobs(ifso) = (0, ifnot) => Icond_true".
              assert (ifso = ifnot).
                eapply nobs_zero_refl in NOBS'; eauto.
              subst ifso.
              eexists; eexists; split.
              apply plus_one.
              eapply cstep_def; eauto.
              eapply exec_Icond; eauto.
              eapply slice_transforms_Icond_true with (d := 0); eauto.
              eapply eval_icond_true; eauto.
              eapply out_no_entry; eauto.
            SSSCase "nobs(ifso) = (S n, ifnot)".
              eexists; eexists; split.
              apply plus_one.
              eapply cstep_def; eauto.
              eapply exec_Icond; eauto.
              eapply slice_transforms_Icond_false with (d := 0) (d' := S d); eauto.
              left; split; eauto.
              eapply eval_icond_false; eauto.
              eapply out_no_entry; eauto.
          SSCase "obs(ifso) = None => Icond_false".
            eexists; eexists; split.
            apply plus_one.
            eapply cstep_def; eauto.
            eapply exec_Icond; eauto.
            eapply slice_transforms_Icond_false with (d' := 0) (dc'' := 0); eauto.
            eapply eval_icond_false; eauto.
            eapply out_no_entry; eauto.
    Case "Ijumptable".
      eapply slice_includes_Ijumptable in INST; eauto; trim.

  Lemma cstep_succ:
    forall f fsc s a,
      cstep ge f fsc sp s a -> succ_node f (get_pc s) (get_pc a).
    inv H; simpl in *.
    eapply step0_succ_node; eauto.

  Lemma counter_eq_silent_step:
      pc pc' rs rs' m m' cs rcs cs' rcs' cs'' rcs''
      (CEQS : counter_eq' cs cs'')
      (RCEQS: counter_eq' rcs rcs'')
      (PC_OUT : ~ In pc (_slice_nodes of))
      (STEP : cstep' ge (CST (State pc rs m) cs rcs)
                         (CST (State pc' rs' m') cs' rcs')),
      counter_eq' cs' cs'' /\ counter_eq' rcs' rcs''.
    dup STEP SUCC. dup SUCC SUCC'.
    apply cstep_succ in SUCC'; simpls.
    dup SUCC CS; dup SUCC RCS.
    apply step_cs in CS.
    apply step_rcs in RCS.
    subst cs' rcs'.
    eapply counter_eq_trans. eapply inc_counter_silent_step_eq; eauto. auto.
    eapply counter_eq_trans. eapply inc_r_counter_silent_step_eq; eauto. auto.

  Lemma counter_eq_silent_step':
      pc pc' rs m cs rcs cs' rcs'
      (CEQS : counter_eq' (inc_counter pc cs) cs' /\
              counter_eq' (inc_r_counter_t' pc pc' rcs) rcs')
      (PC_OUT : ~ In pc (_slice_nodes of))
      (SUCC: succ_node f pc pc')
      (STEP : cstep_t' ge (CST (State pc rs m) cs rcs)
                         (update_state_counters_t' pc (CST (State pc' rs m) cs rcs))),
      counter_eq' cs cs' /\ counter_eq' rcs rcs'.
      destruct CEQS as [CEQ RCEQ].
      eapply counter_eq_trans.
      apply counter_eq_sym; eapply inc_counter_silent_step_eq; eauto; eexists; split; eauto; simpl; auto.
      eapply counter_eq_trans. apply counter_eq_sym; eapply inc_r_counter_silent_step_eq'; eauto; unfolds; eexists; split; eauto; simpl; eauto.

  Lemma cs_eq_step_eq:
    forall cs cs' pc,
      counter_eq' cs cs' ->
      counter_eq' (inc_counter pc cs) (inc_counter pc cs').
    unfold inc_counter.
    unfold counter_eq.
    destruct (positive_eq_dec nc pc).
    subst pc.
    repeat rewrite PMap.gss; auto.
    repeat rewrite PMap.gso; auto.

  Lemma rcs_eq_step_eq:
    forall rcs rcs' pc pc',
      counter_eq' rcs rcs' ->
      counter_eq' (inc_r_counter' pc pc' rcs) (inc_r_counter' pc pc' rcs').
    unfold inc_r_counter.
    unfold counter_eq.
    destruct (List.In_dec positive_eq_dec nc (exited_scopes fsc pc pc')).
    repeat rewrite reset_counters_inv_in; auto.
    repeat rewrite reset_counters_inv_out; auto.
    apply cs_eq_step_eq; auto.

  Lemma rcs_eq_step_eq':
    forall rcs rcs' pc pc',
      counter_eq' rcs rcs' ->
      counter_eq' (inc_r_counter' pc pc' rcs) (inc_r_counter_t' pc pc' rcs').
    unfold inc_r_counter.
    unfold counter_eq.
    destruct (List.In_dec positive_eq_dec nc (exited_scopes tfsc pc pc')).
    repeat rewrite reset_counters_inv_in; auto.
    rewrite transf_exited_scopes in *; auto.
    repeat rewrite reset_counters_inv_out; auto.
    apply cs_eq_step_eq; auto.

  Lemma cs_eq_inc_eq:
    forall cs cs' cs'' pc,
      counter_eq' cs cs' ->
      counter_eq' (inc_counter pc cs) cs'' ->
      counter_eq' (inc_counter pc cs') cs''.
    intros cs cs' cs'' pc EQ EQ'.
    unfold inc_counter in *.
    unfold counter_eq in *.
    destruct (positive_eq_dec nc pc).
    subst pc.
    repeat rewrite PMap.gss in *; auto.
    rewrite <- EQ. auto.
    rewrite <- EQ'.
    repeat rewrite PMap.gso; auto.

  Lemma rcs_eq_inc_eq:
    forall rcs rcs' rcs'' pc pc',
      counter_eq' rcs'' rcs ->
      counter_eq' (inc_r_counter_t' pc pc' rcs) rcs' ->
      counter_eq' (inc_r_counter' pc pc' rcs'') rcs'.
    intros rcs rcs' rcs'' pc pc' EQ EQ'.
    unfold inc_r_counter in *.
    unfold counter_eq in *.
    destruct (List.In_dec positive_eq_dec nc (exited_scopes tfsc pc pc')) as [IN|OUT].
    rewrite reset_counters_inv_in in *; auto.
    rewrite reset_counters_inv_out in *; auto.
    eapply cs_eq_inc_eq; eauto.

  Lemma valid_rs_ne:
    forall pc pc' rs,
      valid_rs' pc rs ->
      pc <> f.(fn_entrypoint) ->
        valid_rs' pc' rs.
    unfolds in H.
    intro; trim.

  Lemma silent_steps:
      d dc m pc cs rcs rs o
      (PC_OUT : ~ In pc (_slice_nodes of))
      (VRS: valid_rs' pc rs)
      (NOBSPC : (nobs' of) ! pc = Some (d, dc, o)),
      exists cs', exists rcs',
        (plus cstep_t' ge (CST (State pc rs m) cs rcs) (CST (State o rs m) cs' rcs')) /\
        counter_eq' cs cs' /\ counter_eq' rcs rcs'.
    induction d; intros.
    Case "d = 0 : distance until observable is zero => contradiction".
      eapply nobs_zero_in_slice with (f := f) (nc := nc) in NOBSPC; eauto.
    Case "d = S n".
      assert (NENTRY: pc <> (fn_entrypoint f)).
        intro. subst pc. apply PC_OUT. eapply entry_in_slice; eauto.
      dup NOBSPC NOBS.
      eapply nobs_non_zero_ex_succ in NOBSPC; eauto.
      destruct NOBSPC as [pc' [dc' [SUCC' NOBSPC']]].
      destruct (in_slice_dec pc' of).
      SCase "succ in slice => 1 step".
        clear IHd.
        dup NOBSPC' DIcstate.
        eapply nobs_in_slice_zero in DIcstate; eauto; trim. subst d.
        unfolds in SUCC'.
        destruct SUCC' as [i' [INST' SUCC'']].
        eapply silent_step_succ_in_slice; eauto.
      SCase "succ not in slice => plus step".
        dup SUCC' SUCCI.
        unfolds in SUCCI. destruct SUCCI as [i [I SUCCS]].
        destruct i; simpl in SUCCS; trim;
        try (
          destruct SUCCS; trim; subst n0;
          dup n HI;
          eapply IHd in HI; eauto);
          try (destruct HI as [cs' [rcs' [STEPS CEQS]]];
            assert (STEP_EX: cstep_t' ge (CST (State pc rs m) cs rcs) (update_state_counters_t' pc (CST (State pc' rs m) cs rcs))) by
              (eapply cstep_def; eauto; apply exec_Inop; SlicePreserves I);
            eexists; eexists; split;
            [eapply plus_left'; [apply STEP_EX | apply STEPS]
            |eapply counter_eq_silent_step'; eauto]
          try solve [apply STEP_EX];
          try (eapply valid_rs_ne; eauto).
        SSCase "Icond".
          destruct SUCCS.
          SSSCase "Icond_true".
            subst n0.
            dup PC_OUT H'.
            eapply transf_icond_true_not_in_slice in H'; eauto.
            dup n HI;
            eapply IHd in HI; eauto.
            destruct HI as [cs' [rcs' [STEPS CEQS]]];
            assert (STEP_EX: cstep_t' ge (CST (State pc rs m) cs rcs) (update_state_counters_t' pc (CST (State pc' rs m) cs rcs))).
              eapply cstep_def; eauto.
              eapply exec_Icond; eauto.
              eapply eval_icond_true; eauto.
            eexists; eexists; split;
            [eapply plus_left'; [apply STEP_EX | apply STEPS]
            |eapply counter_eq_silent_step'; eauto].
            apply STEP_EX.
            eapply valid_rs_ne; eauto.
          SSSCase "Icond_false".
            destruct H; trim.
            subst n1.
            dup SUCC' SUCC'_.
            rename n0 into ifso, pc' into ifnot.
            assert (SUCC: succ_node f pc ifso).
              now (exists (Icond c l ifso ifnot); split; simpl; auto).
            case_eq ((nobs' of) ! ifso); introsv NOBS'.
            destruct p as [[d' dc''] o'].
            assert (o' = o).
              eapply nobs_some_succ_eq with (pc := pc); eauto.
            subst o'.
            exploit nobs_succ_minus_one; eauto; introsv N1.
            unfolds in N1.
            destruct N1.
            SSSSCase "nobs ifso = nobs ifnot".
              destruct d.
              SSSSSCase "nobs(ifnot) = 0 (contradiction)".
                eapply nobs_zero_in_slice in NOBSPC'; eauto. contra.
              SSSSSCase "nobs(ifnot) > 0 -> ifso choisie".
                assert (IFSO_OUT: ~ In ifso (_slice_nodes of)).
                  now (eapply nobs_not_zero_not_in_slice; eauto).
                assert (ITRANSF: (fn_code tf) ! pc = Some (icond_true' ifso ifnot)).
                  eapply transf_icond_true_not_in_slice; eauto.
                dup IFSO_OUT HI;
                eapply IHd in HI; eauto; try (eapply valid_rs_ne; eauto);
                destruct HI as [cs' [rcs' [STEPS CEQS]]].
                assert (STEP_EX: cstep_t' ge (CST (State pc rs m) cs rcs) (update_state_counters_t' pc (CST (State ifso rs m) cs rcs))).
                  eapply cstep_def; eauto.
                  eapply exec_Icond; eauto.
                  eapply eval_icond_true; eauto.
                eexists; eexists; split;
                [eapply plus_left'; [apply STEP_EX | apply STEPS]
                |eapply counter_eq_silent_step'; eauto].
              apply STEP_EX.
            SSSSCase "nobs ifso > nobs ifnot -> ifnot chosen".
              assert (ITRANSF: (fn_code tf) ! pc = Some (icond_false' ifso ifnot)).
                eapply transf_icond_false_not_in_slice; eauto.
                exists (S m0). exists dc''. left. split; auto. lia2.
              dup n HI;
              eapply IHd in HI; eauto; try (eapply valid_rs_ne; eauto);
              destruct HI as [cs' [rcs' [STEPS CEQS]]].
              assert (STEP_EX: cstep_t' ge (CST (State pc rs m) cs rcs) (update_state_counters_t' pc (CST (State ifnot rs m) cs rcs))).
                eapply cstep_def; eauto.
                eapply exec_Icond; eauto.
                eapply eval_icond_false; eauto.
              eexists; eexists; split;
              [eapply plus_left'; [apply STEP_EX | apply STEPS]
              |eapply counter_eq_silent_step'; eauto].
              apply STEP_EX.
            SSSSCase "obs ifso = None => Inop ifnot".
              assert (ITRANSF: (fn_code tf) ! pc = Some (icond_false' ifso ifnot)).
                eapply transf_icond_false_not_in_slice; eauto.
                Existential 1 := 0.
                Existential 1 := 0.
              dup n HI;
              eapply IHd in HI; eauto; try (eapply valid_rs_ne; eauto);
              destruct HI as [cs' [rcs' [STEPS CEQS]]].
              assert (STEP_EX: cstep_t' ge (CST (State pc rs m) cs rcs) (update_state_counters_t' pc (CST (State ifnot rs m) cs rcs))).
                eapply cstep_def; eauto.
                eapply exec_Icond; eauto.
                eapply eval_icond_false; eauto.
              eexists; eexists; split;
              [eapply plus_left'; [apply STEP_EX | apply STEPS]
              |eapply counter_eq_silent_step'; eauto].
              apply STEP_EX.
        SSCase "Ijumptable (contradiction: should be in the slice)".
            eapply slice_includes_Ijumptable in I; eauto.

Hint Immediate succ_no_def_agree.

Lemma no_step_entry:
  forall f fsc pc rs m cs rcs rs' m' cs' rcs' exit_n reg_vint
    (WFF: check_wf f = OK (exit_n, reg_vint)),
    ~ cstep ge f fsc sp (CST (State pc rs m) cs rcs) (CST (State (entry f) rs' m') cs' rcs').
  apply cstep_succ in H.
  eapply wf_entry in H; eauto.

Lemma no_step_t_entry:
  forall pc rs m cs rcs rs' m' cs' rcs',
    ~ cstep ge tf tfsc sp (CST (State pc rs m) cs rcs) (CST (State (entry tf) rs' m') cs' rcs').
  apply cstep_succ in H.
  eapply transf_succ' in H; eauto.
  rewrite transf_entry in H.
  eapply wf_entry in H; eauto.

Lemma star_step_entry:
  forall f fsc s s' exit_n reg_vint
    (WFF: check_wf f = OK (exit_n, reg_vint)),
    star (fun ge => cstep ge f fsc sp) ge s s' ->
    get_pc s' = entry f ->
    s = s'.
  induction 2; intros; trim.
  destruct s3.
  simpls. rewrite H1 in *.
  specialize (IHstar eq_refl).
  subst s2.
  destruct get_st.
  simpls. subst pc.
  destruct s1. destruct get_st.
  eapply no_step_entry in H; eauto; trim.

Lemma star_step_t_entry:
  forall s s' exit_n reg_vint
    (WFF: check_wf f = OK (exit_n, reg_vint)),
    star (fun ge => cstep ge tf tfsc sp) ge s s' ->
    get_pc s' = entry tf ->
    s = s'.
  induction 2; intros; trim.
  destruct s3.
  simpls. rewrite H1 in *.
  specialize (IHstar eq_refl).
  subst s2.
  destruct get_st.
  simpls. subst pc.
  destruct s1. destruct get_st.
  eapply no_step_t_entry in H; eauto; trim.

Lemma no_plus_step_entry:
  forall pc rs m cs rcs rs' m' cs' rcs',
    ~ plus cstep' ge (CST (State pc rs m) cs rcs) (CST (State (entry f) rs' m') cs' rcs').
  inv H.
  eapply star_step_entry in H1; eauto.
  subst s2.
  eapply no_step_entry in H0; eauto; trim.

Lemma no_plus_step_t_entry:
  forall pc rs m cs rcs rs' m' cs' rcs',
    ~ plus cstep_t' ge (CST (State pc rs m) cs rcs) (CST (State (entry f) rs' m') cs' rcs').
  inv H.
  eapply star_step_t_entry in H1; eauto.
  subst s2.
  rewrite <- transf_entry in H0.
  eapply no_step_t_entry in H0; eauto; trim.
  rewrite transf_entry; auto.

Lemma no_entry_step:
  forall pc rs m cs rcs pc' rs' m' cs' rcs',
    cstep' ge (CST (State pc rs m) cs rcs) (CST (State pc' rs' m') cs' rcs') ->
    pc' <> entry f.
  intros; intro.
  subst pc'.
  eapply no_step_entry in H; eauto.

Auxiliary lemma for Iconds and Inops.
  Lemma nobs_no_def_step:
    forall cs rcs pc pc0 cs' rcs' pc' rs rs' m m' o
      (PC_OUT : ~ In pc (_slice_nodes of))
      (OBSPC : s_obs of pc = Some o)
      (VRS: rs # reg_vint' = Vint
      (SUCC : succ_node f pc pc')
      (PC'_OUT : ~ In pc0 (_slice_nodes of))
      (OBSPC' : s_obs of pc0 = Some o)
      (AGREE : rvs_agree' pc (rvs of pc) rs' rs m' m)
      (COUNTERS : counter_eq' cs cs')
      (RCOUNTERS : counter_eq' rcs rcs')
      (DEF : def f pc = Regset.empty),
      exists s2' : cstate,
        star cstep_t' ge
        (CST (State pc0 rs m) cs' rcs') s2' /\
        match_states (update_state_counters' pc (CST (State pc' rs' m') cs rcs)) s2'.
    destruct (in_slice_dec pc' of) as [IN_SC|OUT_SC].
    Case "succ in slice => plus step + ms1".
      apply s_obs_nobs in OBSPC'.
      apply s_obs_nobs in OBSPC.
      destruct OBSPC as [d [dc NOBS]].
      destruct OBSPC' as [d' [dc' NOBS']].
      assert (o = pc').
        eapply nobs_some_succ_eq_2 with (pc := pc); eauto.
      subst o.
      dup PC'_OUT OSO.
      eapply silent_steps in OSO; eauto.
      destruct OSO as [cs'' [rcs'' [STEPS [CEQ RCEQ]]]].
      eexists. split. apply plus_star. apply STEPS.
      apply ms1 with (o := pc'); auto.
      assert (f_In pc0 f).
        inv STEPS. apply cstep_succ in H. apply succ_f_In in H.
        eapply transf_f_In in H; eauto.
      unfold f_In in H. apply neq_none in H. decs H; simpls; auto.
      apply counter_eq_trans with (cs' := cs'); auto.
      apply counter_eq_trans with (cs' := cs); auto.
      eapply counter_eq_trans. eapply inc_counter_silent_step_eq; eauto. apply counter_eq_refl.
      apply counter_eq_trans with (cs' := rcs'); auto.
      apply counter_eq_trans with (cs' := rcs); auto.
      eapply counter_eq_trans. eapply inc_r_counter_silent_step_eq; eauto. apply counter_eq_refl.
      eapply in_slice_s_obs_refl; eauto.
      intro. subst pc'.
      apply no_plus_step_t_entry in STEPS; trim.
      eapply succ_no_def_agree; eauto.
      unfolds; auto.
    Case "succ not in slice => no_step + ms2".
      exists (CST (State pc0 rs m) cs' rcs'). split. apply star_refl.
      eapply ms2 with (pc' := pc0); eauto.
      apply counter_eq_trans with (cs' := cs); auto.
      eapply inc_counter_silent_step_eq; eauto.
      apply counter_eq_trans with (cs' := rcs); auto.
      eapply inc_r_counter_silent_step_eq; eauto.
      eapply obs_some_succ with (pc := pc); eauto.
      dup AGREE AGREE'.
      unfold rvs_agree in *.
      destruct AGREE as [VRS' [VRS'' AGREE]].
      unfold valid_rs in *.
      eapply out_no_entry in PC_OUT; eauto.
      dup PC_OUT NE.
      apply VRS' in NE.
      apply VRS'' in PC_OUT.
      split; auto.
      split; auto.
      eapply succ_no_def_agree; eauto.
      unfolds in AGREE.
      eapply out_no_entry in PC_OUT; eauto.
      destruct AGREE as [VRS' [VRS'' AGREE]].
      unfold valid_rs in *.
      apply VRS' in PC_OUT; auto.

  Lemma transf_f_preserves_instructions:
    forall pc i
      (INST : (fn_code f) ! pc = Some i)
      (PC_IN : In pc (_slice_nodes of)),
      (fn_code tf) ! pc = Some i.
    erewrite slice_preserves_instructions with (of := of); eauto.

  Lemma step_nexit_ge_minus_one:
      dx pc cs rcs rs m pc' cs' rcs' rs' m'
      (NEXIT : (nexit' of) ! pc = Some (S dx))
      (STEP : cstep' ge (CST (State pc rs m) cs rcs) (CST (State pc' rs' m') cs' rcs')),
      exists dx',
      (nexit' of) ! pc' = Some dx' /\ dx' >= dx.
    dup STEP SUCC'.
    apply cstep_succ in SUCC'; simpls.
    dup SUCC' SUCC.
    gen s_dobs_checker_ok as OBSC.
    apply checked_has_nexit with (n := pc') in OBSC; eauto.
    decs OBSC.
    gen s_dobs_checker_ok as OBSC.
    eapply checked_nexit_minus_one with (n := pc) (s := pc') in OBSC; eauto.
    eapply succ_f_In' in SUCC; eauto.

  Lemma none_step_t_nexit_minus_one:
      dx pc cs rcs rs m
      (FIN : f_In pc f)
      (NEXIT : (nexit' of) ! pc = Some (S dx))
      (VRS: valid_rs' pc rs)
      (OBS : s_obs of pc = None),
    exists s' : cstate,
     cstep_t' ge (CST (State pc rs m) cs rcs) s' /\
     s_obs of (get_pc s') = None /\ (nexit' of) ! (get_pc s') = Some dx.
    dup FIN EX.
    apply f_In_ex in EX.
    destruct EX as [i INST].
    assert (OUT: ~ In pc (_slice_nodes of)).
      eapply obs_none_not_in_slice; eauto.
    dup OBS NOBS. apply s_obs_nobs' in NOBS.
    gen s_dobs_checker_ok as OBSC.
    apply checked_nexit_ex_succ with (n := pc) (dx := dx) in OBSC; auto.
    destruct OBSC as [s [SUCC NEXIT']].
    dup SUCC OBS'.
    eapply obs_none_succ_none in OBS'; eauto.
    dup INST S.
    destruct i; eapply inst_succ_in in S; eauto; try subst n;
    try solve [eexists; split; [eapply cstep_def; eauto; apply exec_Inop; SlicePreserves INST | split; simpl; auto]]; trim.
    Case "Icond".
      rename c into cond, l into args, n into ifso, n0 into ifnot.
      destruct S; subst s.
      SCase "dexit(ifso) <= dexit(ifnot) -> true branch".
        eapply slice_transforms_Icond_none_true in INST; eauto.
        eapply cstep_def; eauto.
        eapply exec_Icond; eauto.
        eapply eval_icond_true; eauto.
        eapply out_no_entry; eauto.
        simpl; split; auto.
      SCase "dexit(ifnot) possibly < dexit(ifso)".
        dup INST INST'.
        case_eq ((nexit' of) ! ifso); introsv NEXIT''.
        gen s_dobs_checker_ok as OBSC.
        apply checked_nexit_minus_one with (n := pc) (dx := dx) (s := ifso) (dx' := n) in OBSC; auto.
        assert (n > dx \/ n = dx) by lia2; clear OBSC.
        destruct H.
        SSCase "dexit(ifso) > dexit(ifnot) -> false branch".
          eapply slice_transforms_Icond_none_false in INST; eauto.
          eapply cstep_def; eauto.
          eapply exec_Icond; eauto.
          eapply eval_icond_false; eauto.
          eapply out_no_entry; eauto.
          simpl; split; auto.
        SSCase "dexit(ifso) = dexit(ifnot) -> true branch".
          subst n.
          eapply slice_transforms_Icond_none_true in INST; eauto.
          eapply cstep_def; eauto.
          eapply exec_Icond; eauto.
          eapply eval_icond_true; eauto.
          eapply out_no_entry; eauto.
          simpl; split; auto.
          eapply obs_none_succ_none with (n := pc); eauto.
          eexists; split; eauto; simpls; auto.
        eexists; split; eauto; simpls; auto.
        gen s_dobs_checker_ok as OBSC.
        apply checked_has_nexit with (n := ifso) in OBSC; auto.
        decs OBSC; trim.
        eapply succ_f_In'; eauto.
        eexists; split; eauto; simpls; eauto.
    Case "Ijumptable -> contradiction (should be in slice)".
      eapply slice_includes_Ijumptable in INST; eauto; trim.

  Lemma transf_inst_preserved:
    forall n i
      (TINST: (fn_code tf) ! n = Some i)
      (NOTR: match i with
               | Inop _ => False
               | Icond _ _ _ _ => False
               | Ireturn _ => False
               | _ => True
      (fn_code f) ! n = Some i.
    monadInv FOK; monadInv EQ;
    optDecN EQ1 DOBS; trim; optDecN EQ1 RVS;
    trim; optDecN EQ1 SCEX; trim.
    simpl in TINST.
    unfold compute_bs_code in TINST.
    rewrite PTree.gmap in TINST; unfold option_map in TINST.
    optDecN TINST TINST';
    optDecN TINST TINST''; trim.
    inv TINST.
    destruct i0; simpls; trim.
    unfold update_succs_icond in NOTR.
    repeat optDec NOTR; destruct_pairs; try optDec NOTR; simpls; trim.
  Lemma valid_rs_function_step_t:
      pc rs m cs rcs pc' rs' m' cs' rcs'
      (NE: pc <> entry f)
      (VRS: valid_rs' pc rs)
      (STEP: cstep_t' ge (CST (State pc rs m) cs rcs) (CST (State pc' rs' m') cs' rcs')),
      valid_rs' pc' rs'.
    unfold valid_rs in *; intros.
    destruct (positive_eq_dec pc (entry f)).
    subst pc; trim.
    inv STEP.
    inv H4; try (apply VRS; auto);
    try (rename dst into res);
    try (rename H5 into TINST);
    try (rename H6 into TINST);
    apply transf_inst_preserved in TINST; auto;
    assert (res <> reg_vint) by
        (intro; subst res;
         assert (DEF: Regset.In (reg_to_var reg_vint) (def f pc)) by
             (unfold def; rewrite TINST; try destruct ef;
              try apply Regset.add_2; apply regset_in_singleton; auto);
         eapply def_rvint_entry in DEF; eauto; trim);
    rewrite PMap.gso; auto; erewrite reg_vint_eq; eauto.

  Lemma none_star_step_nexit_zero:
      dx pc cs rcs rs m
      (FIN : f_In pc f)
      (NEXIT : (nexit' of) ! pc = Some dx)
      (OBS : s_obs of pc = None)
      (VRS: valid_rs' pc rs),
    exists pc', exists cs', exists rcs', exists rs', exists m',
     star cstep_t' ge (CST (State pc rs m) cs rcs) (CST (State pc' rs' m') cs' rcs') /\
     s_obs of pc' = None /\ pc' = exit_n' /\
     valid_rs' pc' rs' /\
     counter_eq' cs cs' /\
     counter_eq' rcs rcs'.
    induction dx; intros.
    dup OBS NOBS. apply s_obs_nobs' in NOBS.
    gen s_dobs_checker_ok as OBSC.
    eapply checked_nexit_zero_refl in NEXIT; eauto.
    subst pc.
    repeat eexists; auto.
    apply star_refl; auto.
    dup OBS NOBS. apply s_obs_nobs' in NOBS.
    gen (none_step_t_nexit_minus_one _ _ cs rcs rs m FIN NEXIT VRS OBS).
    destruct H as [s' [STEP [OBS' NEXIT']]].
    destruct s'; simpls.
    dup STEP FIN'.
    apply cstep_succ in FIN'.
    simpl in FIN'. eapply transf_succ' in FIN'; eauto.
    eapply succ_f_In' in FIN'; eauto.
    dup STEP VRS'.
    destruct get_st.
    apply valid_rs_function_step_t in VRS'; auto.
    gen (IHdx pc0 get_cs get_rcs rs0 m0 FIN' NEXIT' OBS' VRS').
    decs H.
    subst x.
    exists exit_n'.
    exists x0; exists x1; exists x2; exists x3.
    apply star_step with (s2 := (CST (State pc0 rs0 m0) get_cs get_rcs)); auto.
    split; auto.
    split; auto.
    split; auto.
    dup STEP SUCC.
    apply cstep_succ in SUCC; simpls.
    dup STEP CS; apply step_cs in CS; simpls; subst get_cs.
    eapply counter_eq_trans. apply counter_eq_sym. eapply inc_counter_silent_step_eq; eauto.
    eapply transf_succ' in SUCC; eauto.
    eapply nobs_none_not_in_slice; eauto.
    dup STEP SUCC.
    apply cstep_succ in SUCC; simpls.
    dup STEP RCS; apply step_rcs in RCS; simpls; subst get_rcs.
    eapply counter_eq_trans. apply counter_eq_sym. eapply inc_r_counter_silent_step_eq'; eauto.
    eapply transf_succ' in SUCC; eauto.
    eapply nobs_none_not_in_slice; eauto.
    eapply out_no_entry; eauto.
    eapply nobs_none_not_in_slice; eauto.

  Lemma star_step_t_f_In':
    forall s s',
      f_In (get_pc (get_st s)) tf ->
      star cstep_t' ge s s' ->
      f_In (get_pc (get_st s')) tf.
    induction 2; intros; trim.
    apply IHstar.
    apply cstep_succ in H0.
    eapply transf_succ' in H0; eauto.
    eapply succ_f_In' in H0; eauto.
    eapply transf_f_In'; eauto.

  Lemma succ_no_entry:
    forall pc pc',
      succ_node' pc pc' ->
      pc' <> entry f.
    subst pc'.
    eapply wf_entry in H; eauto.

  Lemma nexit_eq:
    exit_n = exit_n'.
symmetry. eapply nexit_eq; eauto. Qed.

  Lemma none_steps:
      dx pc cs rcs cs'0 rcs'0 pc' cs' rcs' rs rs' rs'0 m m' m'0
      (COUNTERS : counter_eq' cs cs'0)
      (RCOUNTERS : counter_eq' rcs rcs'0)
      (STEP : cstep' ge (CST (State pc rs m) cs rcs) (CST (State pc' rs' m') cs' rcs'))
      (NEXIT : (nexit' of) ! pc = Some dx)
      (VRS: valid_rs' pc rs)
      (VRS': valid_rs' pc rs'0)
      (OBS : s_obs of pc = None),
      exists s2' : cstate,
        star cstep_t' ge (CST (State exit_n rs'0 m'0) cs'0 rcs'0) s2' /\
        match_states (CST (State pc' rs' m') cs' rcs') s2'.
    induction dx; intros.
    Case "dx = 0".
      dup STEP SUCC.
      apply cstep_succ in SUCC; simpl in SUCC.
      apply star_refl.
      dup OBS OUT.
      eapply obs_none_not_in_slice in OUT; eauto.
      eapply counter_eq_silent_step with (pc' := pc') (cs'' := cs'0) (rcs'' := rcs'0) in OUT; eauto.
      decs OUT.
      erewrite nexit_eq.
      eapply ms3; eauto; trim.
      eapply valid_rs_function_step in STEP; eauto.
      unfolds in STEP. erewrite reg_vint_eq; eauto.
      apply STEP.
      eapply out_no_entry; eauto.
      eapply obs_none_not_in_slice; eauto.
      eapply obs_none_succ_none; eauto.
      unfolds in VRS. erewrite reg_vint_eq in VRS; eauto.
      apply VRS'.
      eapply out_no_entry; eauto.
      eapply obs_none_not_in_slice; eauto.
      eapply obs_none_succ_none; eauto.
    Case "dx > 0".
      dup STEP SUCC.
      apply cstep_succ in SUCC; simpl in SUCC.
      gen (none_star_step_nexit_zero 0 exit_n cs'0 rcs'0 rs'0 m'0).
      edestruct H as (pc'' & cs'' & rcs'' & rs'' & m'' & STEPS & OBS'' & EXIT'' & VRS'' & CS & RCS); clear H.
      eapply exit_in; eauto.
      eapply checked_nexit_exit; eauto.
      erewrite nexit_eq.
      exploit checked_nexit_exit; eauto.
      eapply obs_none_reaches_none; eauto.
      dup s_dobs_checker_ok NEX.
      apply checked_has_nexit with (n := pc') in NEX.
      destruct NEX as (dx' & DX').
      eapply reaches_exit; eauto.
      eapply succ_f_In'; eauto.
      apply valid_rs_ne with (pc := pc); auto.
      eapply out_no_entry; eauto.
      eapply obs_none_not_in_slice; eauto.
      eexists; split; eauto.
      dup STEP EX.
      apply step_nexit_ge_minus_one with (dx := dx) in EX; auto.
      destruct EX as [dx'' [NEXIT'' DXGE]].
      assert (OUT: ~ In pc (_slice_nodes of)).
        eapply obs_none_not_in_slice; eauto.
      dup STEP STEP'.
      eapply counter_eq_silent_step in STEP; eauto.
      edestruct STEP as (CS' & RCS').
      subst pc''.
      apply ms3; auto.
      eapply counter_eq_trans; eauto.
      eapply counter_eq_trans; eauto.
      eapply valid_rs_function_step with (rs := rs); eauto.
      erewrite reg_vint_eq; eauto.
      eapply succ_no_entry; eauto.
      apply VRS''.
      eapply out_no_entry; eauto.
      eapply obs_none_not_in_slice; eauto.
      eapply obs_none_succ_none in SUCC; eauto.

Ltac AutoStep H :=
  match type of H with
    | (fn_code _) ! _ = Some (Inop _) => eapply exec_Inop; eauto
    | (fn_code _) ! _ = Some (Iop _ _ _ _) => eapply exec_Iop; eauto
    | (fn_code _) ! _ = Some (Iload _ _ _ _ _) => eapply exec_Iload; eauto
    | (fn_code _) ! _ = Some (Istore _ _ _ _ _) => eapply exec_Istore; eauto
    | (fn_code _) ! _ = Some (Icall _ _ _ _ _) => eapply exec_Icall; eauto
    | (fn_code _) ! _ = Some (Itailcall _ _ _) => eapply exec_Itailcall; eauto
    | (fn_code _) ! _ = Some (Ibuiltin _ _ _ _) => eapply exec_Ibuiltin; eauto
    | (fn_code _) ! _ = Some (Icond _ _ _ _) => eapply exec_Icond; eauto
    | (fn_code _) ! _ = Some (Ijumptable _ _) => eapply exec_Ijumptable; eauto
    | (fn_code _) ! _ = Some (Ireturn _ ) => eapply exec_Ireturn; eauto

Ltac AutoAgreePreserves H pc :=
  match type of H with
    | (fn_code _) ! _ = Some (Iop _ _ _ _) => erewrite agree_preserves_slice_eval_op; eauto
    | (fn_code _) ! _ = Some (Iload _ _ _ _ _) => erewrite agree_preserves_slice_load_eval_addr; eauto
    | (fn_code _) ! _ = Some (Istore _ _ _ _ _) => erewrite agree_preserves_slice_store_eval_addr; eauto
    | (fn_code _) ! _ = Some (Ibuiltin _ _ _ _) => eapply agree_preserves_external_call' with (pc := pc); eauto
    | (fn_code _) ! _ = Some (Icond _ _ _ _) => erewrite agree_preserves_slice_eval_cond; eauto

Lemma in_slice_iop_agree:
  forall pc rs m' cs rcs pc' op args res v rs'0 m'0
  (PC_IN : In pc (_slice_nodes of))
  (INST : (fn_code f) ! pc = Some (Iop op args res pc'))
  (EVAL : eval_operation ge sp op rs ## args m' = Some v)
  (AGREE : rvs_agree' pc ((rvs of) pc) rs rs'0 m' m'0)
  (_STEP_ : cstep' ge (CST (State pc rs m') cs rcs)
             (CST (State pc' rs # res <- v m') (inc_counter pc cs)
                (inc_r_counter' pc pc' rcs)))
  (DEF : def f pc = Regset.singleton (reg_to_var res)),
    rvs_agree' pc' ((rvs of) pc') rs # res <- v rs'0 # res <- v m' m'0.
  unfold rvs_agree in *.
  destruct AGREE as [VRS [VRS' AGREE]].
  eapply valid_rs_function_step with (rs := rs); eauto.
  erewrite reg_vint_eq; eauto.
  destruct (positive_eq_dec pc (fn_entrypoint f)).
  Case "pc = entry".
    subst pc.
    unfolds; intro.
    dup WFF VRSF.
    apply entry_inst in VRSF. decs VRSF.
    assert (res = reg_vint').
      unfold def in DEF. rewrite H0 in DEF.
      simpls. inv DEF. destruct (positive_eq_dec res reg_vint'); auto. erewrite reg_vint_eq with (reg_vint := reg_vint) in n; eauto. lia2.
    subst res.
    rewrite H0 in INST. inv INST.
    simpls. inv EVAL.
    rewrite PMap.gss; auto.
  Case "pc <> entry".
    assert (res <> reg_vint').
      eapply def_not_entry in n; eauto.
      intro. subst res.
      rewrite DEF in n.
      apply n. erewrite reg_vint_eq; eauto. apply regset_in_singleton.
      intro; trim.
    unfolds; intros.
    rewrite PMap.gso; auto.
  eapply eval_op_agree_succ_preserved; eauto.
  apply cstep_succ in _STEP_; auto.
  unfold def. rewrite INST.
  apply regset_in_singleton_eq in H.
  eapply no_memvar_to_reg; eauto.

Definition def_r (i : instruction) : option reg :=
  match i with
      | Iop _ _ res _ => Some res
      | Iload _ _ _ dst _ => Some dst
      | Icall _ _ _ res _ => Some res
      | Ibuiltin _ _ res _ => Some res
      | _ => None

Lemma def_r_in_def:
  forall n i r,
    (fn_code f) ! n = Some i ->
    def_r i = Some r ->
    Regset.In (reg_to_var r) (def f n).
  unfolds in H0.
  unfold def.
  rewrite H.
  destruct i; trim; simpls; inv H0;
  try (try apply Regset.add_2; apply regset_in_singleton).
  destruct e; try apply Regset.add_2; apply regset_in_singleton.

Lemma valid_rs_after:
    pc rs i m res v
    (VRS : valid_rs' pc rs)
    (INST : (fn_code f) ! pc = Some i)
    (DEFR: def_r i = Some res)
    (NENTRY: pc = entry f -> match i with
                                 | Iop op args res' _ => res' = res /\ eval_operation ge sp op rs ## args m = Some v
                                 | _ => False
    rs # res <- v # reg_vint' = Vint
  unfolds in VRS.
  destruct (positive_eq_dec pc (entry f)).
  subst pc.
  dup WFF VRSF.
  apply entry_inst in VRSF. destruct VRSF as [s EINST].
  rewrite EINST in INST. inv INST.
  exploit NENTRY; eauto; intros; clear NENTRY.
  decs H. inv H1. erewrite reg_vint_eq; eauto. rewrite PMap.gss; auto.
  dup n NE.
  apply VRS in n.
  eapply def_r_in_def in DEFR; eauto.
  eapply def_not_entry in NE; eauto.
  destruct (positive_eq_dec res reg_vint').
  subst res.
  erewrite reg_vint_eq in DEFR; eauto; trim.
  rewrite PMap.gso; auto.
  intro; trim.

Lemma valid_rs_assigned:
    pc rs v d
    (FIN: f_In pc f)
    (VRS: valid_rs' pc rs)
    (IN_DEF: Regset.In (reg_to_var d) (def f pc)),
    valid_rs' pc rs # d <- v.
  intros pc rs v d FIN VRS IN_DEF NOTE.
  dup NOTE NOTE'.
  apply VRS in NOTE.
  dup WFF DNE.
  apply def_not_entry with (n := pc) in DNE; auto.
  rewrite PMap.gso; auto.
  subst d. elim DNE.
  erewrite reg_vint_eq in IN_DEF; eauto.

Lemma agree_ne_pc:
    pc pc' rs rs' m m' pc''
    (NE: pc' <> entry f)
    (NE': pc'' <> entry f)
    (AGREE : rvs_agree' pc' ((rvs of) pc) rs rs' m m'),
    rvs_agree' pc'' ((rvs of) pc) rs rs' m m'.
  unfold rvs_agree in *.
  destruct AGREE as [RVS [RVS' AGREE]].
  unfold valid_rs in *.

Ltac ConditionalClear INST IN_SC :=
  match type of INST with
    | (fn_code _) ! _ = Some (Icond _ _ _ _) => idtac
    | _ => clear IN_SC

Ltac ApplyButToIbuiltin INST tac :=
  match type of INST with
    | (fn_code _) ! _ = Some (Ibuiltin _ _ _ _) => idtac
    | _ => tac

  Lemma transf_step:
    forall cs rcs pc rs m cs' rcs' pc' rs' m',
      cstep' ge (CST (State pc rs m) cs rcs) (CST (State pc' rs' m') cs' rcs') ->
      forall s1' (MS: match_states (CST (State pc rs m) cs rcs) s1'),
        exists s2', star cstep_t' ge s1' s2' /\ match_states (CST (State pc' rs' m') cs' rcs') s2'.
    introsv STEP MS.
    assert (FIN' : f_In pc' f).
      dup STEP SUCC.
      apply cstep_succ in SUCC. eapply succ_f_In' in SUCC; eauto.
    dup STEP _STEP_.
    exploit cstep_succ; eauto. intro SUCC. simpl in SUCC.
    inv_clear MS; subst pc0 rs0 m0 cs0 rcs0 s1'.
    Case "ms1".
      simpl in AGREE.
      destruct (in_slice_dec pc' of) as [IN_SC|OUT_SC].
      SCase "succ in slice => step + ms1".
Ltac SolveStarStep' INST :=
          eexists; split; [apply star_one; simpls; eapply cstep_def; eauto; AutoStep INST; [eapply transf_f_preserves_instructions; eauto|..]|..].
Ltac AutoStepOne INST :=
  apply star_one; simpls; eapply cstep_def; eauto; AutoStep INST;
  [eapply transf_f_preserves_instructions; eauto|..].
Ltac SolveEntry pc' := intro; subst pc'; exploit no_step_entry; eauto; trim.
Ltac CountersEq'' := try solve [apply cs_eq_step_eq; auto | apply rcs_eq_step_eq'; auto].
        inv STEP.

Ltac MatchRvsAgree INST :=
  match type of INST with
    | (fn_code _) ! ?p = Some (Iop _ _ _ _) => eapply in_slice_iop_agree with (pc := p); eauto
    | (fn_code _) ! ?p = Some (Iload _ _ _ _ _) => eapply load_in_preserves_agree with (pc := p); eauto
    | (fn_code _) ! _ = Some (Istore _ _ _ _ _) => eapply store_preserves_agree; eauto
    | (fn_code _) ! _ = Some (Ibuiltin _ _ _ _) => eapply builtin_preserves_agree; eauto

Ltac StepAgreeIop p := eapply in_slice_iop_agree with (pc := p); eauto.
Ltac StepAgreeIload AGREE USE := eapply agree_preserves_used_mem in AGREE; eauto; subst; eauto; rewrite USE; apply Regset.add_1; auto.
Ltac StepAgreeIstore := eapply agree_preserves_storev; eauto.
Ltac StepAgreeIbuiltin e := eapply agree_preserves_external_call' with (ef := e); eauto.
Ltac StepAgreeIjumptable := erewrite jumptable_preserves_agree; eauto.

Ltac SolveMs1 INST pc pc' :=
  eexists; split; try AutoStepOne INST;
  try AutoAgreePreserves INST pc;
  try eapply ms1 with (o := pc'); eauto;
  try CountersEq'';
  try SolveEntry pc';
  try MatchRvsAgree INST.

        assert (EXO: s_obs of pc' = Some pc') by (eapply in_slice_s_obs_refl; eauto).
        inv H3; renInst; MakeUse INST;
        try ApplyButToIbuiltin INST ltac:(SolveMs1 INST pc pc').
        SSCase "Iload".
          StepAgreeIload AGREE USE.
        SSCase "Istore".
        SSCase "Ibuiltin".
          destruct (is_builtin_annot_dec ef) as [ISA|NOTA].
          SSSCase "is_builtin_annot".
            unfolds in ISA.
            destruct ef; trim.
            eexists; split.
            try AutoStepOne INST.
            eapply agree_preserves_external_call'
            with (ef := EF_annot text targs) (pc := pc) (m' := m'); eauto; simpl; eauto.
            eapply ms1 with (o := pc'); eauto; [CountersEq''|CountersEq''|..].
            SolveEntry pc'.
            inv H8.
            eapply annot_preserves_agree with (pc := pc); eauto.
            eexists; split.
            try AutoStepOne INST.
            eapply agree_preserves_external_call'
            with (ef := EF_annot_val text targ) (pc := pc) (m' := m'); eauto; simpl; eauto.
            eapply ms1 with (o := pc'); eauto; [CountersEq''|CountersEq''|..].
            SolveEntry pc'.
            inv H8.
            eapply annot_preserves_agree with (pc := pc); eauto.
          SSSCase "~ is_builtin_annot".
Ltac AutoBuiltin H :=
  match type of H with
    | (fn_code _) ! ?p = Some (Ibuiltin ?e _ _ _) =>
      match e with
          | _ => eapply agree_preserves_external_call' with (ef := e) (pc := p); eauto; simpl; eauto
            destruct ef; eexists; split;
            try AutoStepOne INST;
            try (AutoBuiltin INST);
            try (eapply ms1 with (o := pc'); eauto; [CountersEq''|CountersEq''|..]);
            try SolveEntry pc';
            try (eapply builtin_preserves_agree with (pc := pc); eauto).
            eelim NOTA; simpl; eauto.
            eelim NOTA; simpl; eauto.
        SSCase "Icond".
          destruct b; simpls.
          SSSCase "Icond_true".
            eexists. split. AutoStepOne INST.
            AutoAgreePreserves INST pc.
            eapply ms1 with (o := ifso); eauto;
            SolveEntry ifso.
          SSSCase "Icond_false".
            eexists. split. AutoStepOne INST.
            AutoAgreePreserves INST pc.
            eapply ms1 with (o := ifnot); eauto;
            SolveEntry ifnot.
        SSCase "Ijumptable".
          erewrite jumptable_preserves_agree; eauto.
      SCase "succ not in slice => 2 cases".

Ltac CaseRegVint pc EINST INST m' :=
          eapply valid_rs_after with (m := m'); eauto;
          intro; subst pc; eauto;
          rewrite EINST in INST; inv INST; auto.
        dup WFF VRSF.
        case_eq (s_obs of pc'); introsv OBSPC'.
        inv STEP.
        SSCase "obs(succ) = Some => step + ms2".

Ltac AutoStepMs2 INST pc m' DEF AGREE VRSF :=
  try AutoAgreePreserves INST pc;
  unfolds in AGREE; destruct AGREE as [RVS [RVS' AGREE]];
  let EINST := fresh "EINST" in
  dup VRSF EINST; eapply entry_inst in EINST; eauto; destruct EINST as [s EINST];
  try solve [CaseRegVint pc EINST INST m'];
  try (assert (NENTRY: pc <> (fn_entrypoint f)) by
      (intro; subst pc; unfold def in DEF; rewrite EINST in DEF; simpl in DEF; inv DEF; lia2));
  try solve [apply RVS; auto | apply RVS'; auto].

Ltac SolveMs1Ms2 INST n pc m' DEF AGREE VRSF :=
  eexists; split; try AutoStepOne INST;
  try eapply ms2 with (o := n); eauto; CountersEq'';
  try AutoAgreePreserves INST pc;
  AutoStepMs2 INST pc m' DEF AGREE VRSF.

          inv H3; renInst; MakeUse INST;
          ApplyButToIbuiltin INST ltac:(SolveMs1Ms2 INST n pc m' DEF AGREE VRSF).
          SSSCase "Iop".
            MatchRvsAgree INST.
          SSSCase "Iload".
            StepAgreeIload AGREE' USE.
            MatchRvsAgree INST.
          SSSCase "Istore".
            MatchRvsAgree INST.
          SSSCase "Ibuiltin".
            destruct (is_builtin_annot_dec ef) as [ISA|NOTA].
            SSSSCase "is_builtin_annot".
              unfolds in ISA; destruct ef; trim.
              eexists. split. AutoStepOne INST.
              eapply agree_preserves_external_call' with
              (ef := EF_annot text targs) (pc := pc) (m' := m'); eauto; simpl; eauto.
              eapply ms2 with (o := n); eauto; CountersEq'';
              AutoStepMs2 INST pc m' DEF AGREE VRSF.
              inv H8.
              eapply annot_preserves_agree with (pc := pc); eauto.
              eexists; split.
              AutoStepOne INST.
              eapply agree_preserves_external_call' with
              (ef := EF_annot_val text targ) (pc := pc) (m' := m'); eauto; simpl; eauto.
              eapply ms2 with (o := n); eauto; CountersEq'';
              AutoStepMs2 INST pc m' DEF AGREE VRSF.
              inv H8.
              eapply annot_preserves_agree with (pc := pc); eauto.
            SSSSCase "~ is_builtin_annot".
              eexists. split. AutoStepOne INST.
              destruct ef; eapply agree_preserves_external_call' in H8; eauto.
              eelim NOTA; simpl; eauto.
              eelim NOTA; simpl; eauto.
              eapply ms2 with (o := n); eauto; CountersEq'';
              AutoStepMs2 INST pc m' DEF AGREE VRSF.
              eapply builtin_preserves_agree; eauto.
          SSSCase "Ijumptable".
            erewrite jumptable_preserves_agree; eauto.

Ltac SolveMs1Ms3 INST p p' m' DEF AGREE VRSF :=
  SolveStarStep' INST;
  try (eapply ms3 with (pc := p'); eauto; CountersEq'');
  try AutoAgreePreserves INST p;
  unfolds in AGREE; destruct AGREE as [RVS [RVS' AGREE]];
  let EINST := fresh "EINST" in
  dup VRSF EINST; eapply entry_inst in EINST; eauto; destruct EINST as [s EINST];
  try solve [CaseRegVint p EINST INST m'];
  try (assert (NENTRY: p <> (fn_entrypoint f)) by
          (intro; subst p; unfold def in DEF; rewrite EINST in DEF; simpl in DEF; inv DEF; lia2));
  try solve [apply RVS; auto | apply RVS'; auto].

        SSCase "obs(succ) = None => step + ms3".
          gen s_dobs_checker_ok as OBSC.
          dup OBSPC' NOBSPC'.
          apply s_obs_nobs' in NOBSPC'.
          apply checked_has_nexit with (n := pc') in OBSC; auto.
          destruct OBSC as [dx NEXIT].
          destruct (positive_eq_dec pc (entry f)) as [ISE|NOTE].
          SSSCase "pc = entry f".
            subst pc.
            exploit entry_inst; eauto; intros (s & EINST).
            inv STEP.
            inv H3; renInst; rewrite EINST in INST; inversion INST.
            subst op args res s.
            exploit none_star_step_nexit_zero; eauto; intro STEPS.
            apply PMap.gss.
            erewrite reg_vint_eq in STEPS; eauto.
            decs STEPS.
            eapply star_left.
            eapply cstep_def; eauto.
            eapply exec_Iop; eauto.
            apply transf_f_preserves_instructions; eauto.
            inv H8.
            apply ms3; auto.
            eapply cs_eq_inc_eq; eauto.
            eapply rcs_eq_inc_eq; eauto.
            erewrite reg_vint_eq; eauto.
            inv H8.
            apply PMap.gss.
            erewrite reg_vint_eq; eauto.
            eapply H2.
            subst. apply not_eq_sym.
            apply exit_no_entry.
          SSSCase "pc <> entry f".

Ltac StepsMs1Ms3 INST STEPS :=
              eapply star_left; [eapply cstep_def; eauto; AutoStep INST; try apply transf_f_preserves_instructions; eauto|..]; try apply STEPS.

            assert (VRS'0: valid_rs' pc' rs'0).
              unfolds in AGREE. destruct AGREE as (_ & VRS0 & _).
              eapply valid_rs_ne; eauto.

            inv STEP;
            inv H3; renInst; MakeUse INST.
            SSSSCase "Inop".
              exploit none_star_step_nexit_zero; eauto.
              intros (pc'0 & cs' & rcs' & rs'' & m'' & STEPS & OBSPC0 &
                           EXIT0 & VRS0 & CS0 & RCS').
              eexists; split.
              StepsMs1Ms3 INST STEPS.
              subst pc'0.
              apply ms3; auto.
              eapply cs_eq_inc_eq; eauto.
              eapply rcs_eq_inc_eq in RCS'; eauto.
              apply AGREE; auto; apply VRS0; intro; apply cstep_succ in _STEP_; apply exit_no_entry; eauto.
              auto; apply VRS0; intro; apply cstep_succ in _STEP_; apply exit_no_entry; eauto.
            SSSSCase "Iop".
              assert (VRS'': valid_rs' pc' rs'0 # res <- v).
                apply valid_rs_ne with (pc' := pc) in VRS'0; eauto.
                apply valid_rs_assigned with (v := v) (d := res) in VRS'0.
                eapply valid_rs_ne; eauto.
                unfold f_In; intro; trim.
                unfold def; rewrite INST; apply regset_in_singleton.
                eapply succ_no_entry; eauto.
              exploit none_star_step_nexit_zero; eauto.
              intros (pc'0 & cs' & rcs' & rs'' & m'' & STEPS & OBSPC0 &
                           EXIT0 & VRS0 & CS0 & RCS').
              eexists; split.
              StepsMs1Ms3 INST STEPS.
              AutoAgreePreserves INST pc.
              subst pc'0.
              apply ms3; auto.
              eapply cs_eq_inc_eq; eauto.
              eapply rcs_eq_inc_eq; eauto.
              rewrite PMap.gso.
              apply AGREE; auto.
              subst res.
              dup WFF DNE.
              eapply def_not_entry with (n := pc) in DNE; eauto.
              elim DNE. rewrite DEF.
              erewrite reg_vint_eq; eauto.
              apply regset_in_singleton.
              unfold f_In; intros; trim.
              apply VRS0. apply sym_not_eq. apply exit_no_entry.
            SSSSCase "Iload".
              assert (VRS'': valid_rs' pc' rs'0 # dst <- v).
                apply valid_rs_ne with (pc' := pc) in VRS'0; eauto.
                apply valid_rs_assigned with (v := v) (d := dst) in VRS'0.
                eapply valid_rs_ne; eauto.
                unfold f_In; intro; trim.
                unfold def; rewrite INST; apply regset_in_singleton.
                eapply succ_no_entry; eauto.
              exploit none_star_step_nexit_zero; eauto.
              intros (pc'0 & cs' & rcs' & rs'' & m'' & STEPS & OBSPC0 &
                           EXIT0 & VRS0 & CS0 & RCS').
              eexists; split.
              StepsMs1Ms3 INST STEPS.
              AutoAgreePreserves INST pc.
              StepAgreeIload AGREE USE.
              subst pc'0.
              apply ms3; auto.
              eapply cs_eq_inc_eq; eauto.
              eapply rcs_eq_inc_eq; eauto.
              rewrite PMap.gso.
              apply AGREE; auto.
              subst dst.
              dup WFF DNE.
              eapply def_not_entry with (n := pc) in DNE; eauto.
              elim DNE. rewrite DEF.
              erewrite reg_vint_eq; eauto.
              apply regset_in_singleton.
              unfold f_In; intros; trim.
              apply VRS0. apply sym_not_eq. apply exit_no_entry.
            SSSSCase "Istore".
              exploit none_star_step_nexit_zero; eauto.
              intros (pc'0 & cs' & rcs' & rs'' & m'' & STEPS & OBSPC0 &
                           EXIT0 & VRS0 & CS0 & RCS').
              eexists; split.
              StepsMs1Ms3 INST STEPS.
              AutoAgreePreserves INST pc.
              subst pc'0.
              apply ms3; auto.
              eapply cs_eq_inc_eq; eauto.
              eapply rcs_eq_inc_eq in RCS'; eauto.
              apply AGREE; auto; apply VRS0; intro; apply cstep_succ in _STEP_; apply exit_no_entry; eauto.
              auto; apply VRS0; intro; apply cstep_succ in _STEP_; apply exit_no_entry; eauto.
            SSSSCase "Ibuiltin".
              assert (VRS'': valid_rs' pc' rs'0 # res <- v).
                apply valid_rs_ne with (pc' := pc) in VRS'0; eauto.
                apply valid_rs_assigned with (v := v) (d := res) in VRS'0.
                eapply valid_rs_ne; eauto.
                unfold f_In; intro; trim.
                unfold def; rewrite INST.
                destruct ef; try apply Regset.add_2; apply regset_in_singleton.
                eapply succ_no_entry; eauto.
              destruct (is_builtin_annot_dec ef) as [ISA|NOTA].
              SSSSSCase "is_builtin_annot".
                exploit none_star_step_nexit_zero; eauto.
                intros (pc'0 & cs' & rcs' & rs'' & m'' & STEPS & OBSPC0 &
                             EXIT0 & VRS0 & CS0 & RCS').
                eexists; split.
                StepsMs1Ms3 INST STEPS.
                destruct ef; elim ISA; AutoBuiltin INST.
                subst pc'0.
                apply ms3; auto.
                eapply cs_eq_inc_eq; eauto.
                eapply rcs_eq_inc_eq; eauto.
                rewrite PMap.gso.
                apply AGREE; auto.
                subst res.
                dup WFF DNE.
                eapply def_not_entry with (n := pc) in DNE; eauto.
                elim DNE. rewrite DEF.
                erewrite reg_vint_eq; eauto.
                destruct ef; try apply Regset.add_2; apply regset_in_singleton.
                unfold f_In; intros; trim.
                apply VRS0. apply sym_not_eq. apply exit_no_entry.
              SSSSSCase "~ is_builtin_annot".
                exploit none_star_step_nexit_zero; eauto.
                intros (pc'0 & cs' & rcs' & rs'' & m'' & STEPS & OBSPC0 &
                             EXIT0 & VRS0 & CS0 & RCS').
                eexists; split.
                StepsMs1Ms3 INST STEPS.
                destruct ef; try solve [elim NOTA; simpl; auto]; AutoBuiltin INST.
                subst pc'0.
                apply ms3; auto.
                eapply cs_eq_inc_eq; eauto.
                eapply rcs_eq_inc_eq; eauto.
                rewrite PMap.gso.
                apply AGREE; auto.
                subst res.
                dup WFF DNE.
                eapply def_not_entry with (n := pc) in DNE; eauto.
                elim DNE. rewrite DEF.
                erewrite reg_vint_eq; eauto.
                destruct ef; try apply Regset.add_2; apply regset_in_singleton.
                unfold f_In; intros; trim.
                apply VRS0. apply sym_not_eq. apply exit_no_entry.
            SSSSCase "Icond".
              exploit none_star_step_nexit_zero; eauto.
              intros (pc'0 & cs' & rcs' & rs'' & m'' & STEPS & OBSPC0 &
                           EXIT0 & VRS0 & CS0 & RCS').
              eexists; split.
              StepsMs1Ms3 INST STEPS.
              AutoAgreePreserves INST pc.
              subst pc'0.
              apply ms3; auto.
              eapply cs_eq_inc_eq; eauto.
              eapply rcs_eq_inc_eq in RCS'; eauto.
              apply AGREE; auto; apply VRS0; intro; apply cstep_succ in _STEP_; apply exit_no_entry; eauto.
              auto; apply VRS0; intro; apply cstep_succ in _STEP_; apply exit_no_entry; eauto.
            SSSSCase "Ijumptable".
              exploit none_star_step_nexit_zero; eauto.
              intros (pc'0 & cs' & rcs' & rs'' & m'' & STEPS & OBSPC0 &
                           EXIT0 & VRS0 & CS0 & RCS').
              eexists; split.
              StepsMs1Ms3 INST STEPS.
              subst pc'0.
              apply ms3; auto.
              eapply cs_eq_inc_eq; eauto.
              eapply rcs_eq_inc_eq in RCS'; eauto.
              apply AGREE; auto; apply VRS0; intro; apply cstep_succ in _STEP_; apply exit_no_entry; eauto.
              auto; apply VRS0; intro; apply cstep_succ in _STEP_; apply exit_no_entry; eauto.
  Case "ms2".
    destruct (in_slice_dec pc' of) as [IN_SC|OUT_SC].
    SCase "succ in slice => plus step + ms1".
      dup OBSPC OBS.
      dup OBSPC' OBS'.
      apply s_obs_nobs in OBSPC.
      destruct OBSPC as [d [dc NOBSPC]].
      apply s_obs_nobs in OBSPC'.
      destruct OBSPC' as [d' [dc' NOBSPC']].
      assert (pc' = o).
        eapply in_slice_s_obs_refl in IN_SC; eauto.
        apply s_obs_nobs in OBS.
        apply s_obs_nobs in IN_SC.
        decs IN_SC. decs OBS.
        eapply nobs_some_succ_eq with (pc := pc); eauto.
      subst o.

Ltac UseSilentSteps' OSO VRS' :=
  exploit silent_steps; eauto; introsv OSO; try (apply VRS'); eauto;
  destruct OSO as [cs' [rcs' [STEPS [CEQ RCEQ]]]];
  eexists; split; [apply plus_star; apply STEPS | idtac].
Ltac Counters' cs cs'0 :=
  apply counter_eq_trans with (cs' := cs);
  [eapply inc_counter_silent_step_eq; eauto; unfolds; eexists; split; eauto; simpl; auto |
  apply counter_eq_trans with (cs' := cs'0); auto; apply counter_eq_refl].
Ltac RCounters' rcs rcs'0 :=
  apply counter_eq_trans with (cs' := rcs);
  [eapply inc_r_counter_silent_step_eq; eauto; unfolds; eexists; split; eauto; simpl; auto |
  apply counter_eq_trans with (cs' := rcs'0); auto; apply counter_eq_refl].
     inv STEP.

Ltac SolveMs2Ms1 AGREE OSO VRS' pc pc' cs cs'0 rcs rcs'0 STEPS SUCC PC_OUT PC'_OUT :=
     try (solve [eapply nobs_no_def_step; eauto; unfolds; split; [unfolds; auto | split; [unfolds; auto | apply AGREE]]]);
     try UseSilentSteps' OSO VRS';
     try (apply ms1 with (o := pc'); auto);
     try (solve [Counters' cs cs'0 | RCounters' rcs rcs'0 | eapply nobs_some_onlysucc; eauto]);
     try solve [intro; subst pc'; apply no_plus_step_t_entry in STEPS; trim];
     let NE' := fresh "NE'" in
     dup SUCC NE'; apply succ_no_entry in NE';
     let NE := fresh "NE" in
     dup PC_OUT NE; eapply out_no_entry in NE; eauto;
     let NE'' := fresh "NE''" in
     dup PC'_OUT NE''; eapply out_no_entry in NE''; eauto;
     dup AGREE AGREE';
     apply agree_ne_pc with (pc'' := pc) in AGREE; auto;
     try (apply agree_ne_pc with (pc' := pc'); auto).

     inv H3;
     renInst; MakeUse INST;
     try ApplyButToIbuiltin INST ltac:(SolveMs2Ms1 AGREE OSO VRS' pc pc' cs cs'0 rcs rcs'0 STEPS SUCC PC_OUT PC'_OUT).
     SSCase "Iop".
       eapply iop_out_preserves_agree with (pc := pc); eauto.
     SSCase "Iload".
       eapply load_out_preserves_agree with (pc := pc); eauto.
     SSCase "Istore".
       eapply store_preserves_agree' with (pc := pc); eauto.
     SSCase "Ibuiltin".
       destruct (is_builtin_annot_dec ef) as [ISA|NOTA].
       SSSCase "is_builtin_annot".
         SolveMs2Ms1 AGREE OSO VRS' pc pc' cs cs'0 rcs rcs'0 STEPS SUCC PC_OUT PC'_OUT.
         eapply annot_preserves_agree' with (pc := pc); eauto.
         destruct ef; elim ISA; inv H8;
         apply agree_ne_pc with (pc'' := pc) in AGREE; auto.
       SSSCase "~ is_builtin_annot".
         SolveMs2Ms1 AGREE OSO VRS' pc pc' cs cs'0 rcs rcs'0 STEPS SUCC PC_OUT PC'_OUT.
         eapply not_annot_preserves_agree' with (pc := pc); eauto.
     SSCase "Icond".
       solve [eapply nobs_no_def_step; eauto; unfolds; split; [unfolds; auto | split; [unfolds; auto | apply AGREE]]].
    SCase "succ not in slice => no_step + ms2".
       inv STEP.
       inv H3;
       renInst; MakeUse INST;
       try (solve [eapply nobs_no_def_step; eauto; unfolds; split; [unfolds; auto | split; [unfolds; auto | apply AGREE]]]);
      eexists; split;
        try (apply star_refl);
        try (apply ms2 with (o := o); auto);
        try (solve [Counters' cs cs'0 | RCounters' rcs rcs'0 | eapply obs_some_succ with (pc := pc); eauto]);
         dup SUCC NE'; apply succ_no_entry in NE';
         dup PC_OUT NE; eapply out_no_entry in NE; eauto;
         dup PC'_OUT NE''; eapply out_no_entry in NE''; eauto;
         dup AGREE AGREE';
         apply agree_ne_pc with (pc'' := pc) in AGREE; auto;
         try (apply agree_ne_pc with (pc' := pc'); auto).
      SSCase "Iop".
        eapply iop_out_preserves_agree; eauto.
        eapply valid_rs_after with (m := m'); eauto; trim.
      SSCase "Iload".
        eapply load_out_preserves_agree; eauto.
        eapply valid_rs_after with (m := m'); eauto; trim.
      SSCase "Istore".
        eapply store_preserves_agree'; eauto.
      SSCase "Ibuiltin".
        destruct (is_builtin_annot_dec ef) as [ISA|NOTA].
        SSSCase "is_builtin_annot".
         destruct ef; elim ISA; inv H8;
         eapply annot_preserves_agree' with (pc := pc); eauto.
        SSSCase "~ is_builtin_annot".
          eapply not_annot_preserves_agree' with (pc := pc); eauto.
          eapply valid_rs_after with (m := m'); eauto; trim.
  Case "ms3".
    rewrite <- nexit_eq.
    dup s_dobs_checker_ok HAS_NEX.
    apply checked_has_nexit with (n := pc) in HAS_NEX.
    destruct HAS_NEX as (dx & DX); eauto.
    eapply none_steps; eauto.
    unfolds; auto.
    unfolds; auto.
    eapply succ_f_In; eauto.

Lemma 1 in the paper: transf_step_correct. This is the main simulation lemma for the slicing.

  Lemma transf_step_correct: (* Lemma 1 *)
    forall s1 s2,
      cstep' ge s1 s2 ->
      forall s1' (MS: match_states s1 s1'),
        exists s2', star cstep_t' ge s1' s2' /\ match_states s2 s2'.
    introsv STEP MS.
    generalize dependent STEP.
    destruct s1, s2.
    destruct get_st, get_st0.
    exploit transf_step; eauto; intros.

  Definition all_counter_eq (nc : node) (all_cs all_cs' : counter * counter) : Prop :=
    let '(cs, rcs) := all_cs in
    let '(cs', rcs') := all_cs' in
    counter_eq nc cs cs' /\
    counter_eq nc rcs rcs'.

  Lemma all_counter_eq_refl:
    forall nc all_cs,
      all_counter_eq nc all_cs all_cs.
    unfold all_counter_eq.
    destruct all_cs.
    exploit counter_eq_refl; eauto.

  Theorem transf_function_correct: forall rs m,
    forward_simulation (all_counter_eq nc) (i_semantics rs m f nc fsc sp ge) (i_semantics rs m tf nc tfsc sp ge).
    intros rs m.
    apply forward_simulation_star_wf with (match_states := match_states); auto; intros.
    apply (transf_initial_states rs m); auto.
    unfolds in H0. decs H0.
    eapply transf_final_states in H1; eauto.
    eapply transf_step_correct; eauto.




  Variable f : function.
  Variable nc : t_criterion.
  Variable fsc : f.
  Variable sp : val.
  Variable ge : genv.
  Variable rs : regset.
  Variable m : mem.
  Variable exit_n : node.
  Variable reg_vint : reg.

  Variable tf : function.
  Variable of : obs_function.
  Hypothesis FOK: slice_function f nc fsc exit_n reg_vint = OK (tf, of).
  Hypothesis WFF: check_wf f = OK (exit_n, reg_vint).
  Notation tfsc := (tfsc f exit_n reg_vint fsc nc tf of FOK).
  Notation original_function_behaves := (function_behaves (i_semantics rs m f nc fsc sp ge)).
  Notation sliced_function_behaves := (function_behaves (i_semantics rs m tf nc tfsc sp ge)).

  Theorem slicing_preserves_criterion_counters:
    forall (cs rcs : counter),
      original_function_behaves (WeakSimulation.Terminates (cs, rcs)) ->
      exists cs', exists rcs', sliced_function_behaves (WeakSimulation.Terminates (cs', rcs')) /\
        cs # nc = cs' # nc /\
        rcs # nc = rcs' # nc.
    introsv BEH.
    apply forward_simulation_behavior_terminates with (Teq := all_counter_eq nc) (L2 := (i_semantics rs m tf nc tfsc sp ge)) in BEH.
    eexists; eexists.
    split; eauto.
    apply all_counter_eq_refl.
    eapply transf_function_correct; eauto.



  Variable ge : genv.
  Variable sp : val.
  Variable f : function.
  Variable rs : regset.
  Variable m : mem.
  Variable fsc : f.
  Variable tf : function.
  Variable exit_n : node.
  Variable reg_vint : reg.
  Hypothesis WFF: check_wf f = OK (exit_n, reg_vint).

  Variable l : t_criterion.

  Definition behaves (f : function) (fsc : f) (crit : t_criterion) :=
    function_behaves (i_semantics rs m f l fsc sp ge).

  Lemma Trace_star_step:
    forall f' fsc' tr s,
      Trace ge f' fsc' sp rs m (s :: tr) ->
          star (fun ge => cstep ge f' fsc' sp) ge (init_st f' rs m) s.
    induction tr; intros.
    inv H.
    eapply star_refl.
    inv H.
    apply IHtr in H2.
    apply star_right with (s2 := a); auto.

  Lemma Reach_star_step:
    forall f' fsc' s,
      Reach ge f' fsc' sp rs m s ->
          star (fun ge => cstep ge f' fsc' sp) ge (init_st f' rs m) s.
    apply Reach_ex_Trace in H.
    decs H.
    eapply Trace_star_step; eauto.

  Lemma star_step_reach:
    forall f' fsc' s s',
      star (fun ge => cstep ge f' fsc' sp) ge s s' ->
      Reach ge f' fsc' sp rs m s ->
      Reach ge f' fsc' sp rs m s'.
    induction 1; intros; auto.
    apply R_step with (s' := s2) in H1; auto.

  Lemma reach_weak_sim_terminates:
    forall f' fsc' s,
      Reach ge f' fsc' sp rs m s ->
      behaves f' fsc' l (WeakSimulation.Terminates (get_cs s, get_rcs s)).
    induction 1; intros.
    apply function_runs with (s := init_st f' rs m); eauto.
    apply state_terminates with (s' := init_st f' rs m).
    apply star_refl.
    apply i_final; apply counter_eq_refl.
    apply Reach_ex_Trace in H.
    destruct H as [tr TR].
    apply Trace_star_step in TR.
    apply function_runs with (s := init_st f' rs m).
    apply i_init.
    apply state_terminates with (s' := s').
    apply star_right with (s2 := s); auto.
    destruct s'.
    destruct get_st; simpls.
    apply i_final.
    apply counter_eq_refl.
    apply counter_eq_refl.

  Variable of: obs_function.
  Hypothesis FOK: slice_function f l fsc exit_n reg_vint = OK (tf, of).

Theorem 3 in the paper: program_slicing_is_sound. It allows us to consider local bounds from the sliced functions, which are much more precise than those obtained in the original functions.

  Theorem program_slicing_is_sound: (* Theorem 3 *)
    let tfsc := transf_family FOK in
    forall M,
      (forall s (REACH: Reach ge tf tfsc sp rs m s), (get_rcs s) # l <= M) ->
      forall s' (REACH': Reach ge f fsc sp rs m s'), (get_rcs s') # l <= M.
    apply reach_weak_sim_terminates in REACH'.
    eapply slicing_preserves_criterion_counters with (FOK:=FOK) in REACH'; eauto.
    destruct REACH' as [cs' [rcs' [BEH' [CSEQ' RCSEQ']]]].
    inv BEH'; simpls.
    inv H1; simpls.
    inv H4.
    assert (R: Reach ge tf (tfsc f exit_n reg_vint fsc l tf of FOK) sp rs m s).
      inv H0.
      apply R_init.
    apply star_step_reach in H3; eauto.
    apply H in H3.
    unfolds in RCOUNTERS.

We still need to do some "plumbing" to be able to use the correctness of program slicing to prove the correctness of global bounds. We prove some lemmas related to termination guarantees about the original and sliced programs; namely, that whenever the original program terminates, so does the sliced program (possibly sooner than the original).

Require Import DLib.

  Lemma Reach_simul:
    let tfsc := transf_family FOK in
      forall s, Reach ge f fsc sp rs m s ->
      exists s', Reach ge tf tfsc sp rs m s' /\ match_states f l of s s'.
    induction 1.
    > exists (init_st tf rs m); split.
      eapply R_init.
      eapply match_states_init_st; eauto.
    > destruct IHReach as (s2' & T1 & T2).
      exploit transf_step_correct; eauto.
      intros (s2 & S3 & S4).
      exists s2; split; auto.
      eapply star_step_reach; eauto.

  Let EXIT_NO_SUCC : forall s : RTL.node, ~ succ_node f (_exit of) s.
    eapply exit_no_succ; eauto.

  Let OBSOK:
    checked_nobs f l (_exit of) (_slice_nodes of) (nobs (_s_dobs of)) (nexit (_dexit of)).
    apply checked_nobs_wf; auto.
    eapply slice_ok_dobs_checker_true; eauto.

One of the useful properties to ensure termination of the sliced program is the fact that there is a unique exit node, and all branches in the slice have been statically resolved to allow a feasible path that can always reach this exit node. This prevents the sliced program from entering infinite loops which would cause divergence.

  Lemma Reach_exit:
    let tfsc := transf_family FOK in
      forall s, Reach ge f fsc sp rs m s ->
        get_pc s = exit_n ->
        exists s', Reach ge tf tfsc sp rs m s' /\ get_pc s' = exit_n.
    introsv R EXIT.
    apply Reach_simul in R.
    destruct R as (s' & R' & MS).
    exists s'.
    split; auto.
    inv_clear MS; simpls.
    subst; auto.
    subst s s'; simpls.
    subst pc.
    dup WFF EINST.
    eapply exit_is_return in EINST; eauto.
    destruct EINST as [optarg EI].
    exploit nexit_eq; eauto; introsv EEQ.
    destruct (positive_eq_dec o exit_n).
    subst o.
    apply s_obs_nobs in OBSPC.
    destruct OBSPC as (d & dc & NOBS).
    eapply nobs_obs_in_slice in NOBS; eauto; trim.
    rewrite EEQ; eauto.
    eapply obs_some_reaches in OBSPC; eauto.
    inv OBSPC; trim.
    eapply exit_no_succ in H0; eauto; trim.
    rewrite EEQ; eauto.
    erewrite nexit_eq; eauto.

  Lemma Reach_f_In:
    forall s,
      Reach ge f fsc sp rs m s ->
      f_In (get_pc s) f.
    induction 1; intros; simpl.
    eapply wf_entry_in; eauto.
    apply cstep_succ in H0.
    eapply succ_f_In'; eauto.
  Lemma Reach_return:
    let tfsc := transf_family FOK in
      Reaches_final ge f fsc sp rs m ->
      Reaches_final ge tf tfsc sp rs m.
    unfold Reaches_final; intros.
    destruct H as (s & o & H & H0).
    dup H R.
    apply Reach_f_In in R. apply f_In_ex in R. destruct R as [i INST].
    eapply return_is_exit in H0; eauto.
    dup WFF EI.
    eapply exit_is_return in EI; eauto.
    destruct EI as [optarg EINST].
    apply Reach_exit in H; auto.
    destruct H as (s' & R' & EXIT').
    exists s'.
    exists optarg.
    split; auto.
    eapply slice_preserves_Ireturn; eauto.
    rewrite EXIT'.
    exploit nexit_eq; eauto; introsv EEQ.
    rewrite EEQ; auto.
    exploit nexit_eq; eauto; introsv EEQ.
    rewrite EEQ; auto.

Require Import LocalBounds.

memcpy_deterministic is the only axiom we add to CompCert, and it is related to the fact that slicing does not preserve CompCert's event trace, so we cannot use the existing theorem Events.external_call_deterministic, which is defined in a general way to be applicable to several external functions (such as volatile memory reads, which can indeed depend on the trace). The only difference between both is that we relax the constraint that the same trace must be present in both situations, as long as the memory is the same. "Built-ins" such as memcpy have a particular semantics which is specified in CompCert, and this axiom just adds a reasonable constraint on the properties of the memcpy function. All-in-all, the motivation for this particular case is a specific benchmark (ndes) where several loops can be bounded if one considers such determinism. A skeptical reader may reject this axiom and use a slightly different checker in LocalBounds, which will have the same precision everywhere except in programs containing memcpy instructions, without impacting the correctness of the analysis.
  Axiom memcpy_deterministic:
    forall sz al (F V : Type) (ge : Genv.t F V) vargs m t1 vres1 m1 t2 vres2 m2,
      external_call (EF_memcpy sz al) ge vargs m t1 vres1 m1 ->
      external_call (EF_memcpy sz al) ge vargs m t2 vres2 m2 ->
      vres1 = vres2 /\ m1 = m2.

  Lemma step_no_update_det:
    let tfsc := transf_family FOK in
    (forall n, ~ contains_misc_builtins tf n) ->
    forall n s1 s2, cstep ge tf tfsc sp n s1 -> cstep ge tf tfsc sp n s2 -> s1 = s2.
    intros tfsc NOBIN s1 s2 s3 S1 S2.
    inv S1; inv S2.
    inv H; inv H3; trim; simpls.
    destruct ef;
      try solve [exfalso; eapply NOBIN; eapply HS; eauto;
    intros; intro; subst ef0; trim].
    rewrite H0 in H7. inv H7.
    eapply memcpy_deterministic in H1; eauto.
    inv H1; auto.
    rewrite H0 in H7. inv H7.
inv H1; inv H8; auto.
    rewrite H0 in H7. inv H7.
    inv H1. inv H8. rewrite <- H in H1. inv H1; auto.
    rewrite H0 in H5. inv H5.
    rewrite H1 in H8. inv H8. auto.

  Lemma reach_final_terminates_aux:
    let tfsc := transf_family FOK in
    (forall n, ~ contains_misc_builtins tf n) ->
    forall s s' o,
      star (fun ge => cstep ge tf tfsc sp) ge s s' ->
      ((fn_code tf) ! (get_pc s')) = Some (Ireturn o) ->
      ~ State_diverge ge tf tfsc sp s.
    induction 2; red; intros.
    > inv H1.
      inv H2; simpl in *.
      inv H1; simpl in *; try congruence.
    > elim IHstar; eauto.
      inv H3.
      replace s2 with s4; auto.
      eapply step_no_update_det; eauto.

  Lemma reach_final_terminates:
    let tfsc := transf_family FOK in
    (forall n, ~ contains_misc_builtins tf n) ->
    Reaches_final ge tf tfsc sp rs m ->
    Terminates ge tf tfsc sp rs m.
    unfold Terminates, Reaches_final; intros.
    destruct H0 as (s & o & S1 & S2).
    apply Reach_star_step in S1.
    eapply reach_final_terminates_aux; eauto.

Theorem 4 in the paper: slicing_preserves_termination. It shows sliced programs do not introduce divergence.

  Theorem slicing_preserves_termination: (* Theorem 4 *)
    let tfsc := transf_family FOK in
    (forall n, ~ contains_misc_builtins tf n) ->
      Reaches_final ge f fsc sp rs m ->
      Terminates ge tf tfsc sp rs m.
    apply reach_final_terminates; auto.
    apply Reach_return; auto.

  Lemma match_states_eq_rcs: forall s s',
    match_states f l of s' s ->
    (get_rcs s) # l = (get_rcs s') # l.
    inv H; simpl; auto.

  Lemma match_states_not_l: forall s s',
    match_states f l of s s' ->
    (get_pc s') <> l -> (get_pc s) <> l.
    inv H; simpl in *; auto.
    > intro; subst; elim PC_OUT.
      eapply crit_in_slice; eauto.
    > intro; subst.
      assert (obs (_s_dobs of) l = Some l).
        eapply in_slice_s_obs_refl; eauto.
        eapply crit_in_slice; eauto.

This stronger version of program_slicing_is_sound is necessary for the integration with the loop bound analysis.
  Theorem program_slicing_is_sound_stronger_version:
    let tfsc := transf_family FOK in
    forall M,
      (forall s,
        Reach ge tf tfsc sp rs m s ->
        ((get_rcs s) # l <= M)%nat /\
        ((get_rcs s) # l = M -> (get_pc s) <>l)) ->
      (forall s,
        Reach ge f fsc sp rs m s ->
        ((get_rcs s) # l <= M)%nat /\
        ((get_rcs s) # l = M -> (get_pc s) <>l)).
     intros tfsc M H s H0.
     > eapply program_slicing_is_sound; eauto.
       intros; eelim H; eauto.
     > intros.
       exploit Reach_simul; eauto.
       intros (s' & S1 & S2).
       eapply match_states_not_l; eauto.
       eelim H; eauto.
       intros _ T; apply T.
       exploit match_states_eq_rcs; eauto.