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Tricks for HAL

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This page gathers useful information from issues encountered by Metiss members about using HAL. Please add here every useful remark to use HAL.

Introduction to HAL

Some general information are available in the following slides which have been presented in December 2010 to the METISS team:

An overview of HAL (by Valentin Emiya and Jules Espiau)

Submit a publication on HAL

I want to submit a publication reference (without the full text)

On, the first step of a submission is to add the file.

You have the possiblity to skip this step by clicking on the "Go next (reference submission)" button.

This will allow you to submit the reference of the publication without adding the file.

I want to submit a publication with the full text (.pdf, .tex, etc.)

You must check the editors' copyright policies as explained below.

List of copyright policies for common Metiss editors:

  • IEEE, Springer, Elsevier, SPIE: only the author's pre-print document and this document has to include publisher's copyright. Follow this link to include the copyright in your PDF file:
  • AES Policy: "After the conference, papers are posted on the AES website for purchase and downloading. If, within six months after the conference, authors have not been advised that their paper is being considered for Journal publication, they may post their papers on the Internet providing they request permission from the AES."
  • Please add here other editors' policies

Other editors:

  • How to know if you are allowed by the publiser to add the file ?

By consulting the publisher copyright policies. The website colects a lot (but not all) of publisher policies information.

  • How to know which version of the file (author or editor) you should submit ?

Again, by consulting the publisher copyright policies.

Create a dynamic list of publications in php or html for your website

Basic documentation

In HAL, use "Services/HalTools: create your web page".

I would like to change the layout of the webpage (.css)

You can specify your own style sheet (.css) file in the request. For instance, the request used in the Metiss website is:

<iframe src=";
frameborder="0" height="450" scrolling="auto" width="100%">
Your browser does not support iframes.

To create your own style sheet, you can copy and modify an existing one such as the Metiss one mentioned above.

I would like to remove the inner slider

In HTML, we currently have no solution (but we did not search extensively, maybe javascript could help).

In PHP, use this trick:

$url = '
$http_page = utf8_decode(file_get_contents($url,FILE_USE_INCLUDE_PATH));
echo $http_page;

Categories in HAL are not well defined

Indeed, in the English version of HAL, journal papers are named "Articles in peer-reviewed journal" (while they may not be peer-reviewed), papers in conference proceedings are named "Articles in peer-reviewed journal", names are singular or plural depending on the category, etc. This is very annoying, especially to make a public webpage.

After a request to change these bad translations, the HAL support answered that they may be fixed soon...

Meanwhile, a solution in PHP is to parse the extracted webpage using regular expressions:

$url = '';
$http_page = utf8_decode(file_get_contents($url,FILE_USE_INCLUDE_PATH));
$http_page = preg_replace("/<p class='Rubrique'>Articles in peer-reviewed journal/",
"<p class='Rubrique'>Peer-reviewed journal papers",$http_page);
$http_page = preg_replace("/<p class='Rubrique'>Articles in non peer-reviewed journal/",
"<p class='Rubrique'>Journal papers without peer-review",$http_page);
$http_page = preg_replace("/<p class='Rubrique'>Peer-reviewed conference\/proceedings/",
"<p class='Rubrique'>Papers in conference proceedings",$http_page);
$http_page = preg_replace("/<p class='Rubrique'>Patent/",
"<p class='Rubrique'>Patents",$http_page);
$http_page = preg_replace("/<p class='Rubrique'>Research report/",
"<p class='Rubrique'>Research reports",$http_page);
echo $http_page;

I would like to add a category "Pending papers' with temporary entries that are not in HAL.

Just use the same styles as in the HAL .css file and locally add the entries to your webpage:

<div id="res_script">
<p class='Rubrique'>Pending papers</p>
<dl class='NoticeRes'>
<dt class="ChampRes">Titre</dt>
<dd class="ValeurRes Titre">
Put the title here</dd>
<dt class="ChampRes">Auteurs</dt>
<dd class="ValeurRes Auteurs">Put the author names here </dd>
<dt class="ChampRes">Détail</dt><dd class="ValeurRes Detail">
<i>Put the name of the journal</i>, subbmitted/accepted.</dd>

<div id="content">
$url = '
$http_page = utf8_decode(file_get_contents($url,FILE_USE_INCLUDE_PATH));
echo $http_page;

Known issues and desired improvements in HAL

List here the known issues, which may be fixed in the (hopefully close) future.

Translation issues

According to the French version of HAL (and somehow to the common sense), you are expected to use the following categories:

  • Peer-reviewed journal papers
  • Journal papers with no review
  • conference papers
  • conference communication (no proceedings)
  • patents
  • and so on

However, the English translation of some of these categories is wrong:

  • 'Peer-reviewed conference papers" is used for "conference papers'
  • Some names are used with a singular form ('Patent') while others are plural ('Articles in peer-reviewed journal')

Desired Improvements

  • Improve the importation from Bibtex by recognizing the authors
  • Recognition of the name of the conferences (in order to homogenize the conferences names)