Publications of year 1993
Conference articles
  1. P. Brisset and O. Ridoux. Continuations in $\lambda$Prolog. In D.S. Warren, editor, 10th Int. Conf. Logic Programming, pages 27-43, 1993. MIT Press. [WWW] Keyword(s): LambdaProlog, compilation, continuation, exception handling..
    Continuations are well know in functional programming where they have been used to transform and compile programs. Some languages provide explicit manipulations of the continuation for the user: The user can catch and modify the current continuation. Continuations have also been used in the logic programming context to give a denotational semantics for Prolog, to generate Prolog compilers and to transform Prolog programs. In this paper, we propose to introduce new built-ins in a logic programming language to enable the user to explicitly replace the continuations. These built-ins allow the user to have a new control of the execution. We choose LambdaProlog because of its higher-order syntax and implications in the goals which are necessary for the definition and use of these built-ins. In order to define the built-ins, we extend to LambdaProlog the Prolog semantics based on continuations. Then, we show that an exception mechanism can be easily implemented using these new built-ins. The proposed semantics is also used to prove equivalence of goals changing the continuations.

    author = {P. Brisset and O. Ridoux},
    title = {Continuations in $\lambda${Prolog}},
    booktitle = {10th Int. Conf. Logic Programming},
    comment = {Budapest, Hungary},
    editor = {D.S. Warren},
    pages = {27--43},
    publisher = {MIT Press},
    year = 1993,
    abstract = {Continuations are well know in functional programming where they have been used to transform and compile programs. Some languages provide explicit manipulations of the continuation for the user: The user can catch and modify the current continuation. Continuations have also been used in the logic programming context to give a denotational semantics for Prolog, to generate Prolog compilers and to transform Prolog programs. In this paper, we propose to introduce new built-ins in a logic programming language to enable the user to explicitly replace the continuations. These built-ins allow the user to have a new control of the execution. We choose LambdaProlog because of its higher-order syntax and implications in the goals which are necessary for the definition and use of these built-ins. In order to define the built-ins, we extend to LambdaProlog the Prolog semantics based on continuations. Then, we show that an exception mechanism can be easily implemented using these new built-ins. The proposed semantics is also used to prove equivalence of goals changing the continuations.},
    keywords = {LambdaProlog, compilation, continuation, exception handling.},
    url = {} 

  2. M. Ducassé. A pragmatic survey of automated debugging. In P. Fritzson, editor, Proceedings of the First Workshop on Automated and Algorithmic Debugging, volume 749 of Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences, Linkoeping, Sweden, May 1993. Springer-Verlag. [WWW]
    This article proposes a structuring view of the area of automated debugging. Nineteen automated debugging systems are analyzed. Thirteen existing automated debugging techniques are briefly evaluated from a pragmatic point of view. The three underlying strategies are identified, namely verification with respect to specification, checking with respect to language knowledge and filtering with respect to symptom. The verification strategy compares the actual program with some formal specification of the intended program. The checking strategy looks for suspect places which do not comply with some explicit knowledge of the programming language. The filtering strategy assumes correct parts of the code which cannot be responsible for the error symptom. Assertion evaluation and algorithmic debugging are the most promising verification techniques. Some intrinsic limitations of the checking strategy makes it only a complementary, though helpful, debugging support. The slicing technique should be included in any debugger.

    author = {M. Ducassé},
    url = {},
    title = {A pragmatic survey of automated debugging},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the First Workshop on Automated and Algorithmic Debugging},
    editor = {P. Fritzson},
    address = {Linkoeping, Sweden},
    year = {1993},
    month = {May},
    publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
    series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences},
    volume = {749},
    abstract = {This article proposes a structuring view of the area of automated debugging. Nineteen automated debugging systems are analyzed. Thirteen existing automated debugging techniques are briefly evaluated from a pragmatic point of view. The three underlying strategies are identified, namely verification with respect to specification, checking with respect to language knowledge and filtering with respect to symptom. The verification strategy compares the actual program with some formal specification of the intended program. The checking strategy looks for suspect places which do not comply with some explicit knowledge of the programming language. The filtering strategy assumes correct parts of the code which cannot be responsible for the error symptom. Assertion evaluation and algorithmic debugging are the most promising verification techniques. Some intrinsic limitations of the checking strategy makes it only a complementary, though helpful, debugging support. The slicing technique should be included in any debugger. } 

  3. S. Le Huitouze, P. Louvet, and O. Ridoux. Les grammaires logiques et $\lambda$Prolog. In Journées Francophones sur la Programmation en Logique, Nîmes, France, pages 93-108, 1993. Teknea. [WWW] Keyword(s): LambdaProlog, grammaires logiques, portée, représentation du contexte..
    La plupart des systèmes Prolog proposent un formalisme de grammaire logique appelé DCG (Definite Clause Grammar), dont l'utilité est reconnue. Nous présentons deux nouveaux formalismes de grammaire logique appelé DCG' et lambda-HHG (higher-order Hereditary Harrop Grammar)---grammaires héréditaires de Harrop d'ordre supérieur) destinés à être utilisés dans les systèmes LambdaProlog. Les relations entre DCG, DCG', et lambda-HHG, d'une part, et entre Prolog et LambdaProlog, d'autre part, peuvent être résumées de la manière suivante. (1) Prolog, DCG et la traduction de DCG en Prolog sont classiques. (2) Miller propose l'évolution de Prolog à LambdaProlog, et Pereira, Pareschi et Miller montrent l'intérêt d'utiliser LambdaProlog pour le traitement de la langue naturelle. (3) Nous proposons une variante fortement typée de DCG (appelée) afin de pouvoir la traduire en LambdaProlog dans le système LambdaProlog. C'est un premier pas vers un formalisme plus élaboré. (4) lambda-HHG est à DCG ce que LambdaProlog est à Prolog. Ce formalisme combine les avantages d'être grammatical et de cacher les opération d'un analyseur (comme DCG), et d'avoir des termes d'ordre supérieur comme attributs et de proposer une approche logique à la représentation des contextes (comme LambdaProlog).

    author = {S. Le Huitouze and P. Louvet and O. Ridoux},
    title = {Les grammaires logiques et $\lambda${Prolog}},
    booktitle = {Journées Francophones sur la Programmation en Logique},
    year = 1993,
    address = {Nîmes, France},
    publisher = {Teknea},
    pages = {93--108},
    OPTnote = {Version fran\c{c}aise de~\cite{llr93}},
    abstract = {La plupart des systèmes Prolog proposent un formalisme de grammaire logique appelé DCG (Definite Clause Grammar), dont l'utilité est reconnue. Nous présentons deux nouveaux formalismes de grammaire logique appelé DCG' et lambda-HHG (higher-order Hereditary Harrop Grammar)---grammaires héréditaires de Harrop d'ordre supérieur) destinés à être utilisés dans les systèmes LambdaProlog. Les relations entre DCG, DCG', et lambda-HHG, d'une part, et entre Prolog et LambdaProlog, d'autre part, peuvent être résumées de la manière suivante. (1) Prolog, DCG et la traduction de DCG en Prolog sont classiques. (2) Miller propose l'évolution de Prolog à LambdaProlog, et Pereira, Pareschi et Miller montrent l'intérêt d'utiliser LambdaProlog pour le traitement de la langue naturelle. (3) Nous proposons une variante fortement typée de DCG (appelée) afin de pouvoir la traduire en LambdaProlog dans le système LambdaProlog. C'est un premier pas vers un formalisme plus élaboré. (4) lambda-HHG est à DCG ce que LambdaProlog est à Prolog. Ce formalisme combine les avantages d'être grammatical et de cacher les opération d'un analyseur (comme DCG), et d'avoir des termes d'ordre supérieur comme attributs et de proposer une approche logique à la représentation des contextes (comme LambdaProlog).},
    keywords = {LambdaProlog, grammaires logiques, portée, représentation du contexte.},
    url = {} 

  4. S. Le Huitouze, P. Louvet, and O. Ridoux. Logic Grammars and $\lambda$Prolog. In D.S. Warren, editor, 10th Int. Conf. Logic Programming, pages 64-79, 1993. MIT Press. [WWW] Keyword(s): LambdaProlog, logic grammars, scope, context handling in syntactic analysis..
    A logic grammar formalism called DCG (Definite Clause Grammars), which has proved to be useful, is part of most Prolog implementations. We develop two new logic grammar formalisms called DCG' and lambda-HHG (higher-order Hereditary Harrop Grammars) that can be used in LambdaProlog implementations. The relations between DCG, DCG', and lambda-HHG, and Prolog and LambdaProlog can be summarized as follows: (1) The language Prolog, the DCG formalism, and the translation of DCG into Prolog by Prolog are classical. (2) The evolution from Prolog to LambdaProlog is due to Miller and the advantage of using LambdaProlog for doing natural language analysis is shown by Pereira, and Pareschi and Miller. (3) We propose a strongly typed variant of DCG (called DCG') for its translation into LambdaProlog by LambdaProlog. It is a first stage towards a more elaborate formalism. (4) A formalism that is to DCG what LambdaProlog is to Prolog is still missing, and also the way to translate it into LambdaProlog. Such a formalism combines the advantage of being grammatical and hiding the house-keeping operations (like DCG) and of having higher-order terms as attributes and providing a logical approach to context (like LambdaProlog). lambda-HHG is such a formalism.

    author = {S. Le Huitouze and P. Louvet and O. Ridoux},
    title = {Logic Grammars and $\lambda${Prolog}},
    publisher = {MIT Press},
    booktitle = {10th Int. Conf. Logic Programming},
    comment = {Budapest, Hungary},
    editor = {D.S. Warren},
    pages = {64--79},
    year = 1993,
    abstract = {A logic grammar formalism called DCG (Definite Clause Grammars), which has proved to be useful, is part of most Prolog implementations. We develop two new logic grammar formalisms called DCG' and lambda-HHG (higher-order Hereditary Harrop Grammars) that can be used in LambdaProlog implementations. The relations between DCG, DCG', and lambda-HHG, and Prolog and LambdaProlog can be summarized as follows: (1) The language Prolog, the DCG formalism, and the translation of DCG into Prolog by Prolog are classical. (2) The evolution from Prolog to LambdaProlog is due to Miller and the advantage of using LambdaProlog for doing natural language analysis is shown by Pereira, and Pareschi and Miller. (3) We propose a strongly typed variant of DCG (called DCG') for its translation into LambdaProlog by LambdaProlog. It is a first stage towards a more elaborate formalism. (4) A formalism that is to DCG what LambdaProlog is to Prolog is still missing, and also the way to translate it into LambdaProlog. Such a formalism combines the advantage of being grammatical and hiding the house-keeping operations (like DCG) and of having higher-order terms as attributes and providing a logical approach to context (like LambdaProlog). lambda-HHG is such a formalism.},
    keywords = {LambdaProlog, logic grammars, scope, context handling in syntactic analysis.},
    url = {} 

Internal reports
  1. P. Brisset and O. Ridoux. The Compilation of $\lambda$Prolog and its execution with MALI. Rapport de recherche 1831, INRIA, 1993. [WWW]
    author = {P. Brisset and O. Ridoux},
    title = {The Compilation of $\lambda${Prolog} and its execution with {MALI}},
    institution = {INRIA},
    type = {Rapport de recherche},
    number = {1831},
    year = 1993,
    OPTabstract = {See \cite{bo92a}},
    OPTkeywords = {See \cite{bo92a}},
    url = {} 



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Author: ferre.

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