Module Rules

Require Import List.
Require Import Omega.
Require Import Utils.
Require Import Lattices.
Require Import Instr.
Require Import Coq.Unicode.Utf8.
Require Import Vector.
Set Implicit Arguments.

Definition of a DSL for rule expressions and its evaluation function.

Section Rules.

All of these definitions are parameterized by n, the number of input labels supplied for a rule. This permits us to check statically that the rule doesn't use an undefined label.

Context {T: Type}.
Context {Latt: JoinSemiLattice T}.

Label expressions

Labels variables
Inductive LAB (n: nat) : Type :=
| lab1 : 1 <= n -> LAB n
| lab2 : 2 <= n -> LAB n
| lab3 : 3 <= n -> LAB n
| labpc : LAB n.

Output label expressions: the Modify part
Inductive rule_expr (n: nat) : Type :=
| L_Bot: rule_expr n
| L_Var: LAB n -> rule_expr n
| L_Join: rule_expr n -> rule_expr n -> rule_expr n.

Side conditions for rules: the Allow part
Inductive rule_cond (n : nat) : Type :=
| A_True: @rule_cond n
| A_LE: rule_expr n -> rule_expr n -> @rule_cond n
| A_And: @rule_cond n -> @rule_cond n -> @rule_cond n
| A_Or: @rule_cond n -> @rule_cond n -> @rule_cond n


Record AllowModify (n:nat) := almod {
   allow : rule_cond n;
   labResPC : rule_expr n;
   labRes : rule_expr n

Rule evaluation

eval_var is a mapping from abstract label names to concrete label values (a context). It is constructed from the vector of input labels.

Definition mk_eval_var {n:nat} (vs:Vector.t T n) (pc:T) : LAB n -> T :=
fun lv =>
    match lv with
     | lab1 p => nth_order vs p
     | lab2 p => nth_order vs p
     | lab3 p => nth_order vs p
     | labpc => pc

Fixpoint eval_expr {n:nat} (eval_var:LAB n -> T) (e: rule_expr n) : T :=
match e with
  | L_Bot => bot
  | L_Var labv => eval_var labv
  | L_Join e1 e2 => join (eval_expr eval_var e1) (eval_expr eval_var e2)

Fixpoint eval_cond {n:nat} (eval_var:LAB n -> T) (c: rule_cond n) : bool :=
match c with
  | A_True => true
  | A_And c1 c2 => andb (eval_cond eval_var c1) (eval_cond eval_var c2)
  | A_Or c1 c2 => orb (eval_cond eval_var c1) (eval_cond eval_var c2)
  | A_LE e1 e2 => flows (eval_expr eval_var e1) (eval_expr eval_var e2)

apply_rule evaluates the allow-modify r to the given parameters. Returns the result PC label and result value label, or nothing when the Allow condition fails.

Definition apply_rule {n:nat} (r: AllowModify n)
  (pclab:T) (vlabs: Vector.t T n) : option (T * T) :=
  let eval_var := mk_eval_var vlabs pclab in
  if eval_cond eval_var (allow r) then
    Some (eval_expr eval_var (labResPC r),
          eval_expr eval_var (labRes r))
  else None.

End Rules.

Cosmetic notations for writing and applying rules

Fixpoint nlem (n:nat) (m:nat) : n<=(n+m).
(match m with
| O => _ (le_n n)
| S m' => _ (le_S _ _ (nlem n m'))
intros; omega.
intros; zify; omega.

Notation "'≪' c1 , lpc , e1 '≫'" := (almod c1 lpc e1) (at level 95, no associativity).
Notation "'≪' c1 , lpc , '__' '≫'" := (almod c1 lpc (L_Bot _)) (at level 95, no associativity).
Notation "'LabPC'" := (L_Var (labpc _)).
Notation "'Lab1'" := (L_Var (lab1 (nlem _ _))).
Notation "'Lab2'" := (L_Var (lab2 (nlem _ _))).
Notation "'Lab3'" := (L_Var (lab3 (nlem _ _))).
Notation "'BOT'" := (L_Bot _).
Notation "'JOIN'" := L_Join.
Notation "'TRUE'" := (A_True _).
Notation "'AND'" := A_And.
Notation "'OR'" := A_Or.
Notation "'LE'" := A_LE.
Notation "<||>" := (Vector.nil _).
Notation " <| x ; .. ; y |> " := (Vector.cons _ x _ .. (Vector.cons _ y _ (Vector.nil _)) ..).