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Operand Abstraction


The contents of instruction operands should only be manipulated through the operand abstraction class OperandInfo. This class provides primitives allowing to extract and modify operand values, including register renaming and arbitrary expression substitutions.

The abstract operand contains information on the low-level Salto object representing the actual operand and, for resource operands (registers and memory), gives the type and schedule of accesses made to the operand by the instruction it is attached to. Access schedules are given wrt. the issue cycle of the instruction (0 by convention). Multi-cycle accesses must span an interval of consecutive cycles.

NOTE: expression operands are supposed to evaluate to the form <symbol> + [<symbol>] + [<signed_constant>].


A family of six constructors is provided to allow for a fast and easy construction of operand abstractions:

OperandInfo(operand *op, accessT acc=notAccessed, uint from=0, uint to=0)
builds an operand abstraction from the low-level operand op. If present, the remaining fields (acc, fromCycle, toCycle) define the type and the schedule of the access.
OperandInfo(char *name, accessT acc=notAccessed, uint from=0, uint to=0)
builds the abstraction of an access to the resource *rsrcName. If present, the remaining fields (acc, fromCycle, toCycle) define the type and the schedule of the access.
OperandInfo(SymbolS *symb)
builds the abstraction of a reference to a symbol whose low-level Salto representation is *symb. There is no access information, since the operand is not a resource.
OperandInfo(int cst)
builds the abstraction of a reference to an integer constant cst.
OperandInfo(double fpcst)
builds the abstraction of a reference to a floating-point constant fpcst.
builds an empty operand abstraction, to be completed through further initializations.

Type Manipulation

The type of an operand abstraction can be checked/modified by calling the following predicates and property methods:

operandT OperandInfo::getType(void)
returns the type of the operand. The type can be unknownOpdT, resIdentOpdT, multiresIdentOpdT, FPconstOpdT, exprOpdT,
addExprOpdT, upOrLowPartOpdT, resPlaceholderOpdT, or multiresPlaceholderOpdT.
void OperandInfo::setType(operandT type)
sets the type of the operand abstraction to type.
bool OperandInfo::isResIdent(void)
returns true if the operand is a reference to a single resource (register or memory).
bool OperandInfo::isMultiresIdent(void)
returns true if the operand is a reference to an aggregate resource (such as SPARC's double-precision pseudo-registers consisting of two adjacent %f registers).
bool OperandInfo::isFPconst(void)
returns true if the operand is a floating-point constant.
bool OperandInfo::isExpr(void)
returns true if the operand is a constant integer expression as defined above.
bool OperandInfo::isAddExpr(void)
returns true if the operand is an integer expression containing an addition of symbol values or a metavariable term (such as a macro parameter).
bool OperandInfo::isUpOrLowPart(void)
returns true if the operand is an MSB or LSB part of a resource's contents.
bool OperandInfo::isResPlaceholder(void)
returns true if the operand is a meta-variable (such as a macro parameter) instantiated with a reference to a single resource.
bool OperandInfo::isMultiresPlaceholder(void)
returns true if the operand is a meta-variable (such as a macro parameter) instantiated with a reference to an aggregate resource.

Operand contents manipulation

The contents of operand abstractions should only be manipulated using the methods given below.

res_ref OperandInfo::getRawResource(void)
returns the pointer to the low-level resource reference associated with the operand.
void OperandInfo::setRawResource(res_ref *rsrc)
sets the pointer to the low-level resource reference associated with the operand.
char *OperandInfo::getName(void)
returns the name of the resource associated with the operand.
char *OperandInfo::rename(char *newName)
renames the resource associated with the operand to newName. The subject must be a resource reference abstraction. The new resource must belong to the same class as the original one. On success, the value returned is the name of the original resource. On failure, the method returns NULL.
unsigned int OperandInfo::substitute(char *oldText, char *newText)
substitutes newText for every non-overlapping occurrence of oldText in the (unparsed) representation of the expression corresponding to the abstraction. The textual representation produced by substituting newText for oldText is checked for syntaxical correctness, then parsed to rebuild the expression. The method fails if the operand is not an abstraction of a constant expression. The value returned is the number of substitutions performed. CATCH: make sure that the value of oldText matches the actual external representation of the expression you want to substitute.
operand *OperandInfo::getValue(void)
returns the low-level operand representation corresponding to the abstraction.
void OperandInfo::setValue(char *resName)
sets the abstraction to be a reference to resource resName.
void OperandInfo::setValue(char *multiresName, unsigned int offset, size)
sets the abstraction to be a reference to an aggregate resource of base name multiresName, consisting of size elements starting at position offset in the resource vector.
void OperandInfo::setValue(double fpValue)
sets the abstraction to be the floating-point constant fpValue.

The following group of methods is intended for users familiar with the internal structures of SALTO. Each `set...' method updates all internal fields of the abstraction, leaving it in a consistent state.

NOTE: all methods return and take C++ references.

ident &OperandInfo::getResIdent(void)
returns the low-level single resource reference description associated with the abstraction.
void OperandInfo::setValue(ident &id)
sets the abstraction to match low-level single resource reference id.
multi_ident &OperandInfo::getMultiresIdent(void)
returns the low-level aggregate resource reference description associated with the abstraction.
void OperandInfo::setValue(multi_ident &multiId)
sets the abstraction to match low-level aggregate resource reference multiId.
flp_const &OperandInfo::getFPconst(void)
returns the low-level floating-point constant representation associated with the abstraction.
void OperandInfo::setValue(flp_const &flp)
sets the abstraction to match low-level floating-point constant representation flp.
exprn &OperandInfo::getExpr(void)
returns the low-level constant expression representation associated with the abstraction.
void OperandInfo::setValue(exprn &xp)
sets the abstraction to match low-level constant expression representation xp.
add_expr &OperandInfo::getAddExpr(void)
returns the low-level additive expression representation associated with the abstraction.
void OperandInfo::setValue(add_expr &addxp)
sets the abstraction to match low-level additive expression representation addxp.
up_or_low_part &OperandInfo::getUpOrLowPart(void)
returns the low-level MSB/LSB selector representation associated with the abstraction.
void OperandInfo::setValue(up_or_low_part &uplow)
sets the abstraction to match low-level MSB/LSB selector representation uplow.
placeholder &OperandInfo::getResPlaceholder(void)
returns the low-level single resource meta-variable representation associated with the abstraction.
void OperandInfo::setValue(placeholder &ph)
sets the abstraction to match low-level single resource meta-variable representation ph.
multi_placeholder &OperandInfo::getMultiresPlaceholder(void)
returns the low-level aggregate resource meta-variable representation associated with the abstraction.
void OperandInfo::setValue(multi_placeholder&mph)
sets the abstraction to match low-level aggregate resource meta-variable representation mph.

Resource access information

accessT OperandInfo::getAccessType(void)
returns the type of the access. The type can be notAccessed, readAccess, writeAccess, or useAccess.
void OperandInfo::setAccessType(accessT access)
sets the access type to access.
unsigned int OperandInfo::getFirstCycle(void)
returns the first cycle at which the operand resource is accessed, counted from instruction issue. The value returned is not meaningful if the access type is notAccessed.
unsigned int OperandInfo::getLastCycle(void)
returns the last cycle at which the operand resource is accessed, counted from instruction issue. The value returned is not meaningful if the access type is notAccessed.
void OperandInfo::setFirstCycle(unsigned int first)
sets the first cycle at which the operand resource is accessed.
void OperandInfo::setLastCycle(unsigned int last)
sets the last cycle at which the operand resource is accessed.

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Erven Rohou
Fri Oct 17 09:15:29 MET DST 1997