
Vendredi 7 mai 1999 - 14h00
Salle de conférences Michel Métivier

Hermann KOPETZ
(Université de Vienne, Autriche)

The Time-Triggered Model of Computation

The Time-Triggered (TT) model of computation is a model for the representation and analysis of the design of large hard real-time systems. Central to this model is the concept of temporal accuracy of real-time information.

The TT-model consists of four building blocks, interfaces that contain temporally accurate data, a communication subsystem that connects interfaces, a host computer that reads input data from interfaces and writes output data to interfaces, and a transducer that transforms the information representation in the environment into the digital form of the interface and vice versa.

These four building blocks can be used recursively to describe arbitrary large hard real-time systems. The TT-model separates cleanly the design of the interaction pattern among components from the design of the components themselves. It thus supports a compositional design. In the final section the TT-model is compared to the client-server model.

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