Publications of Isabelle Puaut
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Academic Journals
- A. Colin, I. Puaut, C. Rochange, P. Sainrat. Calcul de majorants de pire temps d'exécution : état de l'art. Techniques et Sciences Informatiques (TSI), 22(5):651-677, 2003.
- A. Colin, I. Puaut. Worst Case Execution Time Analysis for a Processor with Branch Prediction. Real-Time Systems, Special issue on worst-case execution time analysis, 18(2):249-274, April 2000.
International Conferences
- I. Puaut. WCET-Centric Software-controlled Instruction Caches for Hard Real-Time Systems. In Proc. of the 18th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems, Dresden, Germany, July 2006.
- A. Arnaud, I. Puaut. Dynamic Instruction Cache Locking in Hard Real-Time Systems. In Proc. of the 14th International Conference on Real-Time and Network Systems (RNTS), Poitiers, France, May 2006.
- F. Bodin, I. Puaut. A WCET-oriented static branch prediction scheme for real-time systems. In Proc. of the 17th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, July 2005.
- A. Marti Campoy, I. Puaut, A. Perles Ivars, J.V. Busquets Mataix. Cache contents selection for statically-locked instruction caches: an algorithm comparison. In Proc. of the 17th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, July 2005.
- L. David, I. Puaut. Static Determination of Probabilistic Execution Times. In Proc. of the 16th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems, Pages 223-230, Catania, Sicily, Italy, July 2004.
- M. Avila, M. Glaizot, I. Puaut. Impact of automatic gain time identification on tree-based static WCET analysis. In Proc. of the 3rd International Workshop on worst-case execution time analysis, in conjunction with the 15th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems, Porto, Portugal, July 2003.
- A. Arnaud, I. Puaut. Towards a predictable and high performance use of instruction caches in hard real-time systems. In Proc. of the work-in-progress session of the 15th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems, Pages 61-64, Porto, Portugal, July 2003.
- I. Puaut, D. Decotigny. Low-Complexity Algorithms for Static Cache Locking in Multitasking Hard Real-Time Systems. In Proc. of the 23rd IEEE International Real-Time Systems Symposium, Austin, TX, USA, December 2002.
- I. Puaut. Real-Time Performance of Dynamic Memory Allocation Algorithms. In Proc. of the 14th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems, Pages 41-49, Vienna, Austria, June 2002.
- I. Puaut. Cache Analysis vs Static Cache Locking for Schedulability Analysis in Multitasking Real-Time Systems. In Proc. of the 2nd International Workshop on worst-case execution time analysis, in conjunction with the 14th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems, Vienna, Austria, June 2002.
- A. Colin, I. Puaut. A modular and retargetable framework for tree-based WCET analysis. In Proc. of the 13th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems, Pages 37-44, Delft, The Netherlands, June 2001.
- A. Colin, I. Puaut. Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis of the RTEMS Real-Time Operating System. In Proc. of the 13th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems, Pages 191-198, Delft, The Netherlands, June 2001.
National Conferences
- I. Puaut, A. Arnaud, D. Decotigny. Analyse de performance de méthodes de verrouillage statique de caches dans les systèmes temps-réel strict. In Proc. of the 12th International Conference on Real-Time Systems (RTS'04), March 2004.
- A. Colin, I. Puaut. Analyse de temps d'exécution au pire cas du système d'exploitation temps-réel RTEMS. In Seconde Conférence Française sur les Systèmes d'Exploitation (CFSE2), Pages 73-84, Paris, France, April 2001.
Research Reports
- I. Puaut, A. Arnaud, D Decotigny. Performance analysis of static cache locking in multitasking hard real-time systems. Research Report IRISA, No 0, October 2003.
- A. Colin, I. Puaut, C. Rochange, P. Sainrat. Calcul de majorants de pire temps d'exécution : état de l'art. Research Report IRISA, No 0, May 2002.
- I. Puaut. Real-time performance of dynamic memory allocation algorithms. Research Report IRISA, No 0, January 2002.
- A. Colin, I. Puaut. A modular and retargetable framework for tree-based WCET analysis. Research Report IRISA, No 0, March 2001.
- A. Colin, I. Puaut. Worst-case timing analysis of the RTEMS real-time operating system. Research Report IRISA, No 0, November 1999.
- A. Colin, I. Puaut. Worst Case Execution Time Analysis for a Processor with Branch Prediction. Research Report IRISA, No 1236, March 1999.
- I. Puaut. Supports d'exécution à temps de réponse contraint tolérants aux fautes. Habilitation à diriger des recherches Université de Rennes I, November 2001.
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