Module CLattices

Require Import ZArith.
Require Import List.
Import ListNotations.
Require Import LibTactics.

Require Import Instr.
Require Import Lattices.
Require Import Concrete.
Require Import CodeGen.
Require Import CodeTriples.
Require Import CodeSpecs.
Require Import Encodable.

Local Open Scope Z_scope.

A ConcreteLattice is a way of computing over the elements of some encodable lattice, as defined in Encodable.v and Lattices.v. This is used in the fault handler of the concrete machine to interpret the plain integer tags as ifc-labels. This comprises the implementation of three lattice primitives in machine code, genBot, genJoin and genFlows. We also define the notion of a correct lattice encoding, WfConcreteLattice, which will be needed when proving the correctness of the fault handler.

The methods of ConcreteLattice, are pieces of code that should implement the three lattice methods bot, join and flows, operating on integers encoding elements of T. Notice that we don't place any correctness assumptions on these operations; these requirements are laid out in the WfConcreteLattice class, given later.
Class ConcreteLattice (T: Type) :=
{ genBot : list Instr
; genJoin : list Instr
; genFlows : list Instr

TMUHL is an example showing that we can implement the simple H/L lattice using the implementation of the corresponding boolean operations defined in CodeGen.v
Instance TMUHL : ConcreteLattice Lab :=
{ genBot := genFalse
  ;genJoin := genOr
  ;genFlows := genImpl

In order for a lattice implementation to be correct, each piece of code in ConcreteLattice must compute exactly what we expect. We specify that with the Hoare triples defined in CodeTriples.v.
Class WfConcreteLattice (T: Type) (L : JoinSemiLattice T) (CL: ConcreteLattice T) (E : Encodable T) :=
{ genBot_spec: forall Q,
   HT genBot
      (fun m s => Q m ((labToZ bot,handlerTag):::s))
; genJoin_spec: forall Q,
   HT genJoin
       (fun m s => exists l l' s0, s = (labToZ l, handlerTag) :::
                                       (labToZ l', handlerTag)::: s0 /\
                                   Q m ((labToZ (join l l'), handlerTag) ::: s0))
; genFlows_spec: forall Q,
   HT genFlows
       (fun m s => exists l l' s0, s = (labToZ l, handlerTag) :::
                                       (labToZ l', handlerTag)::: s0 /\
                            Q m ((boolToZ (flows l l'), handlerTag) ::: s0))


We can easily show that the encoding TMUHL of Lab above is correct. We prove the four required lemmas, and them package them in the TMUHLwf class below.
Lemma ZToLab_labToZ_id_HL : forall l, l = ZToLab (labToZ l).
  destruct l; auto.

Lemma genBot_spec_HL : forall Q,
   HT genBot
      (fun m s => Q m ((labToZ bot,handlerTag):::s))
   unfold genBot, TMUHL.
   eapply genFalse_spec; simpl; eauto.

Lemma genJoin_spec_HL : forall Q,
   HT genJoin
       (fun m s => exists l l' s0, s = (labToZ l, handlerTag) :::
                                       (labToZ l', handlerTag)::: s0 /\
                                   Q m ((labToZ (join l l'), handlerTag) ::: s0))
  unfold genJoin, TMUHL.
  eapply HT_strengthen_premise.
  eapply genOr_spec; eauto.
  simpl. intros. destruct H as [l [l' [s0 Hint]]]. intuition.
  cases l; cases l'; substs; unfold labToZ, boolToZ in *.
  exists false; exists false; exists s0 ;
  intuition; eauto.
  exists false; exists true; exists s0 ;
  intuition; eauto.
  exists true; exists false; exists s0 ;
  intuition; eauto.
  exists true; exists true; exists s0 ;
  intuition; eauto.

Lemma genFlows_spec_HL: forall Q,
   HT genFlows
       (fun m s => exists l l' s0, s = (labToZ l, handlerTag) :::
                                       (labToZ l', handlerTag)::: s0 /\
                            Q m ((boolToZ (flows l l'), handlerTag) ::: s0))
  unfold genFlows, TMUHL, genImpl.
  eapply HT_compose_bwd.
  eapply genOr_spec.
  unfold genNot.
  eapply HT_strengthen_premise.
  eapply ifNZ_spec_existential.
  eapply push_spec.
  eapply push_spec.
  destruct x, x0 ; simpl in *; intuition; substs; unfold boolToZ.
  exists true; exists false; exists x1 ;
  intuition; eauto.
  exists true; exists true; exists x1 ;
  intuition; eauto.
  exists false; exists false; exists x1 ;
  intuition; eauto.
  exists false; exists true; exists x1 ;
  intuition; eauto.

Instance TMUHLwf : WfConcreteLattice Lab HL TMUHL EncodableHL :=
{ genBot_spec := genBot_spec_HL
; genJoin_spec := genJoin_spec_HL
; genFlows_spec := genFlows_spec_HL