Library AbGoto

Require Import
  Coqlib Utf8 String ToString Util
  Goto GotoString GotoSem
  LatticeSignatures AdomLib

Set Implicit Arguments.

Record mem_dom (ab_mem ab_num: Type) :=
{ as_wl: weak_lattice ab_mem
; var: ab_mem register ab_num
; load_single: ab_mem addr ab_num
; store_single: ab_mem addr ab_num ab_mem
; assign: ab_mem register ab_num ab_mem
; compare: ab_mem register register ab_mem
; assume: ab_mem flag bool ab_mem+⊥
; init: memory list addr ab_mem

Definition pre_machine_config : Type :=
  (flag_state × register_state × memory)%type.
Definition pmc_flg : pre_machine_config flag_state := fst fst.
Definition pmc_reg : pre_machine_config register_state := snd fst.
Definition pmc_mem : pre_machine_config memory := snd.

Instance gamma_to_mc {A} `(gamma_op A pre_machine_config) :
  gamma_op A machine_config :=
  λ a mc, (mc_flg mc, mc_reg mc, mc_mem mc) γ(a).

Lemma gamma_to_mc_adom {A} wl (G: gamma_op A pre_machine_config) :
  adom A _ wl G
  adom A _ wl (gamma_to_mc G).

Definition Assign {ab_num: Type} `{ab_machine_int ab_num}
           (E: 𝒫 machine_config) (rd: register) (v: ab_num) : 𝒫 machine_config :=
  fun mci m, v',
               E m γ v v'
              mci.(mc_flg) = m.(mc_flg)
              mci.(mc_reg) = m.(mc_reg) # rd v'
              mci.(mc_mem) = m.(mc_mem).

Definition Store {ab_num: Type} `{ab_machine_int ab_num}
           (E: 𝒫 machine_config) (dst:addr) (v: ab_num) : 𝒫 machine_config :=
  fun mci m v',
               E {| pc := mci.(pc); mc_flg := mci.(mc_flg)
                  ; mc_reg := mci.(mc_reg); mc_mem := m |}
              v' γ(v)
              a, mci.(mc_mem) a = (m # dst v') a.

Definition Compare {ab_num: Type} `{ab_machine_int ab_num}
           (E: 𝒫 machine_config) (rs rd: register) : 𝒫 machine_config :=
  fun mci f,
               E {| pc := mci.(pc); mc_flg := f
                  ; mc_reg := mci.(mc_reg); mc_mem := mci.(mc_mem) |}
              mci.(mc_flg) = eval_flag (mci.(mc_reg) rd) (mci.(mc_reg) rs).

Definition Assume {ab_num: Type} `{ab_machine_int ab_num}
           (E: 𝒫 machine_config) (f: flag) (b: bool) : 𝒫 machine_config :=
  fun mciE mci mci.(mc_flg) f = b.

Let mc_mem' (mc: machine_config) : int int := mc.(mc_mem).
Local Coercion mc_mem' : machine_config >-> Funclass.

Record mem_dom_sound {ab_mem ab_num} `{ab_machine_int ab_num} (M: mem_dom ab_mem ab_num) (G: gamma_op ab_mem pre_machine_config) : Prop :=
{ as_adom : adom ab_mem pre_machine_config M.(as_wl) G
; var_sound: ab:ab_mem, m: machine_config,
      m γ(ab) r, mc_reg m r γ(M.(var) ab r)
; load_sound: ab:ab_mem, m: machine_config,
      m γ(ab) a:addr, m(a) γ(M.(load_single) ab a)
; assign_sound: ab:ab_mem, rd v,
      Assign (γ ab) rd v γ(M.(assign) ab rd v)
; store_sound: ab:ab_mem, dst v,
      Store (γ ab) dst v γ (M.(store_single) ab dst v)
; compare_sound: ab:ab_mem, rs rd,
      Compare (γ ab) rs rd γ(M.(compare) ab rs rd)
; assume_sound: ab:ab_mem, f b,
      Assume (γ ab) f b γ(M.(assume) ab f b)
; init_sound: (m: memory) (dom: list addr) f r (m': memory),
      ( a, List.In a dom m a = m' a)
      (f, r, m') γ(M.(init) m dom)

Context {ab_mem ab_num: Type} `{D: ab_machine_int ab_num} (M: mem_dom ab_mem ab_num).

Definition assume_mem : ab_mem addr int ab_mem := λ ab a val,
  M.(store_single) ab a (const_int val).

Definition AssumeMem (E: 𝒫 machine_config) (dst: addr) (v: int) : 𝒫 machine_config :=
  fun mci m,
               E {| pc := mci.(pc); mc_flg := mci.(mc_flg)
                  ; mc_reg := mci.(mc_reg); mc_mem := m |}
              a, mci.(mc_mem) a = (m # dst v) a.

Context (D_correct: ab_machine_int_correct D)
        (G: gamma_op ab_mem pre_machine_config)
        (M_correct: mem_dom_sound M G).

Lemma assume_mem_sound (ab:ab_mem) (a: addr) (val: int) :
    AssumeMem (γ ab) a val γ(assume_mem ab a val).


Require Generate.

Definition value_lt : relation int :=
  fun i jInt.unsigned i < Int.unsigned j.

Definition value_cmp : int int Datatypes.comparison :=
  fun x yif Int.ltu x y then Lt else if Int.eq x y then Eq else Gt.

Instance OT_ints : OrderedType int := { _eq := eq; _lt := value_lt; _cmp := value_cmp }.

Lemma register_neq_neq : u v : register,
  u vu =/= v.

Lemma register_eq_eq : u v: register, u === v u = v.

Section AbMachineConfig.

Variable d: Type.
Variable n: ab_machine_int d.
Hypothesis n_correct: ab_machine_int_correct n.

Variable alocs : int_set.

Definition is_aloc (v: addr) : bool :=
  if IntSet.mem (proj v) alocs then true else false.

Lemma is_aloc_cases v :
    (IntSet.Mem v alocs P true)
    (¬ IntSet.Mem v alocs P false)
    P (is_aloc v).

Record ab_machine_config :=
{ ab_flg: (register × register)+⊤
; ab_reg: Map [ register , d ]
; ab_mem: Map [ int, d ]

Definition find_def {A B} `{OrderedType A} `{weak_lattice B} (f: Map [A, B]) (x: A) : B :=
  match (f)[x] with
  | Some bb
  | Nonetop

Definition find_aloc (m: Map [int, d]) (v: int) : d :=
  if is_aloc v
  then find_def m v
  else .

Definition find_bot {A B} `{OrderedType A} (f: Map [A, B]) (x: A) : B+⊥ :=
  match (f)[x] with
  | Some bNotBot b
  | NoneBot

Definition ab_machine_state : Type := (ab_machine_config + d)%type.

Definition flag_LE (x y: (register × register)+⊤) : Prop :=
  match x, y with
  | _, AllTrue
  | All, Just _False
  | Just x', Just y'x' = y'

Definition flag_LE_dec x y : { flag_LE x y } + { ¬ flag_LE x y } :=
  match x, y with
  | _, Allleft I
  | All, _right (λ x, x)
  | Just x', Just y'eq_dec x' y'

Definition map_LE {A B: Type} `{OrderedType A} (leb : B B bool) (x y: Map [ A, B ]) : Prop :=
   a b, MapsTo a b x b', MapsTo a b' y leb b b' = true.

Definition map_LE_dec {A B: Type} `{OrderedType A} (leb : B B bool) (x y: Map [ A, B ]) :
  { map_LE leb x y } + { ¬ map_LE leb x y }.

Definition wmap_LE {A B: Type} `{OrderedType A} `{weak_lattice B} (x y: Map [ A, B ]) : Prop :=
   a, find_def x a find_def y a = true
      (x)[a] = (y)[a] (x)[a] = None.
Definition wmap_LE_dec {A B: Type} `{OrderedType A} `{weak_lattice B} (x y: Map [ A, B ]) :
  { wmap_LE x y } + { ¬ wmap_LE x y }.

Definition abmc_LE (x y: ab_machine_config) : Prop :=
  flag_LE x.(ab_flg) y.(ab_flg)
wmap_LE x.(ab_reg) y.(ab_reg)
wmap_LE x.(ab_mem) y.(ab_mem).

Definition abmc_LE_dec x y : { abmc_LE x y } + { ¬ abmc_LE x y } :=
  match flag_LE_dec x.(ab_flg) y.(ab_flg) with
  | right NEright (λ K, NE (proj1 K))
  | left F
    match wmap_LE_dec x.(ab_reg) y.(ab_reg) with
  | right NEright (λ K, NE (proj1 (proj2 K)))
  | left R
    match wmap_LE_dec x.(ab_mem) y.(ab_mem) with
  | right NEright (λ K, NE (proj2 (proj2 K)))
  | left MEMleft (conj F (conj R MEM))

Definition abms_LE (x y: ab_machine_state) : Prop :=
  match x, y with
  | inl x', inl y'abmc_LE x' y'
  | inr x', inr y'leb x' y' = true
  | _, _False

Definition abms_LE_dec x y : { abms_LE x y } + { ¬ abms_LE x y }.

Definition flg_join x y :=
  if flag_LE_dec x y
  then y
  else All.

Definition map_join {A B: Type} `{OrderedType A} (join: B B B) (f g: Map [ A, B ]) : Map [ A, B ] :=
    (fun k yadd k match (f)[k] with Noney | xjoin x y end)

Definition map_join_get {A B: Type} `{OrderedType A} (join : B B B) (f g: Map [ A, B ]) :
   k, find_bot (map_join join f g) k = match find_bot f k, find_bot g k with
                                   | NotBot x, NotBot yNotBot (join x y)
                                   | NotBot x, BotNotBot x
                                   | Bot, NotBot yNotBot y
                                   | Bot, BotBot

Definition wmap_join {A B: Type} `{OrderedType A} (join: B B B) `{weak_lattice B} (f g: Map [ A, B ]) : Map [ A, B ] :=
    (fun k ylet y' := join (find_def f k) y in if y' then id else add k y')

Definition wmap_join_get {A B: Type} `{OrderedType A} (join: B B B) `{weak_lattice B} (f g: Map [ A, B ]) (q:A) :
  find_def (wmap_join join f g) q = match (g)[q] with
                                    | None ⇒ ()
                                    | Some ylet y' := join (find_def f q) y in
                                                if y' then else y'

Definition abmc_join (x y: ab_machine_config) : ab_machine_config :=
  {| ab_flg := flg_join x.(ab_flg) y.(ab_flg)
   ; ab_reg := wmap_join join x.(ab_reg) y.(ab_reg)
   ; ab_mem := wmap_join join x.(ab_mem) y.(ab_mem) |}.

Definition abmc_widen (x y: ab_machine_config) : ab_machine_config :=
  {| ab_flg := flg_join x.(ab_flg) y.(ab_flg)
   ; ab_reg := wmap_join widen x.(ab_reg) y.(ab_reg)
   ; ab_mem := wmap_join widen x.(ab_mem) y.(ab_mem) |}.

Definition abms_join (x y: ab_machine_state) : ab_machine_state+⊤ :=
  match x, y with
  | inl x', inl y'Just (inl (abmc_join x' y'))
  | inr x', inr y'Just (inr (join x' y'))
  | _, _All

Definition flg_gamma (x: (register × register)+⊤) (mci: pre_machine_config) : Prop :=
  match x with
  | Just (r1, r2) f, pmc_flg mci f = eval_flag (pmc_reg mci r2) (pmc_reg mci r1) f
  | AllTrue

Definition map_gamma {A B C: Type} `{OrderedType A} `{weak_lattice B} `{gamma_op B C} (x: Map [ A, B ]) (v: A C): Prop :=
   k, γ (find_bot x k) (v k).

Lemma map_join_sound {A B C: Type} `{OrderedType A} `{WL:weak_lattice B}
      `{G:gamma_op B C} `{adom B C WL G} :
   P, Proper (_eq ==> eq) P
        x y: Map [ A, B ],
         map_gamma x P map_gamma y P map_gamma (map_join join x y) P.

Definition wmap_gamma {A B C: Type} `{OrderedType A} `{weak_lattice B} `{gamma_op B C} (x: Map [ A, B ]) (v: A C): Prop :=
   k, γ (find_def x k) (v k).

Lemma wmap_join_sound {A B C: Type} `{OrderedType A} `{WL: weak_lattice B} `{G: gamma_op B C} `{AD: adom _ _ WL G} (x y: Map [ A, B ]) :
   P, Proper (_eq ==> eq) P
  wmap_gamma x P wmap_gamma y P wmap_gamma (wmap_join join x y) P.

Definition gamma_mem {C: Type} `{G: gamma_op d C} (x: Map [ int, d ]) (v: int C) : Prop :=
   k, v(k) γ(find_aloc x k).

Lemma gamma_mem_sound {C: Type} `{G: gamma_op d C} `{AD: adom _ _ _ G} (x y: Map [ int, d ]) :
  (gamma_mem x gamma_mem y) gamma_mem (wmap_join join x y).

Instance abmc_gamma : gamma_op ab_machine_config pre_machine_config :=
  λ x mc,
    flg_gamma x.(ab_flg) mc
   wmap_gamma x.(ab_reg) (pmc_reg mc)
   gamma_mem x.(ab_mem) (pmc_mem mc).

Definition abms_gamma (x: ab_machine_state) (m: machine_state) : Prop :=
  match x, m with
  | inl x', Running m'm' γ(x')
  | inr x', Halted m'γ x' m'
  | _, _False

Definition map_to_string {A B: Type} `{OrderedType A}
           (A_to_string : A string) (B_to_string : B string)
           (m: Map [A,B]) : string :=
    (fun k v accA_to_string k ++ " ↦ " ++ B_to_string v ++ "; " ++ acc)

Instance abmc_toString `{ToString d} : ToString ab_machine_config :=
  { to_string x :=
  ("⟨" ++
    match x.(ab_flg) with
    | All ⇒ ""
    | Just (r1,r2) ⇒ "(" ++ string_of_reg r1 ++ ", " ++ string_of_reg r2 ++ ")"
    end ++
    map_to_string string_of_reg to_string x.(ab_reg) ++
    map_to_string string_of_int to_string x.(ab_mem) ++

Definition ab_machine_config_pl : pre_lattice ab_machine_config :=
  {| pl_leb x y := abmc_LE_dec x y
   ; pl_join x y := Just (abmc_join x y)
   ; pl_widen x y := Just (abmc_widen x y)

Lemma ab_machine_config_pl_sound : pre_lattice_spec ab_machine_config_pl abmc_gamma.
  Hint Resolve as_int_adom.

Definition invalidate_flag (r:register) f :=
match f with
| AllAll
| Just (r1, r2)if eq_dec r r1 then All else if eq_dec r r2 then All else f

Lemma invalidate_flag_preserve : {R F p1 p2},
  invalidate_flag R F = Just (p1,p2)
  R p1 R p2.

Definition ab_store_strong (m: Map [ addr, d ]) (a: addr) (v: d) : Map [ addr, d ] :=
  if is_aloc a
  then if v
       then remove a m
       else (m)[a <- v]
  else m.

Definition abmc_init (m: memory) (dom: list int) : Map [ int, d ] :=
  List.fold_left (fun a i(a)[ i <- const_int (m i) ]) dom [].

Definition ab_machine_config_mem_dom : mem_dom (ab_machine_config+⊤) d :=
  as_wl := weak_lattice_of_pre_lattice ab_machine_config_pl
; var x := match x with
           | Just x' find_def x'.(ab_reg)
           | _ fun _ top
; load_single x := match x with
                   | Just x' find_aloc x'.(ab_mem)
                   | _ fun _ top
; compare x rs rd := top_lift (λ x', {| ab_flg := Just (rs, rd)
                                         ; ab_reg := x'.(ab_reg)
                                         ; ab_mem := x'.(ab_mem) |}) x
; assume x f b :=
  match x with
  | Just x'
    match x'.(ab_flg) with
    | Just (Ru, Rv)
      let u := find_def x'.(ab_reg) Ru in
      let v := find_def x'.(ab_reg) Rv in
      let op := match f with FLE Cle | FLT Clt | FEQ Ceq end in
      let v'u' := backward_int_binop (OpCmp op) v u
                    (const_int (IntervalDomain.Interval.of_bool b)) in
      match v'u' with
      | (NotBot v', NotBot u')
        NotBot (Just {| ab_flg := x'.(ab_flg)
                      ; ab_reg := (x'.(ab_reg)) [ Ru <- u' ] [ Rv <- v' ]
                      ; ab_mem := x'.(ab_mem) |})
      | _ Bot
    | All NotBot x
  | All NotBot x
; assign x := match x with
              | Just x' fun r v Just {| ab_flg := invalidate_flag r x'.(ab_flg)
                                            ; ab_reg := (x'.(ab_reg)) [ r <- v ]
                                            ; ab_mem := x'.(ab_mem) |}
              | _ fun _ _ All
; store_single x a v := do_top x' <- x;
                        Just {| ab_flg := x'.(ab_flg)
                              ; ab_reg := x'.(ab_reg)
                              ; ab_mem := ab_store_strong x'.(ab_mem) a v |}
; init m dom := Just {| ab_flg := All; ab_reg := []; ab_mem := abmc_init m dom |}

Lemma ab_machine_config_mem_dom_sound : mem_dom_sound ab_machine_config_mem_dom (toplift_gamma abmc_gamma).

End AbMachineConfig.