
anim Scilin  



  • Scilab must be installed.
  • C and Fortran compilers.
This distribution has been tested on the following machines:
  • PC linux
  • SUN Sparcstation (Solaris 5.*)
  • Windows (NT and 2000)

Installing Scilin with Unix

1. Configure your system by issuing the following command in the Scilin directory (SCILINDIR):

./configure --scidir=XX where XX is the Scilab directory (SCIDIR).

This will create the file "Path.incl", which contains the scidir and scilindir path, and the file "Scilin.sce", which will be used to connect the toolbox to Scilab. The compilation options of Scilab, defined in the scilab file: "Makefile.Incl", are used for Scilin compilation too.

2. Type the command in the Scilin directory:


This will compile Scilin and set everything. All functionalities of the toolbox Scilin, are now on-line available.

3. Scilin is then loaded in Scilab by:

exec scilin.sce

Installing Scilin with Windows

1. Run the programm Setup.exe, and then fill the two fields with the
directories of SCILAB and SCILIN.

Note: Upper case is necessary for the CD driver.

2. Hit the button "Install" to compile Scilin. The file "scilin.sce" is created.

3. In Scilab, run the script and all the functionalities of Scilin will be ready.

exec scilin.sce

Customizing Scilin

1. To recompile Scilin after modifications:

Unix: make

Windows: nmake /f Makefile.mak

2. To load Scilin automatically at each run of Scilab, the following command:

exec (' XX/scilin.sce') where XX is the Scilin directory (SCILINDIR) in the Scilab start-up file: '.scilab'.



Last update: 20 07 2001

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