Module Refinement

Require Import Relations.
Require Import List.
Require Import Utils.
Require Import Semantics.
Require TINI.

Generic notion of refinement between two semantics

Set Implicit Arguments.
Hint Constructors TINI.exec.

Definition of refinement

Section Refinement.

Variable S1 : semantics.
Let trace1 := list (event S1).

Variable S2 : semantics.
Let trace2 := list (event S2).

Inductive match_traces (match_events : event S1 -> event S2 -> Prop)
  : trace1 -> trace2 -> Prop :=
| mt_nil : match_traces match_events nil nil
| mt_cons : forall e1 t1 e2 t2,
              match_events e1 e2 ->
              match_traces match_events t1 t2 ->
              match_traces match_events (e1 :: t1) (e2 :: t2).
Hint Constructors match_traces.

Lemma match_traces_no_filter:
  forall (match_events: event S1 -> event S2 -> Prop) tr1 tr2,
    match_traces match_events tr1 tr2 ->
      length tr1 = length tr2.
  intros hme tr1 tr2 hmt.
  induction hmt; auto. simpl. rewrite IHhmt. auto.

Definition refinement_statement match_init_data
                                match_events :=
  forall i1 i2 t2 s2,
    match_init_data i1 i2 ->
    @TINI.exec S2 (init_state S2 i2) t2 s2 ->
    exists t1 s1,
      @TINI.exec S1 (init_state S1 i1) t1 s1 /\
      match_traces match_events t1 t2.

Record refinement := {
  ref_match_init_data : init_data S1 -> init_data S2 -> Prop;
  ref_match_events : event S1 -> event S2 -> Prop;
  ref_prop : refinement_statement ref_match_init_data

Definition state_refinement_statement match_states
                                      match_events :=
  forall s1 s2 t2 s2',
    match_states s1 s2 ->
    @TINI.exec S2 s2 t2 s2' ->
    exists t1 s1',
      @TINI.exec S1 s1 t1 s1' /\
      match_traces match_events t1 t2.

Record state_refinement := {
  sref_match_states : state S1 -> state S2 -> Prop;
  sref_match_events : event S1 -> event S2 -> Prop;
  sref_prop : state_refinement_statement sref_match_states

Refinement from state

Section RefinementFromStateRefinement.

Variable SR : state_refinement.

Variable match_init_data : init_data S1 -> init_data S2 -> Prop.

Hypothesis match_init_data_match_states :
  forall i1 i2,
    match_init_data i1 i2 ->
    sref_match_states SR (init_state _ i1) (init_state _ i2).

Lemma refinement_from_state_refinement_prop :
  refinement_statement match_init_data
                       (sref_match_events SR).
  unfold refinement_statement. eauto using (sref_prop SR).

Definition refinement_from_state_refinement : refinement :=
  {| ref_match_init_data := match_init_data
   ; ref_match_events := sref_match_events SR
   ; ref_prop := refinement_from_state_refinement_prop |}.

End RefinementFromStateRefinement.

Refinement preserves tini

Section NI.

Context {O1 : TINI.Observation S1}
        {O2 : TINI.Observation S2}.

Variable R : refinement.

Hypothesis noninterference1 : TINI.tini O1.

Let low_compatible o1 o2 :=
  forall e1 e2,
    ref_match_events R e1 e2 ->
    (TINI.e_low o1 e1 <-> TINI.e_low o2 e2).

Let i_equiv1_i_equiv2 o1 o2 :=
  forall i21 i22,
    TINI.i_equiv o2 i21 i22 ->
    exists i11 i12,
      TINI.i_equiv o1 i11 i12 /\
      ref_match_init_data R i11 i21 /\
      ref_match_init_data R i12 i22.

Let a_equiv1_a_equiv2 o1 o2 :=
  forall e11 e12 e21 e22,
    TINI.a_equiv _ o1 (E e11) (E e12) ->
    ref_match_events R e11 e21 ->
    ref_match_events R e12 e22 ->
    TINI.a_equiv _ o2 (E e21) (E e22).

Lemma match_traces_match_observations :
  forall o1 o2 t1 t2
         (COMP : low_compatible o1 o2)
         (TRACES : match_traces (ref_match_events R) t1 t2),
    match_traces (ref_match_events R)
                 (TINI.observe O1 o1 t1) (TINI.observe O2 o2 t2).
  induction TRACES; simpl; auto.
  exploit COMP; eauto. intros [COMP1 COMP2].
  destruct (TINI.e_low_dec o1 e1) as [E1 | E1];
  destruct (TINI.e_low_dec o2 e2) as [E2 | E2];

Definition tini_preservation_hypothesis :=
  forall o2, exists o1,
    low_compatible o1 o2 /\
    i_equiv1_i_equiv2 o1 o2 /\
    a_equiv1_a_equiv2 o1 o2.

Hypothesis compatibility : tini_preservation_hypothesis.

Theorem refinement_preserves_noninterference : TINI.tini O2.
  intros o2 i21 t21 s21' i22 t22 s22' Heq2 Hexec21 Hexec22.
  destruct (compatibility o2) as [o1 [H1 [H2 H3]]].
  assert (H := H2 _ _ Heq2).
  destruct H as [i11 [i12 [Heq1 [Hm1 Hm2]]]].
  assert (H := ref_prop R _ _ Hm1 Hexec21).
  destruct H as [t11 [s11' [Hexec11 Hmt1]]].
  assert (H := ref_prop R _ _ Hm2 Hexec22).
  destruct H as [t12 [s12' [Hexec12 Hmt2]]].
  assert (Hindist := noninterference1 _ _ _ Heq1 Hexec11 Hexec12).
  generalize (match_traces_match_observations H1 Hmt1). clear Hmt1. intros Hmt1.
  generalize (match_traces_match_observations H1 Hmt2). clear Hmt2. intros Hmt2.
  generalize (TINI.observe_forall _ o2 t22). intros.
  generalize (TINI.observe_forall _ o2 t21). intros.
  gdep (TINI.observe O2 o2 t22). gdep (TINI.observe O2 o2 t21).
  gdep (TINI.observe O1 o1 t12). gdep (TINI.observe O1 o1 t11).
  clear - H3.

  intros t11 t12 Hindist.
  induction Hindist as [| |e1 t11' t12'];
  intros t21 Hmt1 Ht21 t22 Hmt2 Ht22;
  inv Hmt1; inv Hmt2; try constructor; eauto.
  match goal with
    | |- TINI.ti_trace_indist (?E1 :: _) (?E2 :: _) =>
      assert (Heq : TINI.a_equiv _ o2 (E E1) (E E2))
        by (eapply H3; eauto; try reflexivity)
  inv Ht21. inv Ht22. inv Heq; intuition.
  constructor. auto.

End NI.

A proof technique for proving refinement : lockstep simulation
Section Strong.

Variable match_events : event S1 -> event S2 -> Prop.
Variable match_states : state S1 -> state S2 -> Prop.

Inductive match_actions : (event S1)+τ -> (event S2)+τ -> Prop :=
| match_actions_silent : match_actions Silent Silent
| match_actions_event : forall e1 e2,
  match_events e1 e2 -> match_actions (E e1) (E e2).

Hypothesis lockstep : forall s11 s21 a2 s22,
                        match_states s11 s21 ->
                        step S2 s21 a2 s22 ->
                        exists a1 s12,
                          step S1 s11 a1 s12 /\ match_actions a1 a2 /\ match_states s12 s22.

Theorem strong_refinement_prop :
  state_refinement_statement match_states
  intros s11 s21 t2 s22 Hmt Hexec2.
  gdep s11.
  induction Hexec2; intros s11 Hmt.
  - repeat eexists; eauto.
  - match goal with
      | H1 : match_states _ _,
        H2 : step _ _ _ _ |- _ =>
        exploit lockstep; eauto;
        intros Hlock;
        destruct Hlock as [? [? [? [? ?]]]]
    match goal with
      | H : match_states _ _ |- _ =>
        apply IHHexec2 in H;
        destruct H as [? [? [? ?]]]
    inv H1.
    match goal with
      | H1 : step S1 _ (E ?e1) _,
        H2 : @TINI.exec S1 _ ?t1 ?s12 |- _ =>
        exists (e1 :: t1)
  - exploit lockstep; eauto.
     intros (a1 & s12 & T1 & T2 & T3).
     apply IHHexec2 in T3.
     destruct T3 as (t1 & s1' & V1 & V2).
     inv T2; eauto.

Definition strong_refinement : state_refinement :=
  {| sref_prop := strong_refinement_prop |}.

End Strong.

End Refinement.

Composition of refinements

Section Composition.

Variable S1 : semantics.
Variable S2 : semantics.
Variable S3 : semantics.

Variable R12 : refinement S1 S2.
Variable R23 : refinement S2 S3.

Variable match_init_data : init_data S1 -> init_data S3 -> Prop.
Variable match_events : event S1 -> event S3 -> Prop.

Hypothesis mid13 : forall s1 s3,
                     match_init_data s1 s3 ->
                     exists s2,
                       ref_match_init_data R12 s1 s2 /\
                       ref_match_init_data R23 s2 s3.
Hypothesis me13 : forall e1 e2 e3,
                    ref_match_events R12 e1 e2 ->
                    ref_match_events R23 e2 e3 ->
                    match_events e1 e3.

Lemma match_events_composition : forall t1 t2 t3,
                                   match_traces S1 S2
                                                (ref_match_events R12) t1 t2 ->
                                   match_traces S2 S3
                                                (ref_match_events R23) t2 t3 ->
                                   match_traces S1 S3 match_events t1 t3.
  intros t1 t2 t3 H12.
  gdep t3.
  induction H12; intros t3 H23; inv H23; econstructor; eauto.

Lemma ref_composition_prop : refinement_statement S1 S3 match_init_data match_events.
  intros s11 s31 t3 s32 H13 Hexec3.
  exploit mid13; eauto.
  intros [s2 [H12 H23]].
  exploit (ref_prop R23); eauto.
  intros [? [? [? ?]]].
  exploit (ref_prop R12); eauto.
  intros H'.
  destruct H' as [? [? [? ?]]].
  eauto using match_events_composition.

Definition ref_composition :=
  {| ref_prop := ref_composition_prop |}.

End Composition.