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  Team SemLIS  


Logiciels Camelis
Camelis is an implementation of Logical Information Systems (LIS) in Objective Caml (OCaml). Hence its name, made from CAMeL-LIS. For instance, it can assist the organisation and retrieval of photos by date, location, type, visible persons, etc. Any type of file or URLs can be imported with automatic annotation for MP3 files, BibTeX files, or DBLP search results. Works on Linux, Windows, and Mac.
Logiciels Abilis (Camelis as a Web Application)
Abilis allows you to play and experiment with Camelis directly in your browser, without the hurdle of installing it. A number of datasets are available (e.g., biblis is the bibliography of the LIS team), and can be chosen via the command File > Load. Abilis is developed in OCaml/Ocsigen.
Logiciels Sewelis (aka. Camelis 2) - a LIS for the Semantic Web
Logiciels The Possible World Explorer (PEW)
Logiciels SQUALL (Semantic Query and Update High-Level Language)
Logiciels TermLis : logical information contexts for terminological resources.
TermLIS is an application of Logical Information Systems to terminological resources.
Logiciels Expérience: PEW vs Protégé