Probabilistic Modeling of Brain Sulci Based on Statistical Analysis of 3D Surfaces

                  C. Barillot1, P. Hellier1, G. Le Goualher2 and B. Gibaud2

1: IRISA, INRIA/CNRS Unit, VISTA project, Rennes, France,
2: UPRES-EA 2232 " Cortex Cérébral et Epilepsies ", Rennes, France

Goal and Rationale

One of the major problems in functional neuroimaging is to match anatomical and functional data from different
subjects. Usually this task is performed on morphological basis coming from MRI. This work intends to tackle this problem by computing statistical models of cortical sulci from analytical representations of these sulci obtained automatically from 3D MRI using the " active ribbon " method [1]. Our goal is to use these " local " statistical anatomical models as a substrate to compare functional recordings coming from different subjects (e.g. MEG or fMRI). This statistical modeling of cortical sulci will allows the description of their shapes and their variability and can be used as constraints to assist non-linear registration of human brains by inter-individual matching of anatomy following similar ideas than those proposed in [2, 3]. We propose to apply to  neuro-anatomy a general statistical framework defined for modeling déformable object [4, 5]. The model proposed here is devoted to be used for digital brain atlases.

Material and Methods


  [1]  G. Le Goualher, C. Barillot, Y. Bizais, Int. J. of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, 1997,  11:8
  [2]  Collins D.L., Le Goualher G., Venugopal R., Caramanos A., Evans A.C., Barillot C, Lecture Notes  in Computer Sciences: Visualization  in Biomedical Computing, 1996, Vol.1131:307-316.
  [3]  Thompson P.M., Toga A.W., Medical Image Analysis, 4(1):271-294.
  [4]  Cootes T., Cooper D., Taylor C., Graham J., Image and Vision Computing, 1992, Vol.10(5):289-294.
  [5]  Kervrann C., Heitz F, Proc. of IEEE Computer Vision & Pattern Recognition, 1994, pp.724-728