Module FaultRoutine

Fault Handler Generation code and correctness proofs.

Require Import ZArith.
Require Import List.
Require Import Utils.
Import ListNotations.
Require Vector.

Require Import LibTactics.
Require Import Instr.
Require Import Lattices.
Require Import Concrete.
Require Import ConcreteMachine.
Require Import Rules.
Require Import CLattices.
Require Import CodeTriples.
Require Import CodeSpecs.
Require Import CodeGen.
Require Import CLattices.
Require Import ConcreteExecutions.
Require Import Encodable.
Require Import CLabels.
Require Import QuasiAbstractMachine.

Definition of the fault handler generator

The following definition, and specification are generic in the abstract notion of label, and in the encoding thereof. We instanciate with IFC label and their concrete encoding at the end of the file
Section FaultHandler.

Context {T : Type}
        {ET : Encodable T}
        {labelCount : OpCode -> nat}
        {run_tmr : run_tmr_type labelCount T}
        {CT : ConcreteLabels T ET labelCount run_tmr}.

Definition opcodes :=
  [OpNoop; OpAdd; OpSub; OpPush; OpPop;
   OpLoad; OpStore; OpJump; OpBranchNZ;
   OpCall; OpRet; OpVRet; OpOutput].

Check if top of stack is an encoding of opcode op
Definition genCheckOp (op:OpCode): code :=
  genTestEqual (push (opCodeToZ op)) (loadFrom addrOpLabel).

Put rule application results on stack.
Definition genComputeResults: code :=
  indexed_cases nop genCheckOp genRule opcodes.

Write fault handler results to memory.
Definition genStoreResults: code :=
  ifNZ (storeAt addrTagRes ++
        storeAt addrTagResPC ++

Definition genError :=
  push (-1) ++ [Jump].

The entire handler
Definition faultHandler: code :=
  genComputeResults ++
  genStoreResults ++
  ifNZ [Ret] genError.

Fault-handler Code Specifications.

Section TMUSpecs.

Connecting to the definition used in Concrete.v
Lemma init_enough: forall {n} (vls:Vector.t T n) m opcode pcl,
    cache_hit m (opCodeToZ opcode) (labsToZs vls) (labToZ pcl) ->
      (opCodeToZ opcode)
      (labsToZs vls)
      (labToZ pcl)
  intros. unfold labsToZs in H.
  inv H. inv UNPACK. inv OP. inv TAG1. inv TAG2. inv TAG3. inv TAGPC.
  econstructor; jauto.

Variable opcode: OpCode.

Variable vls: Vector.t T (labelCount opcode).
Variable pcl: T.
Variable m0: memory.
Hypothesis initial_mem_matches: handler_initial_mem_matches
                                  (opCodeToZ opcode)
                                  (labsToZs vls)
                                  (labToZ pcl) m0.

Spec of the code generated for a given opcode's rule
Lemma genRule_spec_GT :
  forall ar,
    run_tmr opcode pcl vls = ar ->
    GT (genRule opcode)
       (fun m s => m = m0)
       (fun m0' s0 m s => m = m0 /\
                          s = listify_apply_rule ar s0).
  unfold GT; intros.
  eapply HT_strengthen_premise; eauto.
  - eapply genRuleCorrect; eauto.
  - intros m s (H1 & H2 & H3). subst. eauto.

Spec of the code for comparison against a given opcode
Lemma genCheckOp_spec:
  forall opcode', forall s0,
    HT (genCheckOp opcode')
      (fun m s => m = m0 /\
                  s = s0)
      (fun m s => m = m0 /\
                  s = (boolToZ (opCodeToZ opcode' =? opCodeToZ opcode)
                      ,handlerTag) ::: s0).
  unfold handler_initial_mem_matches in *;
  jauto_set_hyps; intros.
  unfold genCheckOp.
  eapply genTestEqual_spec.
  intros. eapply HT_strengthen_premise.
  eapply push_spec.
  split_vc. subst; eauto.
  intros. eapply HT_strengthen_premise. eapply loadFrom_spec.
  split_vc. subst; eauto.
  destruct (labsToZs vls) as [[tag1 tag2] tag3].
  intuition eauto.

Lemma genCheckOp_spec_GT:
  forall opcode',
    GT (genCheckOp opcode')
       (fun m s => m = m0)
       (fun m0' s0 m s => m = m0 /\
                          s = (boolToZ (opCodeToZ opcode' =? opCodeToZ opcode)
                               ,handlerTag) ::: s0).
  unfold GT; intros.
  eapply HT_consequence; eauto.
  - eapply genCheckOp_spec; eauto.
  - simpl; intuition (subst; eauto).
  - simpl; intuition (subst; eauto).

Section FaultHandlerSpec.

Variable ar: option (T * T).
Hypothesis H_apply_rule: run_tmr opcode pcl vls = ar.

Definition Qnil: GProp := fun m0' s0 m s => True.
Definition genV: OpCode -> HFun :=
  fun i _ _ => boolToZ (opCodeToZ i =? opCodeToZ opcode).
Definition genC: OpCode -> code := genCheckOp.

Definition genQ: OpCode -> GProp :=
         (fun i m0' s0 m s => m = m0 /\
                              s = listify_apply_rule ar s0).

Lemma genCheckOp_spec_GT_push_v:
  forall opcode',
    GT_push_v (genC opcode')
              (fun m s => m = m0)
              (genV opcode').
  intros; eapply GT_consequence'.
  eapply genCheckOp_spec_GT.
  intuition (subst; intuition).

Lemma opCodeToZ_inj: forall opcode opcode',
  (boolToZ (opCodeToZ opcode' =? opCodeToZ opcode) <> 0) ->
  opcode' = opcode.
  intros o o'.
  destruct o; destruct o'; simpl; solve [ auto | intros; false; omega ].

Lemma genRule_spec_GT_guard_v :
  forall opcode',
    GT_guard_v (genRule opcode')
               (fun m s => m = m0)
               (genV opcode')
               (genQ opcode').
  cases (dec_eq_OpCode opcode' opcode) as Eq; clear Eq.
  - eapply GT_consequence'.
    + subst opcode'.
      eapply genRule_spec_GT. eauto.
    + iauto.
    + iauto.
  - unfold GT_guard_v, GT, HT.
    unfold genV in *.
    pose (opCodeToZ_inj opcode opcode').
    false; intuition.

Lemma H_indexed_hyps: indexed_hyps _ genC genRule genQ genV (fun m s => m = m0) opcodes.
  intuition; try (solve
    [ eapply genCheckOp_spec_GT_push_v
    | eapply genRule_spec_GT_guard_v ]).

Spec for the top level switch case on the opcode
Lemma genComputeResults_spec_GT:
  GT genComputeResults
     (fun m s => m = m0)
     (fun m0' s0 m s => m = m0 /\
                        s = listify_apply_rule ar s0).
  eapply GT_consequence'.
  unfold genComputeResults.
  eapply indexed_cases_spec with (Qnil:=Qnil).
  - Case "default case that we never reach".
    unfold GT; intros.
    eapply HT_strengthen_premise.
    eapply nop_spec.
    unfold Qnil; iauto.
  - exact H_indexed_hyps.
  - iauto.
  - Case "untangle post condition".
    assert (0 = 0) by reflexivity.
    assert (1 <> 0) by omega.
    clear H_apply_rule.
    unfold genV, genQ.
    cases opcode; simpl; intuition.

Under our assumptions, genComputeResults just runs the appropriate genApplyRule
Lemma genComputeResults_spec:
    forall s0,
      HT genComputeResults
           (fun m s => m = m0 /\
                       s = s0)
           (fun m s => m = m0 /\
                       s = listify_apply_rule ar s0).
  eapply HT_consequence'.
  eapply genComputeResults_spec_GT.
  simpl; iauto.

Spec for storing the result of a rule application
Lemma genStoreResults_spec_Some: forall lr lrpc,
  valid_address addrTagRes m0 ->
  valid_address addrTagResPC m0 ->
  ar = Some (lrpc, lr) ->
  forall s0,
    HT genStoreResults
       (fun m s => m = m0 /\
                   s = listify_apply_rule ar s0)
       (fun m s =>
        (exists m', upd_m addrTagRes (labToZ lr,handlerTag) m0
                    = Some m'
                 /\ upd_m addrTagResPC (labToZ lrpc,handlerTag) m'
                    = Some m)
        /\ s = (1,handlerTag) ::: s0).
  introv HvalidRes HvalidResPC Har_eq; intros.
  unfold listify_apply_rule.
  rewrite Har_eq.
  unfold genStoreResults.

  eapply valid_store in HvalidRes.
  destruct HvalidRes as [m' ?].
  eapply valid_address_upd in HvalidResPC.
  eapply valid_store in HvalidResPC.
  destruct HvalidResPC as [m'' ?]; eauto.

  eapply HT_strengthen_premise.
  eapply ifNZ_spec_NZ with (v:=1).
  eapply HT_compose_bwd.
  eapply HT_compose_bwd.
  eapply genTrue_spec.
  eapply storeAt_spec.
  eapply storeAt_spec.

  simpl; intuition; subst; jauto.

Lemma genStoreResults_spec_None:
  ar = None ->
  forall s0,
    HT genStoreResults
       (fun m s => m = m0 /\
                   s = listify_apply_rule ar s0)
       (fun m s => m = m0 /\
                   s = (0,handlerTag) ::: s0).
  introv Har_eq; intros.
  unfold listify_apply_rule.
  rewrite Har_eq.
  unfold genStoreResults.

  eapply HT_strengthen_premise.
  eapply ifNZ_spec_Z with (v:=0).
  eapply genFalse_spec.


The irrelevant memory never changes
Lemma genStoreResults_update_cache_spec_rvec:
  valid_address addrTagRes m0 ->
  valid_address addrTagResPC m0 ->
  forall s0,
    HT genStoreResults
       (fun m s => m = m0 /\
                   s = listify_apply_rule ar s0)
       (fun m s => update_cache_spec_rvec m0 m).
  unfold update_cache_spec_rvec in *.

  cases ar as Eq_ar.
  destruct p.

  + eapply HT_weaken_conclusion;
    rewrite <- Eq_ar in *.

    eapply genStoreResults_spec_Some; eauto.


    jauto_set_hyps; intros.
    eapply transitivity.
    eapply update_list_Z_spec2; eauto.
    eapply update_list_Z_spec2; eauto.

  + eapply HT_weaken_conclusion;
    rewrite <- Eq_ar in *.

    eapply genStoreResults_spec_None; eauto.

    simpl; intuition; subst; auto.

Definition handler_final_mem_matches (lrpc: T) (lr: T) (m: memory) (m': memory) :Prop :=
     cache_hit_read m' (labToZ lr) (labToZ lrpc)
  /\ update_cache_spec_rvec m m'.

Lemma genStoreResults_spec_Some': forall lr lpc,
  valid_address addrTagRes m0 ->
  valid_address addrTagResPC m0 ->
  ar = Some (lpc, lr) ->
  forall s0,
    HT genStoreResults
       (fun m s => m = m0 /\
                   s = listify_apply_rule ar s0)
       (fun m s => handler_final_mem_matches lpc lr m0 m
                   /\ s = (1,handlerTag) ::: s0).
  introv HvalidRes HvalidResPC Har_eq; intros.
  generalize (valid_store _ (labToZ lr, handlerTag) _ HvalidRes).
  intros [m' Hm'].
  generalize (valid_address_upd _ _ _ _ _ HvalidResPC Hm').
  clear HvalidRes HvalidResPC.
  intros HvalidResPC.
  generalize (valid_store _ (labToZ lpc, handlerTag) _ HvalidResPC).
  intros [m'' Hm''].
  unfold genStoreResults.
  eapply HT_strengthen_premise.
  eapply ifNZ_spec_NZ with (v := 1); try omega.
  eapply HT_compose_bwd.
  eapply HT_compose_bwd.
  eapply genTrue_spec.
  eapply storeAt_spec.
  eapply storeAt_spec.
  rewrite Har_eq. simpl.
  intros m s [Hm Hs]. subst.
  generalize (update_list_Z_spec _ _ _ Hm''). intros H1.
  generalize (update_list_Z_spec _ _ _ Hm'). intros H2.
  erewrite update_list_Z_spec2 in H2; eauto; try solve [compute; omega].
  repeat (split; eauto); try econstructor; eauto.
  clear - Hm' Hm''.
  intros addr H1 H2.
  transitivity (read_m addr m'); eapply update_list_Z_spec2; eauto.

Spec of the code handling a disallowed instruction
Lemma genError_specEscape: forall raddr (P: memory -> stack -> Prop),
  HTEscape raddr genError
           (fun m s => (P m s , Failure)).
  unfold genError.
  eapply HTEscape_compose.
  Focus 2.
  eapply jump_specEscape_Failure.
  eapply HT_strengthen_premise.
  eapply push_spec.

Spec of the fault-handler return
Definition genFaultHandlerReturn: code := ifNZ [Ret] genError.

Lemma genFaultHandlerReturn_specEscape_Some: forall raddr lr lpc,
  forall s0,
  HTEscape raddr genFaultHandlerReturn
       (fun (m : memory) (s : stack) =>
        handler_final_mem_matches lr lpc m0 m /\
        s = (1, handlerTag) ::: CRet raddr false false :: s0)
       (fun (m : memory) (s : stack) =>
        (s = s0 /\ handler_final_mem_matches lr lpc m0 m, Success)).
  unfold genFaultHandlerReturn.
  eapply HTEscape_strengthen_premise.
  - eapply ifNZ_specEscape with (v:=1) (Pf:=fun m s => True); intros.
    eapply ret_specEscape.
  - subst.
    jauto_set_goal; eauto.

Lemma genFaultHandlerReturn_specEscape_None: forall raddr s0,
 HTEscape raddr genFaultHandlerReturn
   (fun (m : memory) (s : stack) => m = m0 /\ s = (0, handlerTag) ::: s0)
   (fun (m : memory) (s : stack) => (m = m0 /\ s = s0, Failure)).
  unfold genFaultHandlerReturn.
  eapply HTEscape_strengthen_premise.
  - eapply ifNZ_specEscape with (v := 0) (Pt := fun m s => True); intros.
    + intuition.
    + eapply genError_specEscape.
  - intros.
    jauto_set_goal; eauto.

Lemma faultHandler_specEscape_Some: forall raddr lr lpc,
  valid_address addrTagRes m0 ->
  valid_address addrTagResPC m0 ->
  ar = Some (lpc, lr) ->
  forall s0,
    HTEscape raddr faultHandler
             (fun m s => m = m0 /\
                         s = (CRet raddr false false::s0))
             (fun m s => ( s = s0 /\
                           handler_final_mem_matches lpc lr m0 m
                         , Success )).
  unfold faultHandler.
  eapply HTEscape_compose.
  - eapply genComputeResults_spec.
  - eapply HTEscape_compose.
    + eapply genStoreResults_spec_Some'; eauto.
    + eapply genFaultHandlerReturn_specEscape_Some; auto.

Lemma faultHandler_specEscape_None: forall raddr,
  ar = None ->
  forall s0,
    HTEscape raddr faultHandler
             (fun m s => m = m0 /\ s = s0)
             (fun m s => (m = m0 /\ s = s0
                         , Failure)).
  unfold faultHandler.
  eapply HTEscape_compose.
  - eapply genComputeResults_spec.
  - eapply HTEscape_compose.
    + eapply genStoreResults_spec_None; eauto.
    + eapply genFaultHandlerReturn_specEscape_None; auto.

End FaultHandlerSpec.

End TMUSpecs.

Correctness theorems of the fault handler generator

Section HandlerCorrect.

Theorem handler_correct_succeed :
  forall opcode vls pcl c m raddr s i lr lpc,
  forall (INPUT: cache_hit c (opCodeToZ opcode) (labsToZs vls) (labToZ pcl))
         (RULE: run_tmr opcode pcl vls = Some (lpc,lr)),
    exists c',
    runsToEscape (CState c m faultHandler i (CRet raddr false false::s) (0,handlerTag) true)
                 (CState c' m faultHandler i s raddr false) /\
    handler_final_mem_matches lpc lr c c'.
  assert (valid_address addrTagRes c).
    inv INPUT. inv TAGR. eapply index_list_Z_valid; eauto.
  assert (valid_address addrTagResPC c).
    inv INPUT. inv TAGRPC. eapply index_list_Z_valid; eauto.
  edestruct (faultHandler_specEscape_Some opcode vls pcl c)
      as [stk1 [cache1 [pc1 [priv1 [[P1 P2] [P3 P4]]]]]]; eauto.
   eapply init_enough; auto.
  apply code_at_id.
  exists cache1.
  inversion P3. subst.
  apply P4.

Theorem handler_correct_fail :
  forall opcode vls pcl c m raddr s i,
  forall (INPUT: cache_hit c (opCodeToZ opcode) (labsToZs vls) (labToZ pcl))
         (RULE: run_tmr opcode pcl vls = None),
    exists st,
    runsToEscape (CState c m faultHandler i (CRet raddr false false::s) (0,handlerTag) true)
                 (CState c m faultHandler i st (-1,handlerTag) true).
  edestruct (faultHandler_specEscape_None opcode vls pcl c) with (raddr := (0,0))
      as [stk1 [cache1 [pc1 [priv1 [[P1 P2] [P3 P4]]]]]]; eauto.
   eapply init_enough; eauto.
   eapply code_at_id.
   inv P3. eexists. eauto.

End HandlerCorrect.

End FaultHandler.

Instantiating the above results for IFC labels

TMU Fault Handler generator

Section TMU.

Open Local Scope Z_scope.

Context {T: Type}
        {Latt: JoinSemiLattice T}
        {CLatt: ConcreteLattice T}
        {ELatt : Encodable T}
        {WFCLatt: WfConcreteLattice T Latt CLatt ELatt}.

Compilation of rules

Definition genVar {n:nat} (l:LAB n) :=
  match l with
  | lab1 _ => loadFrom addrTag1
  | lab2 _ => loadFrom addrTag2
  | lab3 _ => loadFrom addrTag3
  | labpc => loadFrom addrTagPC

Fixpoint genExpr {n:nat} (e: rule_expr n) :=
  match e with
  | L_Bot => genBot
  | L_Var l => genVar l
  | L_Join e1 e2 => genExpr e2 ++ genExpr e1 ++ genJoin

Fixpoint genCond {n:nat} (s: rule_cond n) : code :=
  match s with
  | A_True => genTrue
  | A_LE e1 e2 => genExpr e2 ++ genExpr e1 ++ genFlows
  | A_And s1 s2 => genCond s2 ++ genCond s1 ++ genAnd
  | A_Or s1 s2 => genCond s2 ++ genCond s1 ++ genOr

Definition genApplyRule {n:nat} (am:AllowModify n): code :=
  ite (genCond (allow am))
        (genExpr (labResPC am) ++
         genExpr (labRes am))

End TMU.


Section IFC.

Context {T : Type}
        {LT : JoinSemiLattice T}
        {ET : Encodable T}
        {CT : ConcreteLattice T}
        {WT : WfConcreteLattice T LT CT ET}.

Definition fetch_rule_impl_type: Type := forall (opcode:OpCode), {n:nat & AllowModify n}.
Variable fetch_rule_impl: fetch_rule_impl_type.

Section Specs.

Variable opcode : OpCode.
Variable pcl : T.
Definition n := projT1 (fetch_rule_impl opcode).
Definition am := projT2 (fetch_rule_impl opcode).
Variable vls : Vector.t T n.
Variable m0: memory.
Hypothesis initial_mem_matches: handler_initial_mem_matches
                                  (opCodeToZ opcode)
                                  (labsToZs vls)
                                  (labToZ pcl) m0.

Definition eval_var := mk_eval_var vls pcl.

Lemma genVar_spec_wp: forall v (Q: memory -> stack -> Prop),
      HT (genVar v)
         (fun m s => m = m0 /\ Q m ((labToZ (eval_var v),handlerTag):::s))
  intros v Q.
  unfold genVar; subst. inv initial_mem_matches. intuition.
  destruct v;
    (eapply HT_strengthen_premise;
    try eapply loadFrom_spec;
    simpl; intros m s [Hmem HQ]; subst;
    try erewrite <- nth_order_valid in HQ; eauto).

Lemma genExpr_spec_wp: forall (e: rule_expr n) (Q:memory->stack->Prop),
      HT (genExpr e)
           (fun m s => m = m0 /\ Q m ((labToZ (eval_expr eval_var e),handlerTag):::s))
  induction e.
  - intros.
    eapply HT_strengthen_premise.
    eapply genBot_spec.
 - intros.
   simpl. eapply HT_strengthen_premise.
   eapply genVar_spec_wp.
 - intros. simpl.
   repeat eapply HT_compose_bwd.
   eapply genJoin_spec.
   eapply IHe1.
   eapply HT_strengthen_premise.
   eapply IHe2.

Lemma genScond_spec_wp: forall (c: rule_cond n) (Q:memory-> stack ->Prop),
      HT (genCond c)
           (fun m s => m = m0 /\
                        Q m ((boolToZ (eval_cond eval_var c),handlerTag):::s))

  induction c; intros; simpl.

  - eapply HT_strengthen_premise.
    eapply genTrue_spec.

  - repeat eapply HT_compose_bwd.
    eapply genFlows_spec.
    eapply genExpr_spec_wp.
    eapply HT_strengthen_premise.
    eapply genExpr_spec_wp.

  - eapply HT_compose_bwd.
    eapply HT_compose_bwd.
    eapply genAnd_spec.
    eapply IHc1.
    eapply HT_strengthen_premise.
    eapply IHc2.

  - eapply HT_compose_bwd.
    eapply HT_compose_bwd.
    eapply genOr_spec.
    eapply IHc1.
    eapply HT_strengthen_premise.
    eapply IHc2.

Lemma genApplyRule_spec_Some_wp:
  forall lrpc lr,
    apply_rule am pcl vls = Some (lrpc, lr) ->
    forall Q,
      HT (genApplyRule am)
           (fun m s => m = m0 /\
                       Q m (( 1, handlerTag) :::
                            (labToZ lr, handlerTag) :::
                            (labToZ lrpc, handlerTag)::: s))
  introv Happly. intros.
  unfold genApplyRule.
  unfold apply_rule in Happly.
  cases_if in Happly.
  inv Happly; subst.

  eapply HT_strengthen_premise. unfold ite.
  eapply HT_compose_bwd.
  eapply ifNZ_spec_existential.
  eapply HT_compose_bwd.
  eapply push_spec.

  eapply HT_compose_bwd.
  eapply genExpr_spec_wp.
  eapply genExpr_spec_wp.
  eapply push_spec.
  eapply genScond_spec_wp.
  unfold eval_var in H2.
  rewrite H in H2 at 1.
  false; omega.

Lemma genApplyRule_spec_None_wp:
    apply_rule am pcl vls = None ->
    forall Q,
      HT (genApplyRule am)
           (fun m s => m = m0 /\
                       Q m ((0, handlerTag) :::
  introv Happly. intros.
  unfold genApplyRule.
  unfold apply_rule in Happly.
  cases_if in Happly.
  eapply HT_strengthen_premise. unfold ite.
  eapply HT_compose_bwd.
  eapply ifNZ_spec_existential.
  eapply HT_compose_bwd.
  eapply push_spec.

  eapply HT_compose_bwd.
  eapply genExpr_spec_wp.
  eapply genExpr_spec_wp.
  eapply push_spec.
  eapply genScond_spec_wp.
  split_vc. substs.
  split; intros;
  (unfold eval_var in H0;
  rewrite H in H0 at 1);

Lemma genApplyRule_spec_wp:
  forall ar,
    apply_rule am pcl vls = ar ->
    forall Q,
      HT (genApplyRule am)
           (fun m s => m = m0 /\
                       Q m (listify_apply_rule ar s))
  case_eq ar; intros p ?; subst.
  - destruct p as [lrpc lr].
    eapply genApplyRule_spec_Some_wp; eauto.
  - eapply genApplyRule_spec_None_wp; eauto.

Lemma genCond_spec_wp: forall (c: rule_cond n),
  forall b,
    eval_cond eval_var c = b ->
    forall Q,
      HT (genCond c)
           (fun m s => m = m0 /\ Q m ((boolToZ b, handlerTag) ::: s))
           Q .
  induction c; intros; simpl;
    try (simpl in H); subst.

  eapply HT_strengthen_premise.
  eapply genTrue_spec. split_vc.

  eapply HT_compose_bwd.
  eapply HT_compose_bwd.
  eapply genFlows_spec.
  eapply genExpr_spec_wp.
  eapply HT_strengthen_premise.
  eapply genExpr_spec_wp. split_vc; eauto.

  eapply HT_compose_bwd.
  eapply HT_compose_bwd.
  eapply genAnd_spec.
  eapply IHc1; eauto.
  eapply HT_strengthen_premise.
  eapply IHc2; eauto. split_vc; eauto.

  eapply HT_compose_bwd.
  eapply HT_compose_bwd.
  eapply genOr_spec.
  eapply IHc1; eauto.
  eapply HT_strengthen_premise.
  eapply IHc2; eauto. split_vc; eauto.

End Specs.

Instance LatticeConcreteLabels :
  ConcreteLabels T ET _ (fun op pcl vls => apply_rule (am op) pcl vls) := {
  genRule op := genApplyRule (am op)

  eapply genApplyRule_spec_wp; eauto.

End IFC.