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Gabriel Sargent

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PhD student
Campus de Beaulieu, 35042 Rennes cedex, France.
E-mail: [firstname].[lastname]

Research interests :

Automatic structure inference of music pieces
Music information retrieval

My goal is to characterize automatically the organization of a music piece through a sequence of structural segments, labeled according to their music content.

The music I consider is yet quite "conventional" : pop, rock, electro, jazz ...

Various scales of study can be chosen (hierarchical structure). I'm interested in a scale which maximizes the similarity between the structural segments and favors a "structural pulse" ( i.e. a few segment sizes). The timespan observed for the segments is typically about or over 16 seconds.
For more information, please refer to the "publications" part.

Short CV :

2009-2012 : PhD with Frédéric Bimbot and Emmanuel Vincent, on automatic structure analysis of music pieces.
2009 : graduated from ENSEA (engineering school in electronics and computer sciences in Cergy, France), specialized in signal processing + obtention of M.Sc in machine learning and image processing techniques in the University of Cergy-Pontoise (Master M2 SIC).

Programming skills : Matlab, C, C++.

Resources :

Structural segmentation softwares

Systems presented in ISMIR 2011 article :
System 1
System 2

Publications :