Module CSSApargen

translation from SSA to CSSApar form

Require Import Coqlib.
Require Errors.
Require Import Maps.
Require Import AST.
Require Import Integers.
Require Import Values.
Require Import Switch.
Require Import Op.
Require Import Registers.
Require Import CminorSel.
Require Import CSSApar.
Require Import Kildall.
Require Import Utils.
Require Import SSA.
Require Import SSAutils.
Require Import Bijection.

Local Open Scope string_scope.

Monad state for the transformation

Record state : Type := mkstate {
  next_fresh_reg: reg;
  st_phicode: phicode;
  st_parcopycode: CSSApar.parcopycode

Inductive state_incr: state -> state -> Prop :=
    forall (s1 s2: state),
    (Ple (fst (next_fresh_reg s1)) (fst (next_fresh_reg s2))) ->
    state_incr s1 s2.

Lemma state_incr_refl:
  forall s, state_incr s s.
  intros; constructor.
  apply Ple_refl.

Lemma state_incr_trans:
  forall s1 s2 s3,
  state_incr s1 s2
  -> state_incr s2 s3
  -> state_incr s1 s3.
  intros; constructor; auto.
  eapply Ple_trans; inv H; inv H0; eauto.

Monadic machinery

Inductive res (A: Type) (s: state): Type :=
  | Error: Errors.errmsg -> res A s
  | OK: A -> forall (s': state), state_incr s s' -> res A s.

Implicit Arguments OK [A s].
Implicit Arguments Error [A s].

Definition mon (A : Type) := forall (s: state), res A s.

Definition ret (A: Type) (x: A) : mon A :=
  fun (s: state) => OK x s (state_incr_refl s).

Implicit Arguments ret [A].

Definition error (A: Type) (msg: Errors.errmsg) : mon A :=
  fun (s: state) => Error msg.

Implicit Arguments error [A].

Definition bind (A B: Type) (f: mon A) (g: A -> mon B) : mon B :=
  fun (s: state) =>
    match f s with
    | Error msg => Error msg
    | OK a s' i =>
        match g a s' with
        | Error msg => Error msg
        | OK b s'' i' => OK b s'' (state_incr_trans s s' s'' i i')

Implicit Arguments bind [A B].

Definition bind2 (A B C: Type) (f: mon (A * B)) (g: A -> B -> mon C) : mon C :=
  bind f (fun xy => g (fst xy) (snd xy)).

Implicit Arguments bind2 [A B C].

Notation "'do' X <- A ; B" := (bind A (fun X => B))
   (at level 200, X ident, A at level 100, B at level 200).
Notation "'do' ( X , Y ) <- A ; B" := (bind2 A (fun X Y => B))
   (at level 200, X ident, Y ident, A at level 100, B at level 200).

Fixpoint mfold_unit {A: Type} (f: A -> mon unit) (l: list A) : mon unit :=
  match l with
    | nil => ret tt
    | hd :: tl => (do rhd <- f hd ; mfold_unit f tl)

Fixpoint mfold {A B: Type} (f: A -> B -> mon B) (l: list A) (b: B) : mon B :=
  match l with
    | nil => ret b
    | hd :: tl =>
      do rhd <- f hd b;
      mfold f tl rhd

The transformation

Building parallel copies from phi-instruction variables

next fresh register
Definition next_fs (fs : reg) :=
  (Psucc (fst fs), 1%positive).

Remark gen_newreg_incr:
  forall s,
    state_incr s
        (next_fs (next_fresh_reg s))
        (st_phicode s)
        (st_parcopycode s)).
  intros; econstructor.
  apply Ple_succ.

Definition gen_newreg (arg: reg) : mon reg :=
  fun s =>
    OK (next_fresh_reg s)
        (next_fs (next_fresh_reg s))
        (st_phicode s)
        (st_parcopycode s))
      (gen_newreg_incr _).

Fixpoint gen_new_regs (args: list reg) : mon (list reg) :=
  match args with
  | nil => ret nil
  | arg :: args =>
      do newreg <- gen_newreg arg;
      do newregs <- gen_new_regs args;
      ret (newreg :: newregs)

Adding parallel copies

Remark add_parcopy_incr:
  forall s pc parcb,
    state_incr s
        (next_fresh_reg s)
        (st_phicode s)
        (PTree.set pc parcb (st_parcopycode s))).
  intros; constructor; auto.
  apply Ple_refl.

Definition add_parcopy (parcopy: CSSApar.parcopy) (pc: node) : mon unit :=
  fun s =>
    match PTree.get pc (st_parcopycode s) with
    | None => Error (Errors.msg "")
    | Some parcopies =>
      let new_parcb := parcopy :: parcopies
      OK tt
          (next_fresh_reg s)
          (st_phicode s)
          (PTree.set pc new_parcb (st_parcopycode s)))
        (add_parcopy_incr _ _ _)

Fixpoint add_parcopies (parcopies: list CSSApar.parcopy)
    (copy_nodes: list node) : mon unit :=
  match parcopies, copy_nodes with
  | parcopy :: parcopies, pc :: copy_nodes =>
      do u <- add_parcopies parcopies copy_nodes;
      add_parcopy parcopy pc
  | nil, nil => ret tt
  | _, _ => error (Errors.msg "add_parcopies")

Adding phi instruction with new variables

Remark add_new_phi_incr :
  forall s pc phib,
    state_incr s
        (next_fresh_reg s)
        (PTree.set pc phib (st_phicode s))
        (st_parcopycode s)).
  intros; constructor; auto.
  simpl. apply Ple_refl.

Definition add_new_phi (dst': reg ) (args': list reg)
    (pc: node) :=
  fun s =>
  match PTree.get pc (st_phicode s) with
    | None => Error (Errors.msg "")
    | Some phib' =>
        OK tt
            (next_fresh_reg s)
            (PTree.set pc (Iphi args' dst' :: phib')
              (st_phicode s))
            (st_parcopycode s))
          (add_new_phi_incr _ _ _)

Fixpoint build_parcopies (args args' : list reg) :=
  match args, args' with
  | nil, nil => ret nil
  | arg :: args, arg' :: args' =>
      do parcopies <- build_parcopies args args';
      ret (Iparcopy arg arg' :: parcopies)
  | _, _ => error (Errors.msg "build_parcopies")

Fixpoint handle_phi_block (preds: list node)
    (block: list phiinstruction) (pc: node)
    : mon unit :=
  match block with
  | nil => ret tt
  | Iphi args dst :: block =>
      do dst' <- gen_newreg dst;
      do args' <- gen_new_regs args;
      do u <- handle_phi_block preds block pc;
      do parcopies <- build_parcopies args args';
      do u' <- add_parcopy (Iparcopy dst' dst) pc;
      do u'' <- add_parcopies parcopies preds;
      add_new_phi dst' args' pc

Remark initialize_parcopy_block_incr :
  forall s pc,
  state_incr s
      (next_fresh_reg s)
      (st_phicode s)
      (PTree.set pc nil (st_parcopycode s))).
  intros; constructor.
  simpl. apply Ple_refl.

Definition initialize_parcopy_block pc :=
  fun s =>
  OK tt
      (next_fresh_reg s)
      (st_phicode s)
      (PTree.set pc nil (st_parcopycode s)))
    (initialize_parcopy_block_incr _ _).

Fixpoint initialize_parcopy_blocks nodes :=
  match nodes with
  | nil => ret tt
  | pc :: nodes =>
      do u <- initialize_parcopy_block pc;
      initialize_parcopy_blocks nodes

Remark initialize_phi_block_incr :
  forall s pc,
  state_incr s
      (next_fresh_reg s)
      (PTree.set pc nil (st_phicode s))
      (st_parcopycode s)).
  intros; constructor; simpl. apply Ple_refl.

Definition initialize_phi_block pc :=
  fun s =>
  OK tt
      (next_fresh_reg s)
      (PTree.set pc nil (st_phicode s))
      (st_parcopycode s))
    (initialize_phi_block_incr _ _).

Definition copy_node (predsfun: PTree.t (list node)) (code: code)
    (pcode: phicode) (pc: node) : mon unit :=
  match pcode ! pc with
  | None => ret tt
  | Some block =>
      match predsfun ! pc with
      | None => error (Errors.msg "copy_node")
      | Some preds =>
          do u <- initialize_phi_block pc;
          do u' <-
            initialize_parcopy_blocks (pc :: preds);
          handle_phi_block preds block pc

functions to get a first fresh register

Definition max_reg_in_list (l: list reg) :=
  List.fold_left (fun m r => Pmax m (fst r)) l 1%positive.

Definition get_max_reg_in_ins (ins : SSA.instruction) :=
  match ins with
  | Inop _ => 1%positive
  | Iop _ args res _ => max_reg_in_list (res :: args)
  | Iload _ _ args dst _ => max_reg_in_list (dst :: args)
  | Istore _ _ args src _ => max_reg_in_list (src :: args)
  | Icall _ (inl r) args res _ => max_reg_in_list (r :: res :: args)
  | Icall _ _ args res _ => max_reg_in_list (res :: args)
  | Itailcall _ (inl r) args => max_reg_in_list (r :: args)
  | Itailcall _ _ args => max_reg_in_list args
  | Ibuiltin _ args res _ => max_reg_in_list (res :: args)
  | Icond _ args _ _ => max_reg_in_list args
  | Ijumptable arg _ => max_reg_in_list (arg :: nil)
  | Ireturn None => 1%positive
  | Ireturn (Some arg) => max_reg_in_list (arg :: nil)

Definition get_max_reg_in_phiins (phi: phiinstruction) :=
  match phi with
  | Iphi args res => max_reg_in_list (res :: args)

Definition get_max_reg_in_phib (phib: phiblock) :=
    (fun m phiins => Pmax m (get_max_reg_in_phiins phiins))
    phib 1%positive.

Definition get_max_reg_in_phicode (pcode: phicode) :=
  PTree.fold (fun m pc phib => Pmax m (get_max_reg_in_phib phib))
    pcode 1%positive.

Definition get_max_reg_in_code (code: code) :=
  PTree.fold (fun m pc ins => Pmax m (get_max_reg_in_ins ins))
    code 1%positive.

Definition get_maxreg (f: SSA.function) :=
    (get_max_reg_in_code (fn_code f))
      (get_max_reg_in_phicode (fn_phicode f))
      (max_reg_in_list (fn_params f))).

State initialisation

Definition init_state (f: SSA.function) :=
    (Psucc (get_maxreg f), 1%positive)
    (PTree.empty phiblock)
    (PTree.empty CSSApar.parcopyblock)
  , fst (PTree.elements (fn_code f))).

Normalisation check

Definition check_node (f : SSA.function) (pc : node) :=
  match (fn_code f) ! pc with
  | Some (Inop succ) =>
      match (fn_phicode f) ! pc with
      | None => true
      | Some phib =>
          match (fn_phicode f) ! succ with
          | None => true
          | Some phib => false
  | _ => true

Definition check_joinpoints (f: SSA.function) :=
  forallb (check_node f)
    (map fst (PTree.elements (fn_code f))).

Definition check_inop_jp (f : SSA.function) (pc : node) :=
  match (fn_phicode f) ! pc with
  | Some phib =>
      match (fn_code f) ! pc with
      | Some (Inop succ) => true
      | _ => false
  | None => true

Definition check_jp_inops (f: SSA.function) :=
  forallb (check_inop_jp f)
    (map fst (PTree.elements (fn_phicode f))).

Definition entry_point_not_jp_pred (entryp : node) (parcode : parcopycode) :=
  match parcode ! entryp with
  | Some parcb => false
  | None => true

Checks for well-formedness

Fixpoint check_nodup_in_reglist l visited :=
  match l with
  | nil => (true, visited)
  | r :: t =>
      if SSARegSet.mem r visited then (false, visited)
      else check_nodup_in_reglist t (SSARegSet.add r visited)

Fixpoint check_nodup_in_phib phib visited :=
  match phib with
  | nil => true
  | Iphi args dst :: phib' =>
      let '(test, visited') :=
        check_nodup_in_reglist (dst :: args) visited in
      if test
      then check_nodup_in_phib phib' visited'
      else false

Definition check_phicode_for_dups_in_phib f :=
    (fun pcphib =>
      match pcphib with
      | (pc, phib) =>
          check_nodup_in_phib phib SSARegSet.empty
    (PTree.elements (CSSApar.fn_phicode f)).

Definition check_nb_args f preds :=
    (fun pcphib =>
      match pcphib with
      | (pc, phib) =>
            (fun phi =>
              match phi with
              | Iphi args dst =>
                  beq_nat (length preds !!! pc) (length args)
  (PTree.elements (CSSApar.fn_phicode f)).

Definition check_parcbSome f preds :=
    (fun pcphib =>
      match pcphib with
      | (pc, phib) =>
            (fun pred =>
              match (CSSApar.fn_parcopycode f) ! pred with
              | None => false
              | _ => true
            (preds !!! pc)
  (PTree.elements (CSSApar.fn_phicode f)).

Definition check_parcb'Some f :=
    (fun pcphib =>
      match pcphib with
      | (pc, phib) =>
            match (CSSApar.fn_parcopycode f) ! pc with
            | None => false
            | _ => true
  (PTree.elements (CSSApar.fn_phicode f)).

Definition check_fn_parcb_inop f :=
    (fun pcparcb =>
      match pcparcb with
      | (pc, parcb) =>
            match (CSSApar.fn_code f) ! pc with
            | Some (Inop s) => true
            | _ => false
  (PTree.elements (CSSApar.fn_parcopycode f)).

Definition check_fn_parcbjp f :=
    (fun pcparcb =>
      match pcparcb with
      | (pc, parcb) =>
          match (CSSApar.fn_code f) ! pc with
          | Some (Inop pc') =>
              match (CSSApar.fn_phicode f) ! pc' with
              | None =>
                  match (CSSApar.fn_phicode f) ! pc with
                  | Some phib => true
                  | _ => false
              | _ => true
          | _ => true
    (PTree.elements (CSSApar.fn_parcopycode f)).

Definition check_parcborparcb' f :=
    (fun pcparcb =>
      match pcparcb with
      | (pc, parcb) =>
          match (CSSApar.fn_code f) ! pc with
          | Some (Inop pc') =>
              match (CSSApar.fn_phicode f) ! pc' with
              | None =>
                  match (CSSApar.fn_phicode f) ! pc with
                  | Some phib => true
                  | _ => false
              | _ => true
          | _ => false
    (PTree.elements (CSSApar.fn_parcopycode f)).

Global Translation

Definition transl_function (f: SSA.function) : Errors.res CSSApar.function :=
  let '(init,lp) := init_state f in
  let predsfun := make_predecessors (fn_code f) successors_instr in
  match mfold_unit
      (copy_node predsfun (fn_code f) (fn_phicode f))
      lp init with
  | Error m => Errors.Error m
  | OK u s H =>
      if check_joinpoints f
        && check_jp_inops f
        && entry_point_not_jp_pred f.(SSA.fn_entrypoint) s.(st_parcopycode)
        let tf := (CSSApar.mkfunction
        if check_nb_args tf (get_preds tf) &&
           check_parcbSome tf (CSSApar.get_preds tf) &&
           check_parcb'Some tf &&
           check_fn_parcb_inop tf &&
           check_fn_parcbjp tf &&
           check_parcborparcb' tf &&
           check_phicode_for_dups_in_phib tf
        then Errors.OK tf
        else Errors.Error (Errors.msg "checks")
        Errors.Error (Errors.msg "check_joinpoints")

Definition transl_fundef := transf_partial_fundef transl_function.

Definition transl_program (p: SSA.program) : Errors.res CSSApar.program :=
  transform_partial_program transl_fundef p.