D5 Day - Journée du Département

Starting on
Ending on
IRISA Rennes
Amphithéatre Inria

La journée du département D5 (Réalité virtuelle, Humains virtuels, interactions et robotique) du laboratoire aura lieu le 22 mai 2023 (Amphithéatre Inria). La présence de tous les doctorants du département est obligatoire.

The day of the D5 department (Virtual Reality, Virtual Humans, Interactions and Robotics) will take place on  the 22nd of May, 2023 (Inria Amphitheatre). The presence of all the PhD students of the department is mandatory.

Program (english version)

9h - 9h30 - Welcoming / Coffee (Hall of Inria amphitheatre)

9h30 - 10h30 - Presentation of the D5 Department (Inria amphitheatre)

  • Introduction of the D5 day + overview of the department (L. Hoyet, 15 min) 
  • Presentation of the Hybrid Team (F. Argelaguet, 10min)
  • Presentation of the Rainbow Team (P. Robuffo Giordano, 10min)
  • Presentation of the Virtus Team (J. Pettré, 10min)
  • Presentation of the MimeTIC Team (F. Multon, 10min)

10h30 - 11h - Coffee break (Hall of Inria amphitheatre)

11h - 12h30 - Focus: collaborations between teams (Inria amphitheatre)

  • J. Pettré: What is CrowdDNA? (Virtus/MimeTIC)
  • F. Argelaguet: Tactility: Creating Rich Tactile Virtual Reality Experiences using Electrotactile Feedback (Hybrid/Rainbow)
  • A.H. Olivier: Non-verbal interactions between pedestrians and wheelchair users: from lab to real life studies (Rainbow/Virtus?)

12h30 - 14h - Lunch + Demos (Petri-Turing)


  • Jeu de Paume VR (Hybrid)
  • PUMAH : Pan-tilt Ultrasound Mid-Air Haptics for larger interaction workspace in virtual reality (Rainbow)
  • Immersive Virtual Crowds (Virtus)
  • Embodiment paradigms in VR (Hybrid)
  • Rainbow's Past, Present and Future Aerial Robotic Research (Rainbow)

14h - 16h - Scientific presentations from all the 2nd-year PhD students (Inria amphitheatre) - 5min per presentation 

  • Emilie Hummel (Hybrid). Rehabilitation post-Cancer based on VR (Anatole Lécuyer, Valérie Gouranton, Mélanie Cogné).
  • Yann Moullec (Hybrid). Walking Sensations in VR (Anatole Lécuyer, Mélanie Cogné).
  • Yulia Patotskaya (Virtus). Appealing Character Design for Embodied Virtual Reality (Ludovic Hoyet, Julien Pettré, Katja Zibrek).
  • Xiaoyuan Wang (Virtus/MimeTIC). Hand-held object reconstruction and hand grasping motion generation (Adnane Boukhayma, Marc Christie).
  • Hasnaa Ouadoudi Belabzioui (MimeTIC). Force-based criterion for in-situ analysis of physical activity at work: application to load carrying (Charles Pontonnier, Franck Multon, Georges Dumont).
  • Rebecca Crolan (MimeTIC). Prediction of low back load during gymnastics landings for the prevention and follow-up of athlete injuries (Charles Pontonnier, Diane Haering, Matthieu Ménard).
  • Maxime Bernard (Rainbow). Shared control for multi-robot systems (Paolo Robuffo Giordano, Claudio Pacchierotti).
  • Pierre-Antoine Cabaret (Rainbow). Design of navigation techniques for a multisensory handle for mobility assistance (Maud Marchal, Marie Babel, Claudio Pacchierotti).
  • Thibault Noël (Rainbow). Exploration of indoor environments (Eric Marchand, François Chaumette).
  • Erwan Normand (Rainbow). Augmenting the interaction with everyday objects with wearable haptics and Augmented Reality (Eric Marchand, Maud Marchal, Claudio Pacchierotti).
  • Ali Srour (Rainbow). Robust and Control-Aware Motion Planning (Paolo Robuffo Giordano, A. Franchi)

16h - Discussions and conclusion (Inria amphitheatre)