Zbynek Koldovsky (1), Petr Tichavsky (2), and Jiri Malek (1) (1) Faculty of Mechatronic and Interdisciplinary Studies Technical University of Liberec, Studentska 2, 461 17 Liberec, Czech Republic {jiri . malek, zbynek . koldovsky} (at) tul . cz (2) Institute of Information Theory and Automation, Pod vodarenskou vezi 4, P.O.Box 18, 182 08 Praha 8, Czech Republic tichavsk (at) utia . cas . cz The separation was performed by the subband version of the T-ABCD algorithm described in [1]. The method utilizes the whole second of recordings and processes signals in four subbands of the same bandwidth in parallel. The other parameters were L=10 (the length of separating filters within subbands) and alpha=2 (the weighting parameter). The processing is linear, therefore, Task 1 is considered only. The method was running in Matlab. Average running time per test: 0.45s Total running time per GHz of CPU: 31.0s [1] Zbynek Koldovsky, Petr Tichavsky, and Jiri Malek: Subband Blind Audio Source Separation Using a Time-Domain Algorithm and Tree-Structured QMF Filter Bank, submitted to LVA/ICA 2010, 2010.