Publications of year 2002
Books and proceedings
  1. C. Szyperski. Component Software. Addison-Wesley, 2002.
    Note: 2nd edition.

  2. Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Software Engineering, Orlando, FL, USA, May 2002. ACM Press.

Articles in journal or book chapters
  1. J.-P. Bodeveix and M. Filali. Reduction and quantifier elimination techniques for program validation. Formal Methods in System Design, 20(1):69--89, 2002.

  2. Jean-Claude Royer. The GAT Approach to Specify Mixed Systems. Informatica, 2002.
    Note: To appear, ISSN 0350-5596, \texttt

Conference articles
  1. J. Aldrich, C. Chambers, and D. Notkin. ArchJava: Connecting Software Architecture to Implementation. In Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Software Engineering, Orlando, FL, USA, pages 187-197, May 2002. ACM Press.

  2. Michel Allemand and Jean-Claude Royer. Mixed Formal Specification with PVS. In Proceedings of the 15th IPDPS 2002 Symposium, FMPPTA, 2002. IEEE Computer Society.

  3. F. Besson, T. de Grenier de Latour, and T. Jensen. Secure calling contexts for stack inspection. In Proc. of 4th Int Conf. on Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming (PPDP 2002), pages 76--87, 2002. ACM Press.

  4. G. Bobeff and J. Noyé. Component Specialization: Towards Deeper Adaptation. In Syste`mes a` composants adaptables et extensibles, Grenoble, France, October 2002.

  5. G. Bobeff and J. Noyé. On the Interaction of Partial Evaluation and Inheritance. In First Inheritance Workshop at ECOOP 2002, Malaga, Spain, June 2002.

  6. F. Cuppens and A. Miège. Alert Correlation in a Cooperative Intrusion Detection Framework. In IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, Oakland, USA, 2002.

  7. R. Douence, P. Fradet, and M. Südholt. A framework for the detection and resolution of aspect interactions. In Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN/SIGSOFT Conference on Generative Programming and Component Engineering (GPCE'02), pages 173--188, October 2002.
    Note: Preprint version is
    Keywords: aop, static analysis.

  8. Rémi Douence, Pascal Fradet, and Mario Südholt. A framework for the detection and resolution of aspect interactions. In Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN/SIGSOFT Conference on Generative Programming and Component Engineering, 2002. Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2487.

  9. Marc Eluard and Thomas Jensen. Secure object flow analysis for Java Card. In Proc. of 5th Smart Card Research and Advanced Application Conference (Cardis'02), pages 97--110, 2002. IFIP/USENIX.

  10. A. Farias, Y.-G. Guéhéneuc, and M. Südholt. Integrating Behavioral Protocols in Enterprise Java Beans. In B. Kenneth and K. Haim, editors, Eleventh OOPSLA Workshop on Behavioral Semantics: Serving the Customer, pages 80--89, October 2002.
    Keywords: protocols, component models, detection, verification, EJB, JavaBeans.

  11. Andrés Farìas and Mario Südholt. On components with explicit protocols satisfying a notion of correctness by construction. In International Symposium on Distributed Objects and Applications (DOA), LNCS, 2002.
    Note: To appear.

  12. Andrés Farìas and Mario Südholt. On components with explicit protocols satisfying a notion of correctness by construction. In International Symposium on Distributed Objects and Applications (DOA), LNCS, 2002.
    Note: To appear.

  13. S. Gombault and M. Diop. Mirador : reaction facility. In NATO Information Systems Technology Panel Symposium on Real Time Intrusion Detection, Lisbonne, May 2002.

  14. Y.-G. Guéhéneuc, R. Douence, and N. Jussien. No Java without Caffeine -- A Tool for Dynamic Analysis of Java Programs. In Proceedings of ASE 2002 : 17th International IEEE Conference on Automated Software Engineering, Edinburgh, UK, September 2002.

  15. E. Tanter, M. Ségura-Devillechaise, J. Noyé, and J. Piquer. Altering Java Semantics via Bytecode Manipulation. In Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN/SIGSOFT Conference on Generative Programming and Component Engineering (GPCE'02), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Pittsburgh, USA, October 2002. Springer-Verlag.

Internal reports
  1. A. Farias and M. Südholt. On the construction of components with explicit protocols. Technical report 02/4/INFO, E'cole des Mines de Nantes, 2002.

  2. Object Management Group. CORBA Components. Adopted Specification formal/02-06-65, OMG, June 2002.
    Note: Version 3.0. [WWW ]



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Last modified: Wed Oct 29 14:44:30 2003
Author: jensen.

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