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M. Nebut. Calcul d'horloges et valeurs. In MOVEP'2k MOdelling and VErification of Parallel processes, F. Cassez, C. Jard, B. Rozoy, M. Ryan (eds.), Pages 199-202, Nantes, Juin 2000.


Mirabelle Nebut

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   Author = {Nebut, M.},
   Title = {Calcul d'horloges et valeurs},
   BookTitle = {MOVEP'2k MOdelling and VErification of Parallel processes},
   editor = {Cassez, F. and Jard, C. and Rozoy, B. and Ryan, M.},
   Pages = {199--202},
   Publisher = {École Centrale de Nantes},
   Address = {Nantes},
   Month = {June},
   Year = {2000}

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