How to reach Le Mont St-Michel ?

By road

Mont-Saint-Michel is located 201 miles W of Paris ; 80 miles SW of Caen ; 30 miles E of St-Malo.

From Paris take the highway A13 towards Rouen. Then the N175 to Avranches. Then follow the direction "Le-Mont-Saint-Michel". Minimum 4 hours'drive.

To search a precise itinerary, you can consult

Public transport

The best way to reach Le Mont-Saint-Michel from Paris is by Rennes.

1 - By train :

Departure from Montparnasse station: take a TGV train (high speed train) to Rennes
(It takes 2 hours - About 10 trains per day)

You have to take a TGV train to Rennes.
There are 2 alternatives:

- from the airport, there is a direct access to the TGV to Rennes
(TGV journey takes 3 hours, 3 trains per day)

- or you go to Montparnasse railway station by taking an Air France bus shuttle.
Every 30 min. from 7 am to 9 pm. Average journey time: 45 min. Fare : 70 F.

Go to Montparnasse railway station:
Take OrlyBus to Denfert-Rochereau underground station, then metro (line 6 to Etoile/Nation) stop at Montparnasse railway station, or take an Air France bus shuttle from 5.45 am to 11 pm every 12 min.
Average journey time: 30 mn. Fare : 45 F

2 - By plane

There is a direct flight leaving CDG Airport at 2 pm, arriving in Rennes at 3.10 pm.

Departure time
Arrival time
From London Stansted
From London Gatwick via Guernesey

Dinard is 70 km away from the Mont-Saint-Michel.

Shuttles between Rennes and Le Mont Saint-Michel

Departure from Rennes "Gare SNCF" (1)
Sunday June 4 1:45 pm Free
Departure from Rennes "Gare SNCF" (1)
Sunday June 4 4:45 pm Free

Departure from Rennes "Gare routière" (2)

Sunday June 4 6:15 pm 64 FRF single
Departure from Rennes "Gare routière" (2)
Monday June 5 9:45 am 64 FRF single


(1) Once you are in the railway station, follow de signs "Sortie Sud" (South exit). The bus shuttle "Tourisme Verney" will catch you at the coach parking place.

(2) When you get off the train follow the signs "Sortie Nord" (north exit) then those for "gare routière". The bus "Les courriers bretons" (destination Mont Saint Michel) leaves from the bus station "la gare routière", next to the railway station. In the bus station buy a ticket from Rennes to Mont Saint-Michel. Average journey time: 1 hour.


Just in case:

If you can't take these special or regular buses, Mont-Saint-Michel can also be reached by train from Rennes to Pontorson (direction Caen).
At Pontorson, take a taxi to Mont-Saint-Michel (a distance of 8 km approximately).



Shuttle between Le Mont Saint-Michel
and Rennes "Gare SNCF"

Departure from Mont Saint-Michel
Thursday June 8 3:30 pm 4:55 pm Free

- Next trains to Paris "Gare Montparnasse" at 5:20 pm and 5:50 pm.
- Next train to Paris "CDG Airport" at 6:24 pm.