All the news


Don't miss these two events in May to meet us

On Thursday 05 May, come and discover and play the game of paume in virtual reality. As part of "La Semaine du Jeu", IRISA invites you to discover and play a game "jeu de paume" in virtual reality on Thursday 5 May, from 10am to 4pm. The project around the game of paume follows on from a collaboration between the Hybrid team and the Inrap, which carried out excavations on the site of the salle du [..]


All with Maxime for the national final!

"Ma thèse en 180 secondes": Maxime Robic still in the running! Congratulations Maxime! The national final will take place on May 31 in Lyon To be continued ...

Laval Virtual Europe

Meet our scientists at Laval Virtual Europe

Meet our scientists A real meeting place for the major players in virtual and augmented reality: start-ups, investors, large groups, users and suppliers. For 3 days, the whole community will be gathered to discover the latest innovations in immersive technologies. Inria will present « The Virtual Us /alter-egos virtuels » On the Destination Rennes stand, Inria will present "The Virtueal Us/alter [..]


A look back at an observation period for 3rd year secondary school students

As it does every year, IRISA welcomes ninth-grade students for an observation period. Despite the increased use of teleworking at the beginning of 2022, IRISA and the Inria Bretagne Atlantique centre welcomed nine secondary school students to help them discover research and its various professions. A look back at these three days of training at the end of January ... Discovering and explaining [..]

Image of Beg-er-Vil  virtual excavation

From mesolithic to virtual reality

Beg-er-Vil the mesolithic village reconstituted in 3D Human remains and other artifacts dating back 8200 years found on the archaeological site of Beg-er-Vil in Quiberon, guided the archaeologist Gregor Marchand (CNRS research director at CReAAH) to IRISA to reconstruct in virtual reality, the entire site at different periods of excavation that lasted 7 years. Valérie Gouranton (teacher-researcher [..]

Ma thèse en 180 secondes édition  2022

My thesis in 180 seconds : Come and support our three young researchers

Among the 16 young researchers who will take part in the "My Thesis in 180 seconds" competition on 1 March, three are at IRISA We wish good luck to the 16 young researchers who will be taking the stage at the Espace des Sciences on Tuesday 1 March, and more particularly to Joan, Maxime and Salomé, PhD students at IRISA. Joan Thibault, member of the research team Hycomes Maxime Robic, member of the [..]

Titre revue de presse. Image de fond caméra et journaux

Retrospective of articles published in the press and various media.

When the press and the media talk about IRISA, we are talking about cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, mobility or health..... To be read or reread in the 2021 press review

Awards & nominations
Portrait Rebecca Fribourg

Congratulations to Rebecca Fribourg, who receives the Gilles Kahn Thesis Award for her thesis at IRISA

Congratulations to Rebecca Fribourg, who receives the Gilles Kahn Thesis Award for her thesis at IRISA "Contribution of the study of factors influencing the sense of embodiment towards avatars in virtual reality Rebecca Fribourg was a PhD student at IRISA in the Hybrid and Mimetic team. Since September 2021, Rebecca is an associate professor at Ecole Centrale de Nantes, in the laboratory AAU [..]