AADEBUG'95 Abstract

Automated Debugging Extensions of the Opium Trace Analyser

Mireille Ducassé

Campus Universitaire de Beaulieu
F - 35042 Rennes Cedex, France
email: ducasse@irisa.fr

Traces of program executions tell how programs behave in given cases. They are a helpful source of information for automated debugging.

Opium is an automated trace analyser for Prolog programs. It is programmable and extendable. It provides a trace query language and abstract views of executions as a basis for automated debugging. Opium has shown its capabilities to build abstract tracers and automated debugging facilities. This paper lists the extensions written so far, and describes two recent extensions: the abstract tracers for the LO (Linear Objects) language, and for the CHR (Constraint Handling Rules) language.

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