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Awards & nominations
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Best Doctoral Award for Fernando Fernandes dos Santos (TARAN)

Congratulations to Fernando Fernandes dos Santos fron the research team TARAN Congratulations to Fernando Fernandes dos Santos (TARAN team), winner of the McCluskey Doctoral thesis Award at the IEEE ITC 2023 conference held in Anaheim, CA (USA) last October. The award was awarded by the IEEE Test Technology Technical Community for his thesis entitled: "Understanding and Improving GPUs' Reliability [..]

Visuel des voeux Joy 2024 en couleurs vives avec logo IRISA Rennes Lannion Vannes

Best wishes for the new year 2024

IRISA wishes you a colourful and happy 2024!

Personne équipée d'un masque manipule en réalité vitruelle la momie du chat

Discover an innovative digital approach at the Musée des Beaux-Arts in Rennes...

Archaeological remains are fragile witnesses that need to be analysed, interpreted and preserved. Imagine being able to excavate them without opening them... In 2017, major advances in the study of ancient Egyptian animal mummies emerged, opening up new perspectives on the history and culture of this civilisation. An in-depth study in Manchester of 800 Egyptian animal mummies revealed that a third [..]

Awards & nominations
Image décorative

Congratulations to Daniel Rosendo, Phd Student in the Kerdata research team, for winning the 2nd prize for his thesis at the BDA conference.

Congratulations to Daniel Rosendo, phd Student in the Kerdata research team winner of the 2nd Thesis Prize for 2023 at the 39th conférence BDA « Gestion de Données – Principes, Technologies et Applications », held in Montpellier from 23 to 26 October.

Awards & nominations
Image décorative de Best Stduent Paper Award - WIFS 2023

Congratulations to the LinkMedia PhD students for their Best Paper at the IEEE WIFS'23 conference

Congratulations to Pierre Fernandez, Antoine Chaffin, Karim Tit, Vivien Chappelier, PhD students in the LinkMedia team and Teddy Furon (Inria researcher). for their best paper at the IEEE WIFS'23 conference, "Three Bricks to Consolidate Watermarks for Large Language Models".

Awards & nominations
Vidéo de Sandrine Blazy qui nous parle de ses travaux de recherche

Sandrine Blazy awarded CNRS silver medal

[Award] Congratulations to Sandrine Blazy, professor at the University of Rennes and member of the EPICURE team, who has been awarded the CNRS silver medal. Sandrine Blazy's research focuses on the development of secure software. Her contribution focuses on the IT tools that enable a written programme to become executable: compilers.

Awards & nominations
Picture of the 3 winners imported from the Université de Rennes website

Valorisation award : Justine Bonnot, Daniel Ménard and Olivier Sentieys win the Digital - Electronics, Photonics, AI and Cyber prize

WedoLow, a start-up created in April 2022, offers a code optimization software solution for greater digital sobriety. It's the result of an innovative idea developed jointly by Justine Bonnot, PhD and engineer in electronics and industrial computing at INSA Rennes, Olivier Sentieys, professor at the University of Rennes and researcher at IRISA/Inria, and Daniel Ménard, professor at INSA Rennes and [..]

Awards & nominations
Equipe Ermine recevant le Best paper

Best Paper Award for the ERMINE team at the MASCOTS 2023 conference

Congratulations to Yassine HADJADJ AOUL (Professor, University of Rennes), Mael LE TREUST (CNRS researcher), Patrick MAILLE (Professor, IMT Atlantique) and Bruno TUFFIN (Inria researcher), members of the ERMINE research team and winners of the Best Paper Award at the MASCOTS 2023 conference in Stony Brook (USA). This prize was awarded in recognition of their publication entitled "An economic [..]