
Image of Beg-er-Vil  virtual excavation

From mesolithic to virtual reality

Beg-er-Vil the mesolithic village reconstituted in 3D Human remains and other artifacts dating back 8200 years found on the archaeological site of Beg-er-Vil in Quiberon, guided the archaeologist Gregor Marchand (CNRS research director at CReAAH) to IRISA to reconstruct in virtual reality, the entire site at different periods of excavation that lasted 7 years. Valérie Gouranton (teacher-researcher [..]


Multiple sclerosis: the PRIMUS hospital-university research programme supported by the State

PRIMUS winner of the 5th call for projects " Recherche hospitalo-universitaire en santé " PRIMUS (Projection in Multiple sclerosis) winner of the 5th call for projects « Recherche hospitalo-universitaire en santé » ( AAP #RHU )*. PRIMUS (Projection in Multiple sclerosis) is a project led by Professor Gilles Edan at the CHU de Rennes , in partnership with the CHU de Nantes and involving 12 other [..]

Écran d'imagerie médicale en milieu hospitalier

Multiple sclerosis: IRISA joined the "ARSEP Open Day

Multiple sclerosis : IRISA took part in the "ARSEP Open Day" to present advances in medical imaging research On Friday 26 November 2021, ARSEP, the Foundation for the Support of Research into Multiple Sclerosis ( Aide à la Recherche sur la Sclérose En Plaques) , organised an "Open Day" in several cities in France, including Rennes. The aim of this day was to present research in medical imaging and [..]

FogGuru project's team in front of the Mont-Saint-Michel

The next generation of Fog Computing experts in Europe has been trained!

Eight international researchers have completed the European Industrial Doctorate programme FogGuru, pioneering the next generation of Fog Computing experts in Europe. Fog Computing is emerging as a new paradigm for powering novel applications and services through the provisioning of a distributed computing infrastructure able to process data closer to users. Fog Computing is a natural evolution of [..]


IRISA, at the heart of mobilty issues in the Rennes metropolitan area

This Wednesday, June 9, holders, partners and academic team met face-to-face to sign the continuation for 3 more years (2021-2024) of the work of the Chair "Mobility in a sustainable city", created in 2017. This special time allowed them to discuss the issues at stake in the particular context of a pandemic that has caused a shock to mobility and accelerated the awareness of all actors on the [..]

photo©Airbus - Ravitaillement entre un Airbus A330-MRTT et un chasseur F-16

Successful research prototype with AIRBUS

This R&D success at Airbus Defence & Space is the culmination of many years of collaboration with two members of the RAINBOW team (formerly Lagadic): Éric Marchand (Professor at the University of Rennes 1) and François Chaumette (Research Director at Inria Rennes). To see the guidance of autonomous aerial vehicles become a reality, our researchers specializing in the localization of 3D objects and [..]

Personne en fauteil et icone de Maison Innovations et Handicap (MIH)

Launch of the Innovations, Handicap, Autonomy and Accessibility Chair (IH2A), headed by Marie Babel

Digital for inclusiveness and home support For some elderly or handicapped people, the absence or loss of mobility, the limitation of exploration capacities, deprives them of autonomy and independence in daily or social activities. Although solutions exist in terms of support or technical aids, the prevention and preservation of independence, inclusiveness and home support has become a national [..]

Drone au décolage - NOKIA, CTDO et IRISA

Drone and 5G experiment, a world first for NOKIA Lannion in which IRISA participates

Following the authorisation obtained from ANFR for the 5G programme, an experiment involving the flight of a low-altitude drone in 5G was carried out on Thursday 17 December 2020 on the Lannion campus. The aim was to demonstrate the ability to perform real-time image identification analysis on a video stream captured by a UAV on a 5G network in autonomous mode (SA) and to immediately send the [..]