



Solidor demonstration



Environment for the design and execution of hard-real time dependable applications


Tools to build a fault-tolerant application

The Hades environment relies on a generic task model called Hades task model. With this task model, every task is described by a direct acyclic graph whose nodes model a sequence of code without synchronization or a system call, and edges model precedence constraints between them. For each task can be specified a set of synchronization attributes (e.g. use of resources), timing attributes (e.g. deadline), distribution attributes (e.g. site to make a computation) and fault-tolerance attributes (e.g. replication strategy to use).

The HadesIDE graphic tool allows to describe the graph and the attributes of every task. The application designer does not himself manage fault-tolerance of his applications. The following figure shows the conception of the work1 task that manages the moving of critical and non-critical bees.

The HadesIDE off-line tool

View larger version of the HadeIDE off-line tool

work1 is made of six computation nodes (at the top in the left of the figure) :

  • getBees gets the position of the bees on Hades 1 ;

  • getWasp gets the position of the wasp on Hades 0 ;

  • cal1 computes the position of the critical bees on Hades 1 (the application designer does not manage replication for fault-tolerance on Hades 3) ;

  • cal2 computes the position of the non-critical bees on Hades 2 ;

  • updateBees backups the position of the bees on Hades 1 ;

  • display displays the bees on the screen of Hades 0.

The HadesIDE tool allows the application designer to indicate which pieces of task graphs to replicate for fault-tolerance, and which strategies of replication to use (at the bottom in the right of the previous figure). The available strategies of replication are active, passive and semi-active replication to treat site failures and temporal replication to detect site errors. Each piece of a distributed task can use a different replication strategy and a different replication degree. On the example, the application designer has indicated that getBees, cal1 and updateBees must be replicated on Hades 1 and Hades 3. For this application, the designer has chosen the active replication.

When the conception of an application is terminated, it can be transformed in a fault-tolerant application thanks to the replication tool. This tool is in charge of modifying the graph of the application tasks thanks to various transformation schemes: each transformation scheme implements a replication strategy. In the following figure, we present the work1 task after the use of the replication tool.

The work1 task after replication

View larger version of the work1 task after replication

A third off-line tool, called sched, implements the scheduling algorithms. A scheduling algorithm computes on-line or off-line the execution order of tasks and to verify the respect of their deadlines. For hard real-time applications, the respect of deadlines must be verified off-line. The sched tool only implements the off-line pieces of the scheduling algorithms. For the bees application, we used a distributed version of the off-line scheduling algorithm of Xu and Parnas [XuPa90].

A fourth off-line tool computes the memory which is necessary for an application. This tool also generates the application binary for the Hades platform.

J. Xu and D.L. Parnas. Scheduling Processes with Release Times, Deadlines, Precedence, and Exclusion Relations. IEEE Trans. on Software Engineering, 16(3):360-369, Mar. 1990.

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dernière mise à jour : 17 02 2000

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