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La Baule, Centre de Congres Atlantia, France
October 23-26, 2006
Optional Excursion Program

Poster session guidelines :

For Poster Presenters
Poster teaser sessions will be held in espace Fédrun and Poster sessions will be held in espace Bréca.

  • Poster size:

Posters will have an allocated space of 90cm wide by 120cm high (i.e. about 35 inches by 47 inches). Your poster, in portrait format, must not exceed these dimensions.

  • Poster Installation

Presenters are invited to install their posters before the morning coffee break and to remove them after the last session of the day. No pins are needed – an adhesive kit will be supplied to the participants.

  • Poster Localization:

The conference organizers have assigned a number to each poster which can be found in the Program. Use the poster board with the corresponding number.

  • Poster teasers

All poster presenters will have to deliver a single slide one minute "teaser". The slides will be run in sequence without a break, and no speaker will be allowed to excess this 1 minute time limit due to the very tight schedule. Presenters should introduce themselves to the chairman of their session 15’ before the session starts.

Authors willing to take part to this teasing should send their slide to before October 9, in either Acrobat PDF or Microsoft PowerPoint format.

Oral session guidelines :

All oral presentations are in a single track and will be given in espace Fédrun.

  • Each oral presentation is given 20 minutes including:

15 minutes for presentation
5 minutes for questions and answers

  1. Only electronic presentations will be permitted, the organizers will provide a video projector as presentation equipment. If you require other equipment please contact the organizers as soon as possible.
  2. You may use your own laptop or you may load your presentation onto our Windows XP machine (for PowerPoint and Adobe PDF presentations). However in this latter case, animations may not appear correctly.
  • Presenters should introduce themselves to the chairman of their session 15’ before the session starts and check that their presentation works with the provided equipment.


Last modified
22 november 2006

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Paper Submission


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