Academic Journals
- B.Chapman, J.Merlin, D.Pritchard, F.Bodin, Y.Mevel, T.Sorevik, L.Hill. Program Development Tools for Clusters of Shared Memory Multiprocessors. Journal of Supercomputing, 0.
- T. Lafage, André Seznec Kluwer. Choosing Representative Slices of Program Execution for Microarchitecture Simulations: A Preliminary Application to the Data Stream. Workload Characterization, 0.
- Pierre Michaud, André Seznec, Stéphan Jourdan. An exploration of instruction fetch requirement in out-of-order superscalar processors. International Journal of Parallel Programming, 0.
- G. Pokam, S. Bihan, J. Simonnet, F. Bodin. SWARP: A Retargetable Preprocessor for Multimedia Instructions. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 0.
- A. Seznec. Concurrent support of multiple page sizes on a skewed associative TLB. IEEE Transactions on Computers, 0.
International Conferences
- K.Heydemann, F.Bodin, P.M.W.Knijnenburg, L.Morin. UFC : a Global Trade-off Strategy for Loop Unrolling for VLIW Architecure. In Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on Compilers for Parallel Computers, 0.
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