Publications de Sophie Blestel

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Conférences internationales

  1. S. Blestel, C.and Heichette, C. Fish, P. Dupuys-Williams, D. Chrétien, Ch. Kervrann. Electron cryo-tomography of microtubule assemblies: automatic segmentation of tomograms with CryoSeg. In EMBO Conference Series Microtubules - Structure, Regulation and Functions, Heidelberg, Germany, Juin 2010. details
  2. A. Guesdon, S. Blestel, C. Heichette, Ch. Kervrann, D. Chrétien. Three dimensional reconstruction of 14 protofilaments GMPCPP-microtubules using TubuleJ. In EMBO Conference Series Microtubules - Structure, Regulation and Functions, Heidelberg, Germany, Juin 2010. details
  3. F. Coquelle, S. Blestel, K. Kinoshita, B. Vitre, C. Heichette, Ch. Kervrann, I. Arnal, D. Chrétien. Effects of XMAP215 on Microtubule Dynamics and Structure and its Visualization by Electron Cryo-Tomography. In EMBO Conference Series Microtubules - Structure, Regulation and Functions, Heidelberg, Germany, Juin 2010. details
  4. I. Arnal, F. Coquelle, S. Blestel, B. Vitre, C. Heichette, Ch. Kervrann, D. Chrétien. Structural basis of the interaction between microtubules and +TIPs. In EMBO Conference Series Microtubules - Structure, Regulation and Functions, Heidelberg, Germany, Juin 2010. details
  5. S. Blestel, Ch. Kervrann, D. Chrétien. A Fourier-based method for detecting curved microtubule centers: application to straightening of cryo-electron microscope images. In Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. on Biomedical Imaging: from nano to macro (ISBI'09), Pages 298-301, Boston, MA, Juin 2009. details pdf

Conférences nationales

  1. S. Blestel, D. Chrétien, Ch. Kervrann. Segmentation of fibers in cryo-electron tomograms. In Colloque de la Société Francaise des Microscopies (SFmu'09), Paris, France, Juin 2009. details
  2. P. Guichard, A.M. Tassin, S. Blestel, Ch. Kervrann, S. Marco, D. Chrétien. Daughter centriole morphogenesis and structural details of isolated human centrosomes revealed by cryo-electron tomography. In Colloque de la Société Francaise des Microscopies (SFmu'09), Paris, France, Juin 2009. details

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