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A. Belinfante, L. Du Bousquet, S. Ramangalahy, S. Simon, C. Viho, R. De Vries. Formal test automation: the conference protocol with TGV/TorX. In IFIP TC6/WG6.1 13th International Conference on Testing of Communicating Systems, TestCom 2000, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, Hasan Ural, Robert L. Probert, Gregor v. Bochman (eds.), Pages 221-228, August 2000.

BibTex Reference

   Author = {Belinfante, A. and Du Bousquet, L. and Ramangalahy, S. and Simon, S. and Viho, C. and De Vries, R.},
   Title = {Formal test automation: the conference protocol with TGV/TorX},
   BookTitle = {IFIP TC6/WG6.1 13th International Conference on Testing of Communicating Systems, TestCom 2000, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada},
   editor = {Ural, Hasan and Probert, Robert L. and v. Bochman, Gregor},
   Pages = {221--228},
   Publisher = {Kluwer Academic},
   Month = {August},
   Year = {2000}

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