Publications of Karine Heydemann
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Academic Journals
- K. Heydemann, F. Bodin, P.M.W. Knijnenburg, L. Morin. UFS: a Global Trade-off Strategy for Loop Unrolling for VLIW Architectures. To appear in Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience Journal, 2004.
International Conferences
- Karine Heydemann, François Bodin, Peter Knijnenburg, Laurent Morin. UFC : a Global Tradeoff Strategy for Loop Unrolling for VLIW Architectures. In CPC'2003, Pages 59-70, 2003.
- Karine Heydemann, Henri-Pierre Charles, François Bodin. Schéma de compression reconfigurable avec un émulateur logiciel pour la recherche de compromis entre la taille du code et sa performance. In RenPar'15/CFSE'3/SympAAA'2003, Pages 417-424, La Colle sur Loup, France, 2003.
Research Reports
- Karine Heydemann, Henri-Pierre Charles, François Bodin. A compression scheme for code size versus performance trade-off. Research Report IRISA, No 1574, 2003.
- Karine Heydemann, François Bodin, Peter Knijnenburg. Global Trade-off between Code Size and Performance for Loop Unrolling on VLIW Architectures. publication interne Irisa, No 1390, 2001.
- Karine Heydemann. Schéma de compilation global sous contraintes pour la recherche de compromis entre la taille d'un code et sa performance. PhD Thesis University of Rennes I, December 2004.
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