Umlaut User Manual

Umlaut User Manual

What is UMLAUT ?

The Unified Modeling Language is an object-oriented analysis and design modeling language. U.M.L. defines a notation, mainly graphical, to specify and design software systems. Informal semantics are attached to each element of the notation. This notation defines a meta-model allowing the description of the elements of the system, and relations between them.

UMLAUT is a generic transformation framework allowing complex manipulations to be applied to an UML model enhanced to communication rules. UMLAUT architecture includes an implementation framework and a validation and simulation framework. It takes as input UML specifications defined as cdif, up or mdl files format. A Graphical User Interface allows the construction of new UML descriptions.

Transformation rules translate a UML specification as an Abstract Syntax Tree. The core engine of the UMLAUT tool is based on a Transformation Framework from explorations of the Abstract Syntax Tree.

How to use UMLAUT ?

UMLAUT Graphical User Interface overview

OCL support in UMLAUT

Code generation from UML descriptions

Verification and simulation from UML descriptions