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Gilles Pokam, Sté Bihan, Simonnet Simonnet, Fran\cc Bodin. SWARP: a retargetable preprocessor for multimedia instructions. Concurrency and Computation: Prac\-tice and Experience, 16(2):303-318, 2004.


Francois Bodin

BibTex Reference

   Author = {Pokam, Gilles and Bihan, Sté and Simonnet, Simonnet and Bodin, Fran\cc},
   Title = {{SWARP}: a retargetable preprocessor for multimedia instructions},
   Journal = {Concurrency and Computation: Prac\-tice and Experience},
   Volume = {16},
   Number = {2},
   Pages = {303--318},
   Month = {},
   Year = {2004}

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