A fundamental requisite for deploying robots in the real world is real
time perception of the surrounding humans and objects. In this talk, I
will present our recent research in exploiting diverse senses (vision,
force, tact) within robot feedback controllers, to guarantee safe
physical interaction with humans, and to shape soft objects. This cannot
go without briefly reminiscing the good times at Sapienza and at INRIA
Andrea Cherubini received a MSc in Mechanical Engineering from the
University of Rome « La Sapienza », a second MSc in Control Systems from
the University of Sheffield, U.K., and a PhD from « La Sapienza ». He
was then post-doc at INRIA Rennes, before becoming Associate Professor
(2011), then Full Professor (2021) at Université de Montpellier/LIRMM.
Since 2024, he is Full Professor at Centrale Nantes / LS2N. Andrea's
research focuses on multimodal human-robot interaction, and has been
supported by several ANR and EU funded projects, which he manages or has
managed as Principal Investigator. During his career, he coauthored
approximately 100 papers in International peer-reviewed conferences and
journals. Andrea is Associate Editor for IEEE TRO and IJRR journals, and
has acted as Associate Editor for numerous IROS and ICRA Conferences.