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Sujet de thèse proposé à l'Irisa pour la rentrée 2001-2002


anim ISA support and Out-of-Order execution

Localisation : Irisa, Rennes

Equipe(s) : Caps

Responsable : André Seznec (tél. direct : 02 99 84 73 36, email :

Sujet : While the superiority of RISC ISAs (e.g. Alpha, Mips, Sparc ..) over CISC ISAs (e.g. x86) has been clear for single issue pipelined processors and for in-order execution superscalar processors, complex out-of- order execution mechanisms have smoothened (even annihilated) the benefits of RISC ISAs for current generation processors.

The path for higher performance using current ISAs seems to be more and more speculative execution (branches, memory dependencies, data, ..). On the other hand, support for part of this speculative execution can be provided by the ISA as in the new EPIC instruction set IA64 from Intel/HP. IA 64 implements new concepts (at least for general purpose computing) for speculative execution (predicated execution and advanced loads). These mechanisms allow to expose to the compiler a part of the speculative execution that is managed by hardware on current out-of-order execution superscalar processors. Itanium, the first IA64 processor will execute instructions in-order, but future generation IA64 processors will implement out-of-order execution.

The goal of the proposed study is to evaluate ISA supports for speculative executiom in the light of state-of- the-art out-of- order execution mechanisms. This will allow to focus computer architecture work and compiler design to focus on the really useful mechanisms in both world and eliminate (neglect) those that are better traeted on the other sideonly complexify. In particular, the use of predicated execution and advanced loads seem to allow to limit/simplify the hardware needed for out-of-order execution, but raises new questions: how predicate execution compare with branch prediction? should the predicates also be predicted ? which kind of branches must be respectively treated by hardware and software ? should (in)dependency between memory accesses be treated through software or hardware ?

As it features speculative execution support, the IA64 instruction set will be used as a research vehicle for this study. A simulation platform for the microarchitecture will be required. This platform must allow detailed and performant simulation. Such a simulator for out-of-order execution processors is very slow (10000-100000 slower than a real processor). In practice, only the beginning of the application is simulated. CAPS team at IRISA/INRIA has developped an approach called Calvin2 mixing direct fast execution (at host performance) and simulation. This approach allows to simulate samples distributed over a whole real size application. This approach has been developped on an UltraSparc platform. No simulation platform for the IA64 ISA is currently available. Definition and design of such a platform will be part of the project. Calvin2 will be ported on an IA64 platform and a simulation library for out-of-order execution processors will developped for this platform. The simulation platform will be then distributed to the scientific community.




dernière mise à jour : 12.03.2001

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