Projet ISNLP

Résumé du projet (english abstract below)

Actualités - documents

Participer - questionnaire

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Overview (extrait du texte de projet)

ISNLP proposal to CominLabs-AI-forEducation: exploratory experiments combining Information Systems and Natural Language Processing

contact : Annie.Foret at, SemLIS team, IRISA

Situating the proposal Our proposal lies in the AIED field (Artificial Intelligence for Education). We address questions regarding Education on how to help learners in some "selected fields" in the digital era, given our own expertise as researchers, as computer scientists and as teachers. An issue we also care about is user-acceptability of new tools and approaches. This criterion will serve as part of evaluation. As "selected fields", we consider in particular:
Situating the objectives Our objectives are in line with:
Situating the experiments We propose several experiments to enrich texts (in various formats) that serve as pedagogical support. This comes in two major ways: Both ways will be provided connections of major terms with referring or enlarged information (terminology, definition, formula, symbols, etc.). The targeted complexity may go from a simple glossary to a rich semantic network and may include interactive technology.