Scientific Axes
Activity Report
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Results 301 - 325 of 457
Authors Title Journal Year Type Links
Andonov et al. Optimal semi-oblique tiling IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 2003
Andonov et al. Protein Threading: From Mathematical Models to Parallel Implementations PI 1552 2003
Andonov et al. Combinatorial approaches for segmenting bacterium genomes RR-4853 2003 Webpage Link
N Ben Zacour et al. GENOFRAG: a software to design primers optimized for whole genome scaning by long-range PCR amplification. Application to the study of Staphylococcus aureus genome plasticity ECCB'2003 European Conference on Computational Biology, Paris 2003
Andonov et al. Fragmentation de génomes bactériens : deux approches d'optimisation combinatoire Roadef 2003 2003
Yanev Andonov Solving the Protein Threading Problem in Parallel Workshop on HiCOMB'03, held in conjunction with 17th IPDPS Nice, France 2003
Lavenier et al. GénoGRID: an experimental grid for genomic applications HealthGrid 2003 2003
C Belleann\ée O Ridoux Programmation logique et calcul. Présentation d'un enseignement de maîtrise d'informatique Programmation en logique avec contraintes- JFPLC 2003 2003
Siegel Spectral theory for dynamical systems arisen by substitutions European Women in Mathematics 2003
Siegel Représentation des systèmes dynamiques substitutifs non unimodulaires Ergod. Th. and Dynam. Sys. 2003
Coste D Fredouille What is the search space for the inference of non deterministic, unambiguous and deterministic automata ? rapport technique 4907 2003 Webpage Link
Coste D Fredouille Introduction de connaissances structurelles et langagières pour l'apprentissage d'automates CAp'03 Conférence d'Apprentissage AFIA 2003
Coste D Fredouille Unambiguous automata inference by means of state-merging methods ECML'03 2003
Tallur Étude d'un comportement paramétré de CAHCVR sur des données réelles en imagerie numérique Méthodes et Perspectives en Classification, Comptes rendus des 10-èmes Rencontres de la Société Francophone de Classification 2003
D Schausi et al. Regulation of an intronic promoter of rat estrogen receptor alpha gene.Targeting of promoter to the pituitary in trangenic mice. -- 2003
Durand et al. Integration of data and methods for genome analysis. Curr Opin Drug Discov Devel 2003 Electronic Paper Link
Andonov et al. Combinatorial approaches for segmenting bacterium genomes RR-4853 2003 Webpage Link
N Ben Zacour et al. GENOFRAG: a software to design primers optimized for whole genome scaning by long-range PCR amplification. Application to the study of Staphylococcus aureus genome plasticity ECCB'2003 European Conference on Computational Biology, Paris 2003
Andonov et al. Fragmentation de génomes bactériens : deux approches d'optimisation combinatoire Roadef 2003 2003
Giraud Lavenier Réalisation matérielle d'automates pondérés pour la recherche de motifs génomiques SympAAA'2003 9ème Symposium en Architectures de Machines et Adéquation Algorithme Architecture 2003
Yanev Andonov Une approche programmation linéaire pour la reconnaissance de repliements de protéines Roadef 2003 2003
Andonov et al. Optimal semi-oblique tiling IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 2003
Andonov et al. Protein Threading: From Mathematical Models to Parallel Implementations PI 1552 2003
Andonov et al. Combinatorial approaches for segmenting bacterium genomes RR-4853 2003 Webpage Link
Andonov et al. Fragmentation de génomes bactériens : deux approches d'optimisation combinatoire Roadef 2003 2003
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