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C. Jard, T. Jéron. Formal Analysis of Distributed Computations. In (Conférence invitée) Septièmes entretiens du centre Jacques Cartier, Communicating Informatics and Distributed Systems, Grenoble, France, Gv. Bochmann, M. Barbeau, M. Riveill, J. Sifakis (eds.), December 1994.


Thierry Jéron http://www.irisa.fr/prive/jeron

BibTex Reference

   Author = {Jard, C. and Jéron, T.},
   Title = {Formal Analysis of Distributed Computations},
   BookTitle = {(Conférence invitée) Septièmes entretiens du centre Jacques Cartier, Communicating Informatics and Distributed Systems, Grenoble, France},
   editor = {Bochmann, Gv. and Barbeau, M. and Riveill, M. and Sifakis, J.},
   Publisher = {Université de Grenoble},
   Month = {December},
   Year = {1994}

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