About: ftaiani

Full Name
François TAIANI
François graduated from École Centrale Paris (France) and Universität Stuttgart (Germany) in 1998, and received his Ph. D. in Computer Science from Université de Toulouse III in 2004 for his work on fault tolerant middleware at LAAS-CNRS (France). Following an intervening spell at AT&T Labs (USA) in 2004, François worked as a Lecturer from 2005 to 2012 at Lancaster University (UK) where he co-led the Next-Generation Middleware research group with Prof. Gordon Blair and Prof. Geoff Coulson. In November 2012 he joined the Université de Rennes 1 and IRISA as a Full Professor of Distributed Computing. François is interested in the programmability and resilience of large-scale distributed systems, including grid and cloud middleware, overlays, WSNs, and more recently geolocated social networks.

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